23088+1840 GWP 3241

23h 08m 49.13s +18° 40' 10.2" P.A. 245.00 sep 8.7 mag 16.40,16.50
Coord 2000 23088+1840 Discov num GWP3241 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 08 49.13 +18 40 10.2
Date first 1991 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 242 Pa last 244.6 P.A. Now (θ) 244.6°
Sep first 8.6 Sep last 8.66 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.66"
Mag pri 16.40 Mag sec 16.50 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +098 Sec motion ra +104
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -002
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.061 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pegasus Gaia DR2 2831107308968612992
WDS 23088+1840 GWP 3241 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23088+1840 GWP3241 1997 2 245 8.6 16.40 16.50 V 230849.13+184010.2
23088+1840 GWP3241 2010 4 244 8.4 16.40 16.50 V 230849.13+184010.2
23088+1840 GWP3241 2015 5 245 8.7 16.40 16.50 V 230849.13+184010.2
23088+1840 GWP3241 2016 7 245 8.7 16.40 16.50 V 230849.13+184010.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23088+1840 GWP 3241 : MEASURES
No records found.


23088+1840 GWP3241A mag 16.4 23088+1840 GWP3241B sep 8.3 P.A. 243.40 mag 16.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23088+1840 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 08m 49.13s +18° 40' 10.2"
WDS 23088+1840 GWP 3241 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23088+1840  GWP3241 distance=0' 23084+1843  GWP3238 distance=8' 23094+1844  HO  487 distance=9' 23114+1837  GWP3248 distance=37' 23063+1831  KPP3390 distance=37' 23077+1917  UC 4887 distance=41' 23122+1820  GWP3251 distance=53' 23124+1902  SKF1186CE distance=56' 23127+1923  J  3353 distance=69' 23069+1727  BRT1365 distance=79' 23060+1949  UC 4880 distance=80' 23065+1955  NSN 765 distance=82' 23120+1722  ROE 134 distance=91' 23079+1710  SKF 206 distance=91' 23024+1837  HU  398 distance=92' 23073+2010  J   212 distance=92' 23091+1708  LMP  50 distance=92' 23022+1832  HDS3279AC distance=95' 23022+1832  HDS3279AB distance=95' 23022+1832  HDS3279Aa,Ab distance=95' 23105+1705  HEI 194 distance=99' 23132+1959  STF2989 distance=100' 23042+1715  UC  281 distance=108' 23168+1843  KPP1044 distance=114' 23028+1958  UC 4870 distance=116' 23109+1648  J   295AB distance=116' 23109+1648  J   295BC distance=117' 23074+2035  STT 488 distance=117' 23163+1751  UC  285 distance=118' 23004+1846  GRV 627 distance=120' 23167+1937  HDS3316 distance=125' 23176+1818  HU  400 distance=128' 22599+1822  BPM2472 distance=129' 22595+1825  BPM2471 distance=133' 23145+2027  HJ  982AB distance=134' 23145+2027  HJ  982AC distance=134' 23175+1937  BEU  23 distance=136' 22596+1913  CVR 963 distance=136' 23172+2004  KPP1024 distance=146' 23015+1658  BPMA256 distance=147' 23075+2108  LWR  19AB distance=150' 23075+2108  LWR  19AC distance=150' 23075+2108  CLO  11AD distance=150' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ab distance=150' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ac distance=150' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ad distance=150' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ae distance=150' 23043+1622  CVR 970 distance=153' 22579+1827  GWP3216 distance=156' 22578+1833  GRV 625 distance=157' 22575+1817  KPP4295 distance=163' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23088+1840 GWP3241 245 8.7 0
Show 23084+1843 GWP3238 223 3.7 8
Show 23094+1844 HO 487 120 16.2 9
Show 23114+1837 GWP3248 215 29.3 37
Show 23063+1831 KPP3390 279 17.9 37
Show 23077+1917 UC 4887 245 28.5 41
Show 23122+1820 GWP3251 155 36.0 53
Show 23124+1902 SKF1186 CE 8 6.3 56
Show 23127+1923 J 3353 183 6.4 69
Show 23069+1727 BRT1365 96 4.1 79
Show 23060+1949 UC 4880 249 12.7 80
Show 23065+1955 NSN 765 256 5.2 82
Show 23120+1722 ROE 134 66 4.6 91
Show 23079+1710 SKF 206 185 78.4 91
Show 23024+1837 HU 398 300 0.5 92
Show 23073+2010 J 212 341 4.3 92
Show 23091+1708 LMP 50 146 3.1 92
Show 23022+1832 HDS3279 AC 36 0.4 95
Show 23022+1832 HDS3279 AB 163 1.7 95
Show 23022+1832 HDS3279 Aa,Ab 122 0.2 95
Show 23105+1705 HEI 194 32 4.0 99
Show 23132+1959 STF2989 143 1.8 100
Show 23042+1715 UC 281 306 16.2 108
Show 23168+1843 KPP1044 107 8.4 114
Show 23028+1958 UC 4870 38 9.5 116
Show 23109+1648 J 295 AB 168 32.7 116
Show 23109+1648 J 295 BC 139 2.2 117
Show 23074+2035 STT 488 335 14.9 117
Show 23163+1751 UC 285 95 59.5 118
Show 23004+1846 GRV 627 219 77.6 120
Show 23167+1937 HDS3316 8 0.1 125
Show 23176+1818 HU 400 70 0.3 128
Show 22599+1822 BPM2472 155 11.2 129
Show 22595+1825 BPM2471 158 13.0 133
Show 23145+2027 HJ 982 AB 172 39.6 134
Show 23145+2027 HJ 982 AC 217 46.5 134
Show 23175+1937 BEU 23 25 0.4 136
Show 22596+1913 CVR 963 91 9.1 136
Show 23172+2004 KPP1024 54 8.2 146
Show 23015+1658 BPMA256 332 227.1 147
Show 23075+2108 LWR 19 AB 13 14.2 150
Show 23075+2108 LWR 19 AC 116 14.9 150
Show 23075+2108 CLO 11 AD 224 240.0 150
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ab 67 1.7 150
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ac 329 0.9 150
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ad 221 0.7 150
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ae 272 0.4 150
Show 23043+1622 CVR 970 183 10.7 153
Show 22579+1827 GWP3216 309 7.5 156
Show 22578+1833 GRV 625 81 16.8 157
Show 22575+1817 KPP4295 150 3.6 163

WDS 23088+1840 : COMPONENTS
B pa=243.4°
23088+1840 A
Coord arcsec 2000 230849.13+184010.2 Mag 16.4 PmRA 98.00 PmDE -4.0
23088+1840 B
Coord arcsec 2000 230848.61+184006.5 Mag 16.5 PmRA 104.00 PmDE -2.0
Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes