12449-0629 CVR 1464

12h 44m 51.02s -06° 28' 54.4" P.A. 241.00 sep 4.0 mag 18.70,19.20 Sp M1+M1
Coord 2000 12449-0629 Discov num CVR1464 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 12 44 51.02 -06 28 54.4
Date first 1999 Date last 2016 Obs 5
Pa first 247 Pa last 240.6 P.A. Now (θ) 240.6°
Sep first 4.0 Sep last 4.049 Sep. Now (ρ) 4.049"
Mag pri 18.70 Mag sec 19.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class M1+M1 (red/red)
Pri motion ra -012 Sec motion ra +003
Pri motion dec +005 Sec motion dec -029
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
This double is physical.
Constellation Virgo Gaia DR2 3676733245099495296
WDS 12449-0629 CVR 1464 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CVR Chivers, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
12449-0629 CVR1464 2006 1 241 4.1 18.70 19.20 M1+M2 R 124451.02-062854.4
12449-0629 CVR1464 2015 4 241 4.0 18.70 19.20 M1+M2 R 124451.02-062854.4
12449-0629 CVR1464 2016 5 241 4.0 18.70 19.20 M1+M1 V R 124451.02-062854.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 12449-0629 CVR 1464 : MEASURES
No records found.


12449-0629 CVR1464A mag 18.7 Sp M1 12449-0629 CVR1464B sep 4.0 P.A. 240.40 mag 19.2 Sp M1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 12449-0629 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 12h 44m 51.02s -06° 28' 54.4"
WDS 12449-0629 CVR 1464 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

12449-0629  CVR1464 distance=1' 12428-0639  SKF1739 distance=33' 12476-0618  RST4966 distance=42' 12430-0713  BRT 439 distance=53' 12464-0720  J  1604 distance=55' 12414-0551  LDS4247 distance=65' 12404-0625  GWP1843 distance=67' 12492-0549  OCC 718 distance=77' 12443-0747  SLW 765 distance=79' 12430-0746  RST3805 distance=83' 12485-0743  GWP1860 distance=92' 12453-0802  RST3806 distance=94' 12472-0803  SHN 166 distance=101' 12437-0448  HJ  215 distance=103' 12517-0608  STF1683 distance=104' 12445-0815  TSN  86 distance=106' 12430-0447  SLW 764 distance=106' 12379-0610  GWP1837 distance=106' 12438-0441  UC 2392 distance=110' 12387-0520  STF1665 distance=115' 12492-0450  LDS5759 distance=118' 12521-0539  TSN  87 distance=120' 12521-0720  UC 2417 distance=121' 12368-0651  UC 2371 distance=122' 12392-0800  OCC 428DE distance=122' 12450-0832  RST4965 distance=124' 12392-0800  ENG  47AB distance=124' 12392-0800  BUP 144AD distance=124' 12392-0800  ENG  47AC distance=124' 12392-0800  OCC 760Aa,Ab distance=124' 12392-0800  ENG  47BC distance=124' 12533-0557  RST4506 distance=131' 12409-0432  SLW 755 distance=132' 12366-0716  RST3801 distance=132' 12478-0836  BRT 440 distance=135' 12400-0434  UC 2382 distance=136' 12414-0418  UC 2386 distance=141' 12375-0740  PRT   4 distance=142' 12381-0816  RST3803 distance=147' 12430-0403  LLO   9 distance=149' 12509-0428  LDS6270 distance=151' 12549-0620  LDS4294 distance=151' 12527-0809  BRT 441 distance=154' 12453-0353  STF1677 distance=156' 12387-0422  S   639AB distance=157' 12387-0422  GIR   3AC distance=157' 12521-0831  OCC 451 distance=163' 12548-0738  TDS8584 distance=163' 12551-0736  TDS8585AB distance=167' 12480-0909  OCC1094AB distance=167' 12559-0604  ARU  10 distance=168' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 12449-0629 CVR1464 241 4.0 1
Show 12428-0639 SKF1739 245 1.8 33
Show 12476-0618 RST4966 255 16.4 42
Show 12430-0713 BRT 439 62 3.6 53
Show 12464-0720 J 1604 327 9.2 55
Show 12414-0551 LDS4247 69 42.7 65
Show 12404-0625 GWP1843 142 24.9 67
Show 12492-0549 OCC 718 340 0.1 77
Show 12443-0747 SLW 765 60 165.5 79
Show 12430-0746 RST3805 6 0.7 83
Show 12485-0743 GWP1860 65 56.5 92
Show 12453-0802 RST3806 183 3.6 94
Show 12472-0803 SHN 166 -1 0.4 101
Show 12437-0448 HJ 215 295 12.5 103
Show 12517-0608 STF1683 197 15.7 104
Show 12445-0815 TSN 86 191 9.8 106
Show 12430-0447 SLW 764 327 12.8 106
Show 12379-0610 GWP1837 182 7.1 106
Show 12438-0441 UC 2392 178 8.4 110
Show 12387-0520 STF1665 102 8.6 115
Show 12492-0450 LDS5759 87 16.7 118
Show 12521-0539 TSN 87 87 145.8 120
Show 12521-0720 UC 2417 231 8.8 121
Show 12368-0651 UC 2371 313 18.6 122
Show 12392-0800 OCC 428 DE -1 0.1 122
Show 12450-0832 RST4965 96 7.6 124
Show 12392-0800 ENG 47 AB 136 175.4 124
Show 12392-0800 BUP 144 AD 331 320.8 124
Show 12392-0800 ENG 47 AC 109 227.3 124
Show 12392-0800 OCC 760 Aa,Ab -1 0.1 124
Show 12392-0800 ENG 47 BC 61 105.6 124
Show 12533-0557 RST4506 98 0.7 131
Show 12409-0432 SLW 755 16 37.8 132
Show 12366-0716 RST3801 289 0.4 132
Show 12478-0836 BRT 440 269 4.9 135
Show 12400-0434 UC 2382 205 22.1 136
Show 12414-0418 UC 2386 142 64.3 141
Show 12375-0740 PRT 4 69 6.7 142
Show 12381-0816 RST3803 341 1.0 147
Show 12430-0403 LLO 9 3 1.3 149
Show 12509-0428 LDS6270 269 7.9 151
Show 12549-0620 LDS4294 318 20.1 151
Show 12527-0809 BRT 441 129 5.7 154
Show 12453-0353 STF1677 349 16.1 156
Show 12387-0422 S 639 AB 109 56.4 157
Show 12387-0422 GIR 3 AC 359 165.2 157
Show 12521-0831 OCC 451 -1 0.2 163
Show 12548-0738 TDS8584 204 0.3 163
Show 12551-0736 TDS8585 AB 27 0.4 167
Show 12480-0909 OCC1094 AB -1 0.0 167
Show 12559-0604 ARU 10 248 0.6 168

WDS 12449-0629 : COMPONENTS
B pa=240.4°
12449-0629 A
Coord arcsec 2000 124451.02-062854.4 Mag 18.7 Spectral class M1 (red) PmRA -12.00
PmDE 5.0
12449-0629 B
Coord arcsec 2000 124450.78-062856.4 Mag 19.2 Spectral class M1 (red) PmRA 3.00
PmDE -29.0 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes