21014+0542 ELP 47

21h 01m 24.59s +05° 42' 12.8" P.A. 25.00 sep 6.3 mag 9.39,11.66
Coord 2000 21014+0542 Discov num ELP  47 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 21 01 24.59 +05 42 12.8
Date first 2000 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 26 Pa last 25 P.A. Now (θ) 25°
Sep first 6.3 Sep last 6.302 Sep. Now (ρ) 6.302"
Mag pri 9.39 Mag sec 11.66 delta mag (ΔM) 2.27 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +019 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -003 Sec motion dec
Notes K (K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Equuleus Tycho2 0538-00573-1 Gaia DR2 1736348869959188096
WDS 21014+0542 ELP 47 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ELP Elliott, P., Huelamo, N., Bouy, H., Bayo, A., Melo, C.H.F., Torres, C.A.O.,
1 ELP Sterzik, M.F., Quast, G.R., Chauvin, G., & Barrado, D.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21014+0542 ELP 47 2009 3 25 6.2 9.39 11.66 K 210124.59+054212.8
21014+0542 ELP 47 2010 4 27 5.8 9.39 11.66 K 210124.59+054212.8
21014+0542 ELP 47 2015 5 25 6.3 9.39 11.66 K 210124.59+054212.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 21014+0542 ELP 47 : MEASURES
No records found.


21014+0542 ELP  47A mag 9.39 21014+0542 ELP  47B sep 6.3 P.A. 24.90 mag 11.66 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 21014+0542 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 21h 01m 24.59s +05° 42' 12.8"
Primaries only

21014+0542  ELP  47 distance=0' 21006+0554  GRV 403 distance=17' 21024+0513  A   615 distance=33' 20588+0600  UC 4347 distance=43' 21024+0625  TDT2708 distance=46' 21046+0530  BUP 223 distance=49' 21054+0557  BUP 224 distance=63' 21020+0436  CVR 884 distance=67' 21030+0650  GRV 406 distance=73' 20582+0447  AG  268 distance=74' 20561+0535  TDT2642 distance=80' 21021+0703  WSP  90AB distance=82' 21021+0703  WSP  90AC distance=82' 21021+0703  WSP  90AD distance=82' 21010+0704  HEI 821 distance=83' 21009+0419  BAL2553 distance=84' 20583+0654  KPP 481 distance=86' 21022+0711  STF2742 distance=90' 20591+0418  STF2737AB distance=92' 20591+0418  STF2737AD distance=92' 20591+0418  STF2737AB,C distance=92' 20591+0418  STF2737BC distance=92' 21069+0458  UC 4382 distance=95' 21032+0411  BAL2554 distance=96' 21080+0539  BU 9018CD distance=96' 20580+0420  UC 4346 distance=98' 21002+0406  HEI 820 distance=98' 21080+0539  HJ 3011AB distance=99' 21080+0539  BU 9018AC distance=99' 21053+0704  ENG  80AB distance=101' 21053+0704  ENG  80AC distance=101' 21080+0509  STT 527 distance=104' 20559+0646  NSN 739 distance=105' 20566+0659  TDT2649 distance=105' 20559+0435  UC 4332 distance=107' 20586+0723  J  1715 distance=110' 21080+0630  SKF2741 distance=110' 20564+0422  CVR 877 distance=110' 20556+0649  TDT2635 distance=110' 21001+0731  KUI 102 distance=111' 20557+0432  STF2735 distance=111' 21041+0359  TOK 371 distance=111' 20554+0653  BRT2188 distance=115' 20540+0614  TDT2616 distance=116' 20582+0356  BAR  13AB distance=117' 20582+0356  BAR  13AC distance=117' 20582+0356  WSI  39AD distance=117' 20582+0356  WSI  39CD distance=117' 21020+0346  HO  148 distance=117' 20546+0641  SLN  86 distance=118' 20560+0708  GWP3020 distance=118' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 21014+0542 ELP 47 25 6.3 0
Show 21006+0554 GRV 403 116 33.5 17
Show 21024+0513 A 615 129 3.5 33
Show 20588+0600 UC 4347 31 40.4 43
Show 21024+0625 TDT2708 27 0.8 46
Show 21046+0530 BUP 223 252 82.5 49
Show 21054+0557 BUP 224 301 30.4 63
Show 21020+0436 CVR 884 312 11.4 67
Show 21030+0650 GRV 406 287 10.5 73
Show 20582+0447 AG 268 287 12.5 74
Show 20561+0535 TDT2642 77 0.6 80
Show 21021+0703 WSP 90 AB 185 1.0 82
Show 21021+0703 WSP 90 AC 1 9.5 82
Show 21021+0703 WSP 90 AD 83 16.5 82
Show 21010+0704 HEI 821 90 2.9 83
Show 21009+0419 BAL2553 110 10.6 84
Show 20583+0654 KPP 481 233 3.8 86
Show 21022+0711 STF2742 213 3.0 90
Show 20591+0418 STF2737 AB 125 0.0 92
Show 20591+0418 STF2737 AD 293 69.3 92
Show 20591+0418 STF2737 AB,C 67 10.6 92
Show 20591+0418 STF2737 BC 66 10.6 92
Show 21069+0458 UC 4382 272 53.5 95
Show 21032+0411 BAL2554 307 21.3 96
Show 21080+0539 BU 9018 CD 340 6.0 96
Show 20580+0420 UC 4346 205 22.4 98
Show 21002+0406 HEI 820 65 2.3 98
Show 21080+0539 HJ 3011 AB 273 10.6 99
Show 21080+0539 BU 9018 AC 252 139.3 99
Show 21053+0704 ENG 80 AB 240 64.6 101
Show 21053+0704 ENG 80 AC 106 169.4 101
Show 21080+0509 STT 527 114 0.4 104
Show 20559+0646 NSN 739 52 8.8 105
Show 20566+0659 TDT2649 8 0.6 105
Show 20559+0435 UC 4332 60 52.9 107
Show 20586+0723 J 1715 125 5.2 110
Show 21080+0630 SKF2741 40 1.9 110
Show 20564+0422 CVR 877 125 26.3 110
Show 20556+0649 TDT2635 259 0.8 110
Show 21001+0731 KUI 102 191 0.2 111
Show 20557+0432 STF2735 282 2.0 111
Show 21041+0359 TOK 371 272 0.1 111
Show 20554+0653 BRT2188 46 4.2 115
Show 20540+0614 TDT2616 100 0.4 116
Show 20582+0356 BAR 13 AB 87 1.6 117
Show 20582+0356 BAR 13 AC 249 20.6 117
Show 20582+0356 WSI 39 AD 280 26.4 117
Show 20582+0356 WSI 39 CD 330 13.6 117
Show 21020+0346 HO 148 201 2.2 117
Show 20546+0641 SLN 86 160 4.8 118
Show 20560+0708 GWP3020 179 6.7 118

WDS 21014+0542 : COMPONENTS
B pa=24.9°
21014+0542 A
Coord arcsec 2000 210124.59+054212.8 Mag 9.39 PmRA 19.00 PmDE -3.0
21014+0542 B
Coord arcsec 2000 210124.77+054218.5 Mag 11.66 Tycho2 0538-00573-1 Calc delta mag 2.27
Calc coord yes
Tycho2 0538-00573-1 Pflag RAmdeg 315.35247660 DEmdeg 5.70356645
PmRA 18.7 PmDE -3.3 E RAmdeg 74 E DEmdeg 89
E pmRA 2.8 E pmDE 2.8 EpRAm 1981.53 EpDEm 1974.61
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 0.6
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 12.617 E BTmag 0.249 VTmag 11.642
E VTmag 0.140 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 315.35243278 DEdeg 5.70357333 EpRA 1990 1.67
EpDE 1990 1.44 E RAdeg 79.4 E DEdeg 99.8 Posflg
Corr -0.2