22137-0239 GWP 3134

22h 13m 41.22s -02° 39' 03.3" P.A. 183.00 sep 20.8 mag 17.90,17.90
Coord 2000 22137-0239 Discov num GWP3134 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 22 13 41.22 -02 39 03.3
Date first 1987 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 182 Pa last 182.6 P.A. Now (θ) 182.6°
Sep first 20.9 Sep last 20.813 Sep. Now (ρ) 20.813"
Mag pri 17.90 Mag sec 17.90 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +054 Sec motion ra +056
Pri motion dec -024 Sec motion dec -030
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.1 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Aquarius Gaia DR2 2675822422783508608
WDS 22137-0239 GWP 3134 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22137-0239 GWP3134 1998 2 183 20.8 17.90 17.90 V 221341.22-023903.3
22137-0239 GWP3134 2010 3 183 20.7 17.90 17.90 V 221341.22-023903.3
22137-0239 GWP3134 2015 4 183 20.8 17.90 17.90 V 221341.22-023903.3
22137-0239 GWP3134 2016 8 183 20.8 17.90 17.90 V 221341.22-023903.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 22137-0239 GWP 3134 : MEASURES
No records found.


22137-0239 GWP3134A mag 17.9 22137-0239 GWP3134B sep 20.8 P.A. 182.60 mag 17.9 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 22137-0239 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 22h 13m 41.22s -02° 39' 03.3"
WDS 22137-0239 GWP 3134 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

22137-0239  GWP3134 distance=0' 22130-0217  UC 4684 distance=24' 22158-0226  A  2600 distance=34' 22160-0254  HJ 5322 distance=38' 22112-0302  SCA 123 distance=45' 22105-0251  SCA 121BC distance=50' 22105-0251  SCA 121AB distance=50' 22105-0251  SCA 121AC distance=50' 22114-0315  SCA 124 distance=52' 22107-0208  RST4706 distance=55' 22182-0240  UC 4710 distance=69' 22143-0126  A  1229 distance=74' 22089-0200  LDS4946 distance=82' 22103-0127  GWP3130 distance=89' 22115-0114  BAL 629 distance=91' 22077-0301  SCA 119 distance=93' 22090-0341  SCA 120 distance=94' 22166-0117  LDS4953 distance=94' 22080-0150  UC 4660BC distance=99' 22104-0108  J  1727 distance=106' 22106-0416  SCA 122 distance=108' 22174-0102  BAL 631AB distance=113' 22174-0102  BAL 631AC distance=113' 22060-0204  HDO 169 distance=121' 22190-0410  KPP2344 distance=121' 22210-0334  HJ 5329 distance=123' 22219-0236  UC 4724 distance=123' 22127-0443  GAA  21 distance=126' 22220-0217  SCA 127 distance=127' 22074-0406  RST4705 distance=128' 22218-0150  SCA 126 distance=131' 22095-0434  HJ  954 distance=131' 22051-0313  SCA 118 distance=134' 22229-0254  GWP3149 distance=140' 22217-0123  HJ 3106 (Sadachbia) distance=142' 22053-0125  STF2855AB distance=146' 22053-0125  STF2855AC distance=146' 22229-0150  UC 4729 distance=148' 22038-0248  HO  469AB distance=148' 22038-0248  HO  469AC distance=148' 22044-0331  LDS4940 distance=149' 22217-0409  LDS4960 distance=151' 22240-0236  UC 4734 distance=156' 22035-0341  UC 4636 distance=165' 22121+0007  RST5167 distance=168' 22033-0344  CVR 928 distance=169' 22247-0159  ALP  28 distance=171' 22243-0138  GIC 180 distance=172' 22173-0004  OSW  21 distance=172' 22145-0013  J  1795 distance=173' 22153+0015  SLW1270 distance=176' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 22137-0239 GWP3134 183 20.8 0
Show 22130-0217 UC 4684 137 6.4 24
Show 22158-0226 A 2600 17 1.8 34
Show 22160-0254 HJ 5322 295 13.3 38
Show 22112-0302 SCA 123 245 86.1 45
Show 22105-0251 SCA 121 BC 138 71.4 50
Show 22105-0251 SCA 121 AB 4 49.7 50
Show 22105-0251 SCA 121 AC 94 51.5 50
Show 22114-0315 SCA 124 267 39.2 52
Show 22107-0208 RST4706 280 0.7 55
Show 22182-0240 UC 4710 249 16.7 69
Show 22143-0126 A 1229 165 1.3 74
Show 22089-0200 LDS4946 319 15.6 82
Show 22103-0127 GWP3130 20 36.7 89
Show 22115-0114 BAL 629 82 19.6 91
Show 22077-0301 SCA 119 29 30.7 93
Show 22090-0341 SCA 120 109 30.9 94
Show 22166-0117 LDS4953 42 3.0 94
Show 22080-0150 UC 4660 BC 176 44.4 99
Show 22104-0108 J 1727 154 4.7 106
Show 22106-0416 SCA 122 113 48.6 108
Show 22174-0102 BAL 631 AB 211 7.8 113
Show 22174-0102 BAL 631 AC 134 26.4 113
Show 22060-0204 HDO 169 28 2.9 121
Show 22190-0410 KPP2344 84 20.1 121
Show 22210-0334 HJ 5329 98 8.1 123
Show 22219-0236 UC 4724 158 20.4 123
Show 22127-0443 GAA 21 328 0.0 126
Show 22220-0217 SCA 127 318 65.1 127
Show 22074-0406 RST4705 319 2.9 128
Show 22218-0150 SCA 126 331 83.7 131
Show 22095-0434 HJ 954 325 14.4 131
Show 22051-0313 SCA 118 115 51.1 134
Show 22229-0254 GWP3149 326 13.5 140
Show Sadachbia 22217-0123 HJ 3106 151 33.2 142
Show 22053-0125 STF2855 AB 305 25.3 146
Show 22053-0125 STF2855 AC 117 84.9 146
Show 22229-0150 UC 4729 162 17.6 148
Show 22038-0248 HO 469 AB 51 0.4 148
Show 22038-0248 HO 469 AC 125 55.0 148
Show 22044-0331 LDS4940 192 11.4 149
Show 22217-0409 LDS4960 354 3.4 151
Show 22240-0236 UC 4734 98 34.4 156
Show 22035-0341 UC 4636 299 37.6 165
Show 22121+0007 RST5167 81 3.4 168
Show 22033-0344 CVR 928 5 12.6 169
Show 22247-0159 ALP 28 323 22.9 171
Show 22243-0138 GIC 180 297 83.4 172
Show 22173-0004 OSW 21 35 37.7 172
Show 22145-0013 J 1795 101 7.8 173
Show 22153+0015 SLW1270 198 11.2 176

WDS 22137-0239 : COMPONENTS
B pa=182.6°
22137-0239 A
Coord arcsec 2000 221341.22-023903.3 Mag 17.9 PmRA 54.00 PmDE -24.0
22137-0239 B
Coord arcsec 2000 221341.16-023924.1 Mag 17.9 PmRA 56.00 PmDE -30.0
Calc coord yes