00220+4033 A 1502

00h 21m 57.53s +40° 32' 38.9" P.A. 246.00 sep 0.9 mag 10.31,10.31
Coord 2000 00220+4033 Discov num A  1502 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 21 57.53 +40 32 38.9
Date first 1907 Date last 2018 Obs 25
Pa first 239 Pa last 245.6 P.A. Now (θ) 245.6°
Sep first 0.8 Sep last 0.94 Sep. Now (ρ) 0.94"
Mag pri 10.31 Mag sec 10.31 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -055 Sec motion ra -055
Pri motion dec -016 Sec motion dec -016
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 2787-01036-2 Gaia DR2 380432058299737984
WDS 00220+4033 A 1502 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00220+4033 A 1502 2001 18 245 0.9 10.31 10.31 002157.53+403238.9
00220+4033 A 1502 2008 20 246 0.9 10.31 10.31 002157.53+403238.9
00220+4033 A 1502 2015 21 245 0.9 10.31 10.31 002157.53+403238.9
00220+4033 A 1502 2018 22 246 0.9 10.31 10.31 002157.53+403238.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00220+4033 A 1502 : MEASURES
No records found.


00220+4033 A  1502A mag 10.31 00220+4033 A  1502B sep 0.8 P.A. 239.20 mag 10.31 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00220+4033 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 21m 57.53s +40° 32' 38.9"
WDS 00220+4033 A 1502 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00220+4033  A  1502 distance=1' 00209+4050  ES 1602 distance=22' 00196+4018  DEA  66 distance=31' 00245+4022  MLB 913 distance=32' 00227+4109  BVD 173 distance=37' 00185+4024  MLB 733 distance=41' 00249+4001  KPP3131 distance=46' 00184+4056  COU1202 distance=47' 00259+4015  MLB 807 distance=49' 00247+4120  LMP  25AB distance=57' 00247+4120  LMP  25AC distance=57' 00268+4051  MLB   1AB distance=59' 00252+4121  ES 1486 distance=61' 00262+4113  ES 1603AB distance=63' 00262+4113  ES 1603BC distance=64' 00176+3946  COU1048 distance=67' 00167+4104  FAB   2AB distance=67' 00167+4104  LIP   1AC distance=67' 00266+4122  KPP1439 distance=72' 00284+4030  TDS1480 distance=74' 00164+4117  ES  153 distance=77' 00163+4123  NSN 504 distance=82' 00292+4043  TDS1488 distance=84' 00289+3958  MLB 808 distance=88' 00296+4010  MLB   2 distance=91' 00289+4125  STF  31 distance=95' 00205+3858  KPP2329 distance=96' 00141+3957  ES 2544 distance=97' 00266+3908  LDS6409 distance=100' 00167+3910  ES 1936 distance=100' 00220+4213  HJ 1021 distance=100' 00133+4013  ES  152 distance=101' 00293+3937  MLB 809 distance=101' 00131+4059  COU1201 distance=104' 00263+3857  UC  365 distance=109' 00258+3852  ES  222 distance=111' 00313+3959  CRB  28 distance=112' 00243+3842  CBL   4 distance=114' 00190+3842  ALI 720 distance=116' 00286+3905  ES 1939 distance=117' 00220+4231  RAS  16 distance=118' 00235+3835  BLL   1 distance=120' 00240+3835  BUP   7 distance=121' 00201+4232  HJ 1017 distance=121' 00187+4229  HJ 1014 distance=122' 00171+3841  CHR 123 distance=126' 00331+4018  GRV  30 distance=129' 00150+3851  UC  342 distance=129' 00193+4238  LDS3150 distance=129' 00322+3938  CVR 327 distance=130' 00201+3824  ALI 475 distance=131' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00220+4033 A 1502 246 0.9 1
Show 00209+4050 ES 1602 82 7.0 22
Show 00196+4018 DEA 66 338 55.6 31
Show 00245+4022 MLB 913 84 7.0 32
Show 00227+4109 BVD 173 91 19.0 37
Show 00185+4024 MLB 733 50 10.3 41
Show 00249+4001 KPP3131 137 1.9 46
Show 00184+4056 COU1202 104 1.5 47
Show 00259+4015 MLB 807 336 4.5 49
Show 00247+4120 LMP 25 AB 338 48.6 57
Show 00247+4120 LMP 25 AC 65 75.7 57
Show 00268+4051 MLB 1 AB 222 5.0 59
Show 00252+4121 ES 1486 329 6.7 61
Show 00262+4113 ES 1603 AB 60 29.6 63
Show 00262+4113 ES 1603 BC 317 3.2 64
Show 00176+3946 COU1048 311 0.5 67
Show 00167+4104 FAB 2 AB 304 12.9 67
Show 00167+4104 LIP 1 AC 4 36.0 67
Show 00266+4122 KPP1439 200 10.8 72
Show 00284+4030 TDS1480 135 0.7 74
Show 00164+4117 ES 153 243 2.9 77
Show 00163+4123 NSN 504 253 1.3 82
Show 00292+4043 TDS1488 110 0.5 84
Show 00289+3958 MLB 808 291 8.7 88
Show 00296+4010 MLB 2 231 4.1 91
Show 00289+4125 STF 31 56 5.9 95
Show 00205+3858 KPP2329 247 19.8 96
Show 00141+3957 ES 2544 93 4.6 97
Show 00266+3908 LDS6409 23 24.6 100
Show 00167+3910 ES 1936 71 5.7 100
Show 00220+4213 HJ 1021 246 6.2 100
Show 00133+4013 ES 152 106 7.5 101
Show 00293+3937 MLB 809 321 5.3 101
Show 00131+4059 COU1201 169 1.7 104
Show 00263+3857 UC 365 57 35.9 109
Show 00258+3852 ES 222 153 6.3 111
Show 00313+3959 CRB 28 220 7.0 112
Show 00243+3842 CBL 4 115 29.6 114
Show 00190+3842 ALI 720 118 8.8 116
Show 00286+3905 ES 1939 281 6.4 117
Show 00220+4231 RAS 16 144 0.3 118
Show 00235+3835 BLL 1 3 63.2 120
Show 00240+3835 BUP 7 142 83.5 121
Show 00201+4232 HJ 1017 255 21.3 121
Show 00187+4229 HJ 1014 229 9.7 122
Show 00171+3841 CHR 123 144 0.0 126
Show 00331+4018 GRV 30 156 48.8 129
Show 00150+3851 UC 342 246 43.7 129
Show 00193+4238 LDS3150 87 226.6 129
Show 00322+3938 CVR 327 221 8.8 130
Show 00201+3824 ALI 475 88 15.7 131

WDS 00220+4033 : COMPONENTS
B pa=239.2°
00220+4033 A
Coord arcsec 2000 002157.53+403238.9 Mag 10.31 PmRA -55.00 PmDE -16.0
Tycho2 2787-01036-1
Tycho2 2787-01036-1 Pflag P RAmdeg 5.48972055 DEmdeg 40.54414531
PmRA -54.8 PmDE -16.2 E RAmdeg 27 E DEmdeg 32
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1987.91 EpDEm 1985.90
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.8 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 11.027 E BTmag 0.053 VTmag 10.305
E VTmag 0.041 Prox 9 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 5.48976111 DEdeg 40.54413917 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.67 E RAdeg 26.9 E DEdeg 31.4 Posflg D
Corr -0.1
Ccdm 00220+4033 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -2.43 DDEs -21.0
R dRAs 65 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 10.2 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number +39 65 Cat1 BD
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD
00220+4033 B
Coord arcsec 2000 002157.47+403238.5 Mag 10.31 PmRA -55.00 PmDE -16.0
Calc coord yes
Ccdm 00220+4033 RComp Comp B Note1
Note2 Discov num A 1502 DRAs DDEs
R dRAs Year 1907 Theta 239 Rho 0.9
Obs 11 Vmag 10.3 Sp PmNote
PmRA PmDE Dm number Cat1
Name2 Cat2 HD M HD