01151-1227 TSN 107

01h 15m 03.98s -12° 26' 47.1" P.A. 190.00 sep 455.2 mag 17.80,17.80
Coord 2000 01151-1227 Discov num TSN 107 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 15 03.98 -12 26 47.1
Date first 1998 Date last 2014 Obs 4
Pa first 189 Pa last 189.5 P.A. Now (θ) 189.5°
Sep first 455.6 Sep last 455.16 Sep. Now (ρ) 455.16"
Mag pri 17.80 Mag sec 17.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +136 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -038 Sec motion dec
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cetus Gaia DR2 2468600382579093248
WDS 01151-1227 TSN 107 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 TSN = The Solar Neighborhood series. Many measures do not have date of observation
7 TSN Costa, E., Mendez, R.A., Jao, W.-C., Henry, T.J., Subasavage, J.P., Brown, M.A.,
7 TSN Ianna, P.A. & Bartlett, J.
11 TSN Riedel, A.R., Subasavage, J.P., Finch, C.T., Jao, W.-C., Henry, T.J., Winters, J.,
11 TSN Brown, M.A., Ianna, P.A., Costa, E. & Mendez, R.A.
29 TSN Riedel, A.R., Finch, C.T., Henry, T.J., Subasavage, J.P., Jao, W.-C., Malo, L.,
29 TSN Rodriguez, D.R., White, R.J., Gies, D.R., Dieterich, S.B., Winters, J.G., Davison,
29 TSN C.L., Nelan, E.P., Blunt, S.C., Cruz, K.L., Rice, E.L. & Ianna, P.A.
33 TSN Hosey, A.D., Henry, T.J., Jao, W.-C., Dieterich, S.B., Winters, J.G., Lurie, J.C.,
33 TSN Riedel, A.R. & Subasavage, J.P.
34 TSN Winters, J.G., Sevrinsky, R.A., Jao, W.-C., Henry, T.J., Riedel, A.R., Subasavage,
34 TSN J.P., Lurie, J.C., Finch, C.T. & Ianna, P.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01151-1227 TSN 107 1998 1 189 455.6 17.80 17.80 V 011503.98-122647.1
01151-1227 TSN 107 2010 2 189 455.3 17.80 17.80 V 011503.98-122647.1
01151-1227 TSN 107 2014 3 190 455.2 17.80 17.80 V 011503.98-122647.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01151-1227 TSN 107 : MEASURES
No records found.


01151-1227 TSN 107A mag 17.8 01151-1227 TSN 107B sep 454.9 P.A. 189.30 mag 17.8 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01151-1227 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 15m 03.98s -12° 26' 47.1"
WDS 01151-1227 TSN 107 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01151-1227  TSN 107 distance=0' 01149-1228  UC  526 distance=4' 01159-1237  LDS3255 distance=16' 01178-1220  STF 110 distance=40' 01180-1208  UC  540 distance=47' 01152-1318  GAL  36 distance=52' 01125-1308  LDS3244 distance=57' 01168-1318  DEA  14 distance=58' 01105-1226  UC  510 distance=67' 01099-1247  LDS5320 distance=79' 01121-1338  SKI   1 distance=84' 01092-1220  LDS3237 distance=86' 01210-1245  KPP3451AB distance=89' 01111-1107  LDS5321 distance=98' 01208-1135  RST4173 distance=99' 01170-1051  GRV 987 distance=102' 01221-1304  SKF2148 distance=111' 01074-1230  LDS5316 distance=111' 01086-1331  GWP 134 distance=115' 01077-1142  LDS5318 distance=117' 01139-1029  GWP 153 distance=120' 01230-1258  KUI   6BC distance=121' 01230-1258  GAL 307A,BC distance=121' 01163-1427  RST4170 distance=122' 01137-1429  RST4168 distance=125' 01069-1303  HJ 2017 distance=126' 01165-1022  CVR1067 distance=127' 01159-1428  HDO  44 distance=128' 01241-1244  GAL 308 distance=134' 01127-1018  LDS3246 distance=134' 01239-1149  GWP 181 distance=135' 01086-1049  GRV1163 distance=137' 01091-1042  LDS3236 distance=137' 01101-1425  HDS 153 distance=139' 01129-1443  GWP 152 distance=140' 01109-1020  SKF1661 distance=141' 01189-1018  RST4171 distance=141' 01204-1026  LDS5329 distance=144' 01069-1352  KPP2089 distance=147' 01232-1407  SKF2149 distance=156' 01069-1408  GAL 306 distance=156' 01049-1315  GWP 129 distance=157' 01141-0948  RST4169 distance=160' 01244-1353  GWP 184 distance=161' 01076-1027  UC  503 distance=163' 01256-1325  KPP1468 distance=164' 01170-1508  GWP 162 distance=165' 01086-1011  BUP  16 (Deneb Algenubi) distance=166' 01064-1418  SKF2144 distance=168' 01036-1146  LDS3226 distance=173' 01184-0937  CVR1071 distance=177' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01151-1227 TSN 107 190 455.2 0
Show 01149-1228 UC 526 183 10.0 4
Show 01159-1237 LDS3255 169 2.6 16
Show 01178-1220 STF 110 353 7.4 40
Show 01180-1208 UC 540 55 18.4 47
Show 01152-1318 GAL 36 264 12.5 52
Show 01125-1308 LDS3244 8 14.7 57
Show 01168-1318 DEA 14 158 38.5 58
Show 01105-1226 UC 510 246 7.0 67
Show 01099-1247 LDS5320 240 268.0 79
Show 01121-1338 SKI 1 250 8.2 84
Show 01092-1220 LDS3237 266 4.4 86
Show 01210-1245 KPP3451 AB 127 52.1 89
Show 01111-1107 LDS5321 240 38.7 98
Show 01208-1135 RST4173 241 1.4 99
Show 01170-1051 GRV 987 32 16.0 102
Show 01221-1304 SKF2148 353 2.8 111
Show 01074-1230 LDS5316 285 284.0 111
Show 01086-1331 GWP 134 229 24.7 115
Show 01077-1142 LDS5318 201 140.3 117
Show 01139-1029 GWP 153 130 128.5 120
Show 01230-1258 KUI 6 BC 334 1.2 121
Show 01230-1258 GAL 307 A,BC 313 40.6 121
Show 01163-1427 RST4170 88 1.6 122
Show 01137-1429 RST4168 23 1.8 125
Show 01069-1303 HJ 2017 53 16.8 126
Show 01165-1022 CVR1067 163 4.4 127
Show 01159-1428 HDO 44 16 11.4 128
Show 01241-1244 GAL 308 16 24.7 134
Show 01127-1018 LDS3246 155 4.2 134
Show 01239-1149 GWP 181 185 18.5 135
Show 01086-1049 GRV1163 171 17.4 137
Show 01091-1042 LDS3236 96 11.9 137
Show 01101-1425 HDS 153 225 0.1 139
Show 01129-1443 GWP 152 192 60.7 140
Show 01109-1020 SKF1661 344 1.7 141
Show 01189-1018 RST4171 153 1.1 141
Show 01204-1026 LDS5329 316 50.1 144
Show 01069-1352 KPP2089 285 16.9 147
Show 01232-1407 SKF2149 244 11.8 156
Show 01069-1408 GAL 306 15 41.7 156
Show 01049-1315 GWP 129 264 101.4 157
Show 01141-0948 RST4169 62 2.1 160
Show 01244-1353 GWP 184 153 8.9 161
Show 01076-1027 UC 503 14 11.3 163
Show 01256-1325 KPP1468 33 11.1 164
Show 01170-1508 GWP 162 296 12.6 165
Show Deneb Algenubi 01086-1011 BUP 16 305 259.3 166
Show 01064-1418 SKF2144 331 22.6 168
Show 01036-1146 LDS3226 129 2.8 173
Show 01184-0937 CVR1071 109 3.9 177

WDS 01151-1227 : COMPONENTS
B pa=189.3°
01151-1227 A
Coord arcsec 2000 011503.98-122647.1 Mag 17.8 PmRA 136.00 PmDE -38.0
01151-1227 B
Coord arcsec 2000 011458.97-123416.0 Mag 17.8 Calc coord yes