19436-1602 GWP 2885

19h 43m 37.77s -16° 02' 11.8" P.A. 80.00 sep 729.9 mag 17.80,18.00
Coord 2000 19436-1602 Discov num GWP2885 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 43 37.77 -16 02 11.8
Date first 1985 Date last 2010 Obs 3
Pa first 80 Pa last 79.5 P.A. Now (θ) 79.5°
Sep first 729.5 Sep last 729.89 Sep. Now (ρ) 729.89"
Mag pri 17.80 Mag sec 18.00 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -014 Sec motion ra -008
Pri motion dec -074 Sec motion dec -076
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.083 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Sagittarius Gaia DR2 4181754023961881600
WDS 19436-1602 GWP 2885 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19436-1602 GWP2885 1985 1 80 729.5 17.80 18.00 V 194337.77-160211.8
19436-1602 GWP2885 2010 3 80 729.9 17.80 18.00 V 194337.77-160211.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19436-1602 GWP 2885 : MEASURES
No records found.


19436-1602 GWP2885A mag 17.8 19436-1602 GWP2885B sep 702.5 P.A. 79.10 mag 18 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19436-1602 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 43m 37.77s -16° 02' 11.8"
WDS 19436-1602 GWP 2885 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19436-1602  GWP2885 distance=0' 19446-1607  HO  113 distance=15' 19425-1607  BU 1288 distance=17' 19428-1614  ALD  75 distance=18' 19439-1621  KPP1943 distance=20' 19421-1553  ARA 121 distance=24' 19455-1616  ARA 123 distance=30' 19436-1528  BUP 197 distance=35' 19456-1632  GWP2888 distance=42' 19409-1619  BU 1287 distance=42' 19408-1549  GWP2880 distance=43' 19407-1618  VSP  54Ca,Cb distance=44' 19407-1618  HJ  599AB distance=45' 19407-1618  HJ  599AC distance=45' 19407-1618  ANT   6AD distance=45' 19445-1518  NSN 144 distance=47' 19468-1556  AHD  17 distance=47' 19468-1555  OCC9062 distance=47' 19473-1555  RST4049 distance=54' 19462-1520  HDS2809 distance=56' 19452-1507  HDS2804 distance=61' 19435-1459  BRT 598 distance=64' 19378-1551  HJ 1417 distance=66' 19388-1608  UC 3994 distance=70' 19403-1653  OCC 530 distance=70' 19467-1503  OCC9190 distance=75' 19420-1714  KPP3123 distance=76' 19399-1703  ARN  53 distance=81' 19392-1654  OCC 534Aa,Ab distance=83' 19392-1654  S   722AB distance=83' 19445-1724  OCC  25 distance=83' 19383-1527  ARU  16 distance=84' 19461-1718  LDS4818 distance=85' 19399-1451  HO  109 distance=90' 19452-1729  GWP2887 distance=91' 19397-1713  GWP2877 distance=91' 19371-1607  BRT 635 distance=95' 19384-1503  GWP2871 distance=96' 19372-1634  OCC9188 distance=99' 19456-1428  CVN 106AB distance=99' 19456-1428  CVN 106AC distance=99' 19470-1430  BRT 599 distance=105' 19364-1549  SHN 239 distance=106' 19480-1434  HDS2814 distance=109' 19377-1444  TDT1594 distance=117' 19504-1456  HDS2824 distance=118' 19511-1458  BRT 600 distance=126' 19487-1747  GWP2897 distance=128' 19524-1620  OCC9191 distance=129' 19378-1749  RST3232 distance=136' 19524-1653  ARA 300 distance=137' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19436-1602 GWP2885 80 729.9 0
Show 19446-1607 HO 113 11 4.2 15
Show 19425-1607 BU 1288 341 0.2 17
Show 19428-1614 ALD 75 256 2.0 18
Show 19439-1621 KPP1943 41 15.4 20
Show 19421-1553 ARA 121 72 13.9 24
Show 19455-1616 ARA 123 334 5.5 30
Show 19436-1528 BUP 197 124 58.6 35
Show 19456-1632 GWP2888 49 370.3 42
Show 19409-1619 BU 1287 140 1.3 42
Show 19408-1549 GWP2880 132 21.1 43
Show 19407-1618 VSP 54 Ca,Cb 261 0.2 44
Show 19407-1618 HJ 599 AB 279 45.2 45
Show 19407-1618 HJ 599 AC 41 45.5 45
Show 19407-1618 ANT 6 AD 252 56.8 45
Show 19445-1518 NSN 144 28 4.1 47
Show 19468-1556 AHD 17 353 25.6 47
Show 19468-1555 OCC9062 132 0.5 47
Show 19473-1555 RST4049 42 0.5 54
Show 19462-1520 HDS2809 72 0.3 56
Show 19452-1507 HDS2804 278 0.2 61
Show 19435-1459 BRT 598 235 3.6 64
Show 19378-1551 HJ 1417 258 6.2 66
Show 19388-1608 UC 3994 182 31.1 70
Show 19403-1653 OCC 530 -1 0.0 70
Show 19467-1503 OCC9190 -1 0.0 75
Show 19420-1714 KPP3123 115 1.8 76
Show 19399-1703 ARN 53 253 26.8 81
Show 19392-1654 OCC 534 Aa,Ab -1 0.1 83
Show 19392-1654 S 722 AB 236 10.3 83
Show 19445-1724 OCC 25 172 0.2 83
Show 19383-1527 ARU 16 185 0.7 84
Show 19461-1718 LDS4818 267 209.6 85
Show 19399-1451 HO 109 114 11.8 90
Show 19452-1729 GWP2887 229 298.5 91
Show 19397-1713 GWP2877 31 138.4 91
Show 19371-1607 BRT 635 242 5.1 95
Show 19384-1503 GWP2871 184 249.8 96
Show 19372-1634 OCC9188 -1 0.0 99
Show 19456-1428 CVN 106 AB 206 4.4 99
Show 19456-1428 CVN 106 AC 307 6.1 99
Show 19470-1430 BRT 599 221 4.3 105
Show 19364-1549 SHN 239 -1 0.2 106
Show 19480-1434 HDS2814 138 18.3 109
Show 19377-1444 TDT1594 52 0.8 117
Show 19504-1456 HDS2824 332 14.0 118
Show 19511-1458 BRT 600 7 4.5 126
Show 19487-1747 GWP2897 204 26.3 128
Show 19524-1620 OCC9191 -1 0.0 129
Show 19378-1749 RST3232 309 0.3 136
Show 19524-1653 ARA 300 355 14.5 137

WDS 19436-1602 : COMPONENTS
B pa=79.1°
19436-1602 A
Coord arcsec 2000 194337.77-160211.8 Mag 17.8 PmRA -14.00 PmDE -74.0
19436-1602 B
Coord arcsec 2000 194425.61-155958.8 Mag 18 PmRA -8.00 PmDE -76.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes