14251+1758 GWP 2379

14h 25m 07.80s +17° 58' 06.9" P.A. 175.00 sep 218.0 mag 15.70,16.00
Coord 2000 14251+1758 Discov num GWP2379 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 25 07.80 +17 58 06.9
Date first 1955 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 175 Pa last 175 P.A. Now (θ) 175°
Sep first 218.8 Sep last 217.983 Sep. Now (ρ) 217.983"
Mag pri 15.70 Mag sec 16.00 delta mag (ΔM) 0.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -094 Sec motion ra -088
Pri motion dec -028 Sec motion dec -016
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.137 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Bootes Gaia DR2 1238807248366077440
WDS 14251+1758 GWP 2379 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14251+1758 GWP2379 2000 2 175 218.2 15.70 16.00 V R 142507.80+175806.9
14251+1758 GWP2379 2010 4 175 218.1 15.70 16.00 V R 142507.80+175806.9
14251+1758 GWP2379 2015 5 175 218.0 15.70 16.00 V R 142507.80+175806.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14251+1758 GWP 2379 : MEASURES
No records found.


14251+1758 GWP2379A mag 15.7 14251+1758 GWP2379B sep 217.9 P.A. 175.20 mag 16 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14251+1758 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 25m 07.80s +17° 58' 06.9"
WDS 14251+1758 GWP 2379 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14251+1758  GWP2379 distance=0' 14246+1804  CBL 453 distance=10' 14240+1747  BRT2290 distance=18' 14244+1813  COU  62 distance=19' 14286+1818  COU2508 distance=54' 14243+1857  LAW  22Aa,Ab distance=60' 14243+1857  LAW  22AB distance=60' 14272+1850  WFC 149 distance=61' 14265+1914  HJL1087 distance=78' 14192+1824  GWP2362 distance=89' 14226+1634  A  2068AB distance=92' 14226+1634  FOX9051AC distance=92' 14189+1812  LDS 956AB distance=94' 14189+1812  RAO 315Aa,Ab distance=94' 14226+1634  FOX9051CD distance=94' 14267+1625  A  2069 distance=97' 14186+1720  CBL 448 distance=102' 14273+1936  GWP2387 distance=103' 14242+1616  MCA  39 distance=103' 14185+1714  BPMA 47 distance=105' 14200+1640  GWP2365 distance=108' 14320+1846  ITF 135 distance=109' 14323+1718  STF3086 distance=111' 14199+1634  CBL 450 distance=113' 14175+1722  A  2067 distance=115' 14278+1950  HJ  551 distance=119' 14324+1858  ITF 175 distance=120' 14212+1945  UC 2742 distance=121' 14265+1557  CLO   1 distance=123' 14326+1902  ITF 174 distance=124' 14338+1819  ITF 204 distance=126' 14328+1652  GWP2403AB distance=129' 14340+1822  KPP3927 distance=130' 14203+1608  LDS1416 distance=132' 14236+2009  COU 184 distance=133' 14340+1719  CBL 458 distance=133' 14294+1958  TDS9213 distance=135' 14172+1646  SLW 988 distance=135' 14158+1730  UC 2717 distance=137' 14307+1951  HJ 2724 distance=139' 14156+1837  NSN 654 distance=141' 14298+1550  HEI 532 distance=145' 14345+1913  ITF 139AB distance=153' 14345+1913  ITF 139AC distance=153' 14157+1911  HDS2003 (Arcturus) distance=154' 14178+1952  LDS1413 distance=156' 14276+1527  UC 2766 distance=156' 14142+1805  TOK 723 distance=157' 14255+2035  LEP  67 distance=158' 14348+1637  CVR1593 distance=161' 14276+2037  HO  542 distance=163' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14251+1758 GWP2379 175 218.0 0
Show 14246+1804 CBL 453 225 33.3 10
Show 14240+1747 BRT2290 103 3.0 18
Show 14244+1813 COU 62 200 2.4 19
Show 14286+1818 COU2508 67 0.5 54
Show 14243+1857 LAW 22 Aa,Ab 260 0.4 60
Show 14243+1857 LAW 22 AB 246 14.9 60
Show 14272+1850 WFC 149 102 5.0 61
Show 14265+1914 HJL1087 255 223.8 78
Show 14192+1824 GWP2362 84 282.8 89
Show 14226+1634 A 2068 AB 159 3.4 92
Show 14226+1634 FOX9051 AC 262 179.7 92
Show 14189+1812 LDS 956 AB 216 15.5 94
Show 14189+1812 RAO 315 Aa,Ab 77 0.4 94
Show 14226+1634 FOX9051 CD 164 5.0 94
Show 14267+1625 A 2069 102 0.2 97
Show 14186+1720 CBL 448 296 56.6 102
Show 14273+1936 GWP2387 228 802.1 103
Show 14242+1616 MCA 39 148 0.0 103
Show 14185+1714 BPMA 47 239 245.9 105
Show 14200+1640 GWP2365 82 370.5 108
Show 14320+1846 ITF 135 336 18.5 109
Show 14323+1718 STF3086 271 6.0 111
Show 14199+1634 CBL 450 267 63.2 113
Show 14175+1722 A 2067 255 0.1 115
Show 14278+1950 HJ 551 60 13.7 119
Show 14324+1858 ITF 175 1 1.8 120
Show 14212+1945 UC 2742 32 3.6 121
Show 14265+1557 CLO 1 344 0.3 123
Show 14326+1902 ITF 174 236 13.5 124
Show 14338+1819 ITF 204 235 2.5 126
Show 14328+1652 GWP2403 AB 196 20.0 129
Show 14340+1822 KPP3927 311 1.8 130
Show 14203+1608 LDS1416 31 6.0 132
Show 14236+2009 COU 184 114 1.0 133
Show 14340+1719 CBL 458 42 18.5 133
Show 14294+1958 TDS9213 9 1.4 135
Show 14172+1646 SLW 988 159 21.3 135
Show 14158+1730 UC 2717 241 6.0 137
Show 14307+1951 HJ 2724 319 21.1 139
Show 14156+1837 NSN 654 250 3.6 141
Show 14298+1550 HEI 532 253 1.7 145
Show 14345+1913 ITF 139 AB 277 6.0 153
Show 14345+1913 ITF 139 AC 200 2.3 153
Show Arcturus 14157+1911 HDS2003 198 0.3 154
Show 14178+1952 LDS1413 180 68.6 156
Show 14276+1527 UC 2766 100 18.3 156
Show 14142+1805 TOK 723 351 0.1 157
Show 14255+2035 LEP 67 290 63.1 158
Show 14348+1637 CVR1593 246 3.9 161
Show 14276+2037 HO 542 34 0.9 163

WDS 14251+1758 : COMPONENTS
B pa=175.2°
14251+1758 A
Coord arcsec 2000 142507.80+175806.9 Mag 15.7 PmRA -94.00 PmDE -28.0
14251+1758 B
Coord arcsec 2000 142509.07+175429.7 Mag 16 PmRA -88.00 PmDE -16.0
Calc delta mag 0.3 Calc coord yes