15136+3026 CVR 1622

15h 13m 35.26s +30° 26' 00.9" P.A. 239.00 sep 4.9 mag 18.80,18.90 Sp M3+M3
Coord 2000 15136+3026 Discov num CVR1622 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 13 35.26 +30 26 00.9
Date first 1954 Date last 2015 Obs 6
Pa first 211 Pa last 238.6 P.A. Now (θ) 238.6°
Sep first 5.0 Sep last 4.887 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.887"
Mag pri 18.80 Mag sec 18.90 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class M3+M3 (red/red)
Pri motion ra +025 Sec motion ra +003
Pri motion dec -042 Sec motion dec -005
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
This double is physical.
Constellation Bootes Gaia DR2 1275493617766635904
WDS 15136+3026 CVR 1622 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CVR Chivers, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15136+3026 CVR1622 2003 1 233 4.9 18.80 18.90 M4+M4 R 151335.26+302600.9
15136+3026 CVR1622 2010 3 215 4.0 18.80 18.90 M4+M4 R 151335.26+302600.9
15136+3026 CVR1622 2015 4 239 4.9 18.80 18.90 M4+M4 R 151335.26+302600.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 15136+3026 CVR 1622 : MEASURES
No records found.


15136+3026 CVR1622A mag 18.8 Sp M3 15136+3026 CVR1622B sep 4.4 P.A. 234.70 mag 18.9 Sp M3 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15136+3026 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 13m 35.26s +30° 26' 00.9"
WDS 15136+3026 CVR 1622 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15136+3026  CVR1622 distance=0' 15126+3057  CRB 109 distance=34' 15155+3049  BRT 251 distance=34' 15121+2952  CBL 479 distance=39' 15152+3103  TDS9466 distance=43' 15103+3044  LDS 972 distance=47' 15174+3022  ARY  42 distance=50' 15091+3042  TDS9417 distance=60' 15134+2914  AZC  89 distance=72' 15191+3043  SLW1079 distance=74' 15128+2913  TDS9449 distance=74' 15191+3046  TDS9482 distance=74' 15096+2930  BRT  28AB distance=78' 15096+2930  BRT  28AC distance=78' 15096+2930  BRT  28BC distance=78' 15100+2923  TDS9427 distance=79' 15129+3145  HJ  569 distance=79' 15111+2912  TDS9435 distance=82' 15141+3147  STT 292 distance=82' 15195+2952  KZA  78 distance=84' 15202+3042  STF1935 distance=88' 15165+2905  KPP3289 distance=90' 15205+3021  TDS9495 distance=90' 15155+2859  LDS4542 distance=93' 15177+2910  LDS5166 distance=93' 15195+3120  KZA  79 distance=95' 15153+3158  LDS4541 distance=95' 15063+3041  TDS9404 distance=96' 15175+3148  SLW1076 distance=97' 15201+2937  ENG  53 distance=99' 15189+2915  LDS5168 distance=99' 15212+3049  KZA  82 distance=101' 15211+3102  KZA  81 distance=104' 15171+2851  BGH  57 distance=106' 15216+3059  KZA  83 distance=109' 15056+2949  TDS9399 distance=111' 15219+3052  KZA  84AB distance=112' 15219+3052  KZA  84AC distance=112' 15208+3129  LEP  74 distance=113' 15099+3208  HJ 2769 distance=114' 15207+3133  KZA  80 distance=114' 15095+3208  HJ 2767 distance=115' 15215+2933  LDS4546 distance=116' 15197+2859  LDS5170 distance=118' 15067+3145  TDS9407 distance=120' 15228+3049  KZA  85 distance=123' 15186+2842  TDS9476 distance=123' 15232+3017  STF1937AB distance=125' 15232+3017  KIR   4AB,E distance=125' 15232+3017  STF1937AB,C distance=125' 15232+3017  STF1937AB,D distance=125' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15136+3026 CVR1622 239 4.9 0
Show 15126+3057 CRB 109 240 41.6 34
Show 15155+3049 BRT 251 10 5.2 34
Show 15121+2952 CBL 479 327 28.4 39
Show 15152+3103 TDS9466 5 0.5 43
Show 15103+3044 LDS 972 350 10.9 47
Show 15174+3022 ARY 42 186 95.2 50
Show 15091+3042 TDS9417 148 0.9 60
Show 15134+2914 AZC 89 314 44.0 72
Show 15191+3043 SLW1079 97 14.1 74
Show 15128+2913 TDS9449 39 0.5 74
Show 15191+3046 TDS9482 244 0.6 74
Show 15096+2930 BRT 28 AB 212 6.5 78
Show 15096+2930 BRT 28 AC 196 12.2 78
Show 15096+2930 BRT 28 BC 183 6.2 78
Show 15100+2923 TDS9427 329 0.8 79
Show 15129+3145 HJ 569 68 13.5 79
Show 15111+2912 TDS9435 103 1.0 82
Show 15141+3147 STT 292 158 118.0 82
Show 15195+2952 KZA 78 18 42.6 84
Show 15202+3042 STF1935 289 8.6 88
Show 15165+2905 KPP3289 305 0.7 90
Show 15205+3021 TDS9495 73 0.6 90
Show 15155+2859 LDS4542 312 148.0 93
Show 15177+2910 LDS5166 223 10.3 93
Show 15195+3120 KZA 79 30 44.3 95
Show 15153+3158 LDS4541 252 3.4 95
Show 15063+3041 TDS9404 125 0.6 96
Show 15175+3148 SLW1076 125 109.5 97
Show 15201+2937 ENG 53 343 144.1 99
Show 15189+2915 LDS5168 193 62.7 99
Show 15212+3049 KZA 82 93 13.0 101
Show 15211+3102 KZA 81 174 8.0 104
Show 15171+2851 BGH 57 41 575.6 106
Show 15216+3059 KZA 83 44 12.3 109
Show 15056+2949 TDS9399 338 1.3 111
Show 15219+3052 KZA 84 AB 354 65.3 112
Show 15219+3052 KZA 84 AC 9 99.1 112
Show 15208+3129 LEP 74 326 999.9 113
Show 15099+3208 HJ 2769 22 15.7 114
Show 15207+3133 KZA 80 54 25.2 114
Show 15095+3208 HJ 2767 263 11.5 115
Show 15215+2933 LDS4546 88 333.3 116
Show 15197+2859 LDS5170 270 31.2 118
Show 15067+3145 TDS9407 222 0.5 120
Show 15228+3049 KZA 85 11 25.9 123
Show 15186+2842 TDS9476 313 1.0 123
Show 15232+3017 STF1937 AB 287 0.4 125
Show 15232+3017 KIR 4 AB,E 137 193.6 125
Show 15232+3017 STF1937 AB,C 358 75.1 125
Show 15232+3017 STF1937 AB,D 40 217.9 125

WDS 15136+3026 : COMPONENTS
B pa=234.7°
15136+3026 A
Coord arcsec 2000 151335.26+302600.9 Mag 18.8 Spectral class M3 (red) PmRA 25.00
PmDE -42.0
15136+3026 B
Coord arcsec 2000 151334.98+302558.4 Mag 18.9 Spectral class M3 (red) PmRA 3.00
PmDE -5.0 Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes