11452-4045 TOK 551

11h 45m 11.39s -40° 44' 45.6" P.A. 83.00 sep 999.9 mag 9.36,14.16 Sp G9V dist. 52.6 pc (171.58 l.y.)
Coord 2000 11452-4045 Discov num TOK 551 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 11 45 11.39 -40 44 45.6
Date first 1980 Date last 2000 Obs 3
Pa first 83 Pa last 83.3 P.A. Now (θ) 83.3°
Sep first 999.9 Sep last 1615.08 Sep. Now (ρ) 1615.08"
Mag pri 9.36 Mag sec 14.16 delta mag (ΔM) 4.8 Spectral class G9V (yellow)
Pri motion ra -152 Sec motion ra -151
Pri motion dec +024 Sec motion dec +016
rPM=0.052 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Centaurus HIP 57321 Tycho2 7745-00856-1 Gaia DR2 5381538157250338176
HD 102136 CD CD-40 6927 CP CP-40 5358 Distance 52.6
Distance ly 171.58
WDS 11452-4045 TOK 551 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TOK Tokovinin, A.A.
66 TOK Tokovinin, A., Cantarutti, R., Tighe, R., Schurter, P., van der Bliek, N.,
66 TOK Martinez, M., & Mondaca, E.
131 TOK Tokovinin, A., Corbett, H., Fors, O., Howard, W., Law, N.M., Moe, M.,
131 TOK Ratzloff, J. & Walter, F.M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
11452-4045 TOK 551 2000 3 83 999.9 9.36 14.16 G9V 114511.39-404445.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 11452-4045 TOK 551 : MEASURES
No records found.


11452-4045 TOK 551A mag 9.36 Sp G9V 11452-4045 TOK 551B sep 1230.2 P.A. 81.20 mag 14.16 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 11452-4045 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 11h 45m 11.39s -40° 44' 45.6"
WDS 11452-4045 TOK 551 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

11452-4045  TOK 551 distance=0' 11467-4029  LDS6248 distance=22' 11420-4035  WG  144 distance=38' 11439-4120  WG  145 distance=39' 11452-4132  RST2762BC distance=48' 11452-4132  RST2762AB distance=48' 11452-4132  RST2762AB,C distance=48' 11431-3957  TDS8005 distance=54' 11432-3955  UC 2198 distance=55' 11443-3950  WG  146 distance=56' 11455-3944  RST1610 distance=61' 11399-4035  WIS 189 distance=62' 11435-3941  SKF1907 distance=67' 11479-3945  UC 2207 distance=67' 11428-3940  UC 2195 distance=71' 11392-4118  LIT  22 distance=76' 11430-3933  RST5358 distance=77' 11400-4134  UC 2189AC distance=77' 11412-4149  SKF1012 distance=79' 11452-4204  WSP 129AB distance=80' 11452-4204  WSP 129AC distance=80' 11452-4204  WSP 129AD distance=80' 11452-4204  WSP 129AE distance=80' 11452-4204  WSP 129AF distance=80' 11452-4204  WSP 129AG distance=80' 11452-4204  WSP 129AH distance=80' 11452-4204  WSP 129AI distance=80' 11432-3926  LDS 358A,BC distance=82' 11507-4137  RST1616 distance=82' 11432-3926  I  1547BC distance=83' 11380-4033  TDS 641 distance=83' 11513-4151  TDS8072 distance=96' 11368-4037  RST1601AB distance=97' 11394-3923  DSG  12 distance=106' 11359-4041  CBL 139 distance=107' 11423-3901  RST1607 distance=109' 11418-4230  I   889 distance=112' 11550-4114  I  1216 distance=115' 11392-3910  UC 2185 distance=118' 11357-4134  TDS7942 distance=118' 11354-4128  SKF 831 distance=119' 11517-3912  HDS1673 distance=119' 11526-4210  RST1620 distance=120' 11354-4134  CPO 330AB distance=121' 11473-3842  I  1562 distance=125' 11343-4109  RST1597 distance=127' 11515-4234  TVB 245 distance=131' 11336-4035  I    78 distance=132' 11541-3919  TDS8103 distance=134' 11554-4154  I    80 distance=135' 11553-3926  TDS8114 distance=141' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 11452-4045 TOK 551 83 999.9 0
Show 11467-4029 LDS6248 54 22.7 22
Show 11420-4035 WG 144 149 3.6 38
Show 11439-4120 WG 145 178 5.8 39
Show 11452-4132 RST2762 BC 255 3.9 48
Show 11452-4132 RST2762 AB 24 0.3 48
Show 11452-4132 RST2762 AB,C 257 3.5 48
Show 11431-3957 TDS8005 86 0.6 54
Show 11432-3955 UC 2198 70 37.0 55
Show 11443-3950 WG 146 298 4.8 56
Show 11455-3944 RST1610 323 1.5 61
Show 11399-4035 WIS 189 284 972.6 62
Show 11435-3941 SKF1907 37 5.8 67
Show 11479-3945 UC 2207 145 18.4 67
Show 11428-3940 UC 2195 21 6.9 71
Show 11392-4118 LIT 22 176 11.0 76
Show 11430-3933 RST5358 105 0.1 77
Show 11400-4134 UC 2189 AC 131 35.6 77
Show 11412-4149 SKF1012 133 92.7 79
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AB 216 4.3 80
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AC 270 5.9 80
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AD 242 11.7 80
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AE 264 14.3 80
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AF 139 15.8 80
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AG 239 22.0 80
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AH 41 22.8 80
Show 11452-4204 WSP 129 AI 51 23.7 80
Show 11432-3926 LDS 358 A,BC 333 24.9 82
Show 11507-4137 RST1616 50 2.6 82
Show 11432-3926 I 1547 BC 247 2.7 83
Show 11380-4033 TDS 641 74 1.1 83
Show 11513-4151 TDS8072 342 1.0 96
Show 11368-4037 RST1601 AB 35 1.1 97
Show 11394-3923 DSG 12 109 0.0 106
Show 11359-4041 CBL 139 247 20.1 107
Show 11423-3901 RST1607 218 3.7 109
Show 11418-4230 I 889 92 1.5 112
Show 11550-4114 I 1216 58 1.9 115
Show 11392-3910 UC 2185 45 9.5 118
Show 11357-4134 TDS7942 53 0.6 118
Show 11354-4128 SKF 831 18 17.3 119
Show 11517-3912 HDS1673 31 0.2 119
Show 11526-4210 RST1620 318 0.7 120
Show 11354-4134 CPO 330 AB 291 32.4 121
Show 11473-3842 I 1562 118 1.2 125
Show 11343-4109 RST1597 92 0.6 127
Show 11515-4234 TVB 245 112 6.9 131
Show 11336-4035 I 78 103 0.5 132
Show 11541-3919 TDS8103 245 0.7 134
Show 11554-4154 I 80 92 1.3 135
Show 11553-3926 TDS8114 167 0.7 141

WDS 11452-4045 : COMPONENTS
B pa=81.2°
11452-4045 A
Coord arcsec 2000 114511.39-404445.6 Mag 9.36 Spectral class G9V (yellow) PmRA -152.00
PmDE 24.0 HIP 57321 Tycho2 7745-00856-1 HD 102136
CD CD-40 6927 CP CP-40 5358
Tycho2 7745-00856-1 Pflag RAmdeg 176.29745708 DEmdeg -40.74601060
PmRA -150.7 PmDE 22.1 E RAmdeg 14 E DEmdeg 13
E pmRA 1.3 E pmDE 1.2 EpRAm 1987.91 EpDEm 1988.38
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 0.5
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 10.369 E BTmag 0.030 VTmag 9.471
E VTmag 0.020 Prox 811 TYC T HIP 57321
CCDM RAdeg 176.29793000 DEdeg -40.74606306 EpRA 1990 1.43
EpDE 1990 1.55 E RAdeg 14.8 E DEdeg 14.3 Posflg
Corr 0.2
Catalog H HIP 57321 Proxy RAhms 11 45 11.51
DEdms -40 44 45.8 Vmag 9.36 VarFlag R Vmag G
RAdeg 176.298 DEdeg -40.7461 AstroRef Plx 18.94
CCDM N CCDM Nsys Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD 102136 BD
CD CD-40 6927 CP CP-40 5358 Dm number -40 6927 VIred 0.81
SpType G8/K0V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 114511.51-404445.8
Hipparcos 2
HIP 57321 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 3.0769794841 DErad -0.7111529426 Plx 19.01 PmRA -150.87
PmDE 23.56 E RArad 0.87 E DErad 0.8 E Plx 1.18
E pmRA 0.95 E pmDE 0.93 Hpmag 9.5218 E Hpmag 0.0031
SHp 0.024 VA 0 BV 0.779 E BV 0.001
VI 0.82
11452-4045 B
Coord arcsec 2000 114658.33-404137.2 Mag 14.16 PmRA -151.00 PmDE 16.0
Calc delta mag 4.8 Calc coord yes