00594+3353 CVR 358

00h 59m 24.61s +33° 52' 24.7" P.A. 10.00 sep 14.4 mag 17.10,19.40 Sp M2+M4
Coord 2000 00594+3353 Discov num CVR 358 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 59 24.61 +33 52 24.7
Date first 1999 Date last 2016 Obs 9
Pa first 10 Pa last 9.5 P.A. Now (θ) 9.5°
Sep first 14.4 Sep last 14.415 Sep. Now (ρ) 14.415"
Mag pri 17.10 Mag sec 19.40 delta mag (ΔM) 2.3 Spectral class M2+M4 (red/red)
Pri motion ra +052 Sec motion ra +050
Pri motion dec -016 Sec motion dec -019
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.066 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 362695355194570624
WDS 00594+3353 CVR 358 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CVR Chivers, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00594+3353 CVR 358 2008 1 10 14.4 17.10 19.40 M2+M4 V R 005924.81+335239.0
00594+3353 CVR 358 2010 3 9 14.4 17.10 19.40 M2+M4 V R 005924.61+335224.7
00594+3353 CVR 358 2015 4 10 14.4 17.10 19.40 M2+M4 V R 005924.61+335224.7
00594+3353 CVR 358 2016 9 10 14.4 17.10 19.40 M2+M4 V R 005924.61+335224.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00594+3353 CVR 358 : MEASURES
No records found.


00594+3353 CVR 358A mag 17.1 Sp M2 00594+3353 CVR 358B sep 14.3 P.A. 7.90 mag 19.4 Sp M4 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00594+3353 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 59m 24.61s +33° 52' 24.7"
WDS 00594+3353 CVR 358 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00594+3353  CVR 358 distance=0' 00586+3409  TOI1491 distance=20' 00561+3352  HU 1207 distance=41' 00562+3339  GRV  52 distance=42' 00567+3417  COU 659 distance=42' 01016+3318  TDS1727 distance=44' 00556+3433  HJ  629AB distance=62' 00556+3433  HJ  629AC distance=62' 00572+3452  LSC  11 distance=66' 01008+3503  CRB  38 distance=73' 01031+3252  ES 2275 distance=77' 01002+3234  CVR 360 distance=79' 00589+3230  SEI  10 distance=83' 01004+3228  ES  317 distance=84' 00527+3339  LDS3207 distance=85' 00524+3355  UC    6 distance=88' 01064+3336  LDS3231 distance=90' 01064+3418  SKF 977 distance=90' 00527+3316  ES  316 distance=90' 01057+3306  CVE  18 distance=91' 01057+3304  MLB 444 distance=93' 00520+3353  HJ  628 distance=93' 01028+3516  CRB  39 distance=94' 00519+3407  UC  449 distance=95' 01059+3300  HO    5 distance=97' 01063+3306  TDS1767 distance=99' 01074+3400  HO  308 distance=100' 00520+3433  UC  450 distance=101' 00578+3211  HO  307 distance=103' 01049+3234  COU 660 distance=105' 01071+3438  KPP1250 distance=105' 00520+3444  HTP  28 distance=106' 01014+3535  COU 854 distance=106' 01047+3229  LDS3227 distance=106' 00507+3357  HO    4 distance=109' 00595+3202  SEI  11 distance=111' 01040+3528  HO  213 distance=112' 01077+3440  COU 661 distance=114' 01083+3427  VKI   3 distance=116' 01000+3151  GRV  57 distance=122' 01092+3424  VKI   4 distance=126' 01088+3441  COU 662 distance=126' 01096+3354  NSN 513 distance=127' 01073+3227  DBR  87 distance=131' 01071+3225  DBR  88AB distance=131' 01071+3225  DBR  88AC distance=131' 01071+3225  DBR  88AD distance=131' 01054+3204  SEI  12AB distance=132' 01054+3204  ORL   5AC distance=132' 00493+3316  KPP3432 distance=132' 01062+3211  S   393AB distance=133' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00594+3353 CVR 358 10 14.4 0
Show 00586+3409 TOI1491 270 0.8 20
Show 00561+3352 HU 1207 187 0.4 41
Show 00562+3339 GRV 52 194 19.3 42
Show 00567+3417 COU 659 214 1.1 42
Show 01016+3318 TDS1727 94 0.4 44
Show 00556+3433 HJ 629 AB 70 10.8 62
Show 00556+3433 HJ 629 AC 257 66.2 62
Show 00572+3452 LSC 11 187 0.2 66
Show 01008+3503 CRB 38 72 27.7 73
Show 01031+3252 ES 2275 145 3.2 77
Show 01002+3234 CVR 360 90 28.2 79
Show 00589+3230 SEI 10 100 12.4 83
Show 01004+3228 ES 317 194 7.1 84
Show 00527+3339 LDS3207 299 13.1 85
Show 00524+3355 UC 6 112 50.2 88
Show 01064+3336 LDS3231 16 3.3 90
Show 01064+3418 SKF 977 246 23.6 90
Show 00527+3316 ES 316 299 2.7 90
Show 01057+3306 CVE 18 257 7.6 91
Show 01057+3304 MLB 444 30 10.4 93
Show 00520+3353 HJ 628 66 42.8 93
Show 01028+3516 CRB 39 277 6.8 94
Show 00519+3407 UC 449 223 8.1 95
Show 01059+3300 HO 5 310 0.4 97
Show 01063+3306 TDS1767 180 0.9 99
Show 01074+3400 HO 308 255 19.4 100
Show 00520+3433 UC 450 131 49.4 101
Show 00578+3211 HO 307 85 3.0 103
Show 01049+3234 COU 660 191 3.3 105
Show 01071+3438 KPP1250 181 9.6 105
Show 00520+3444 HTP 28 211 1.0 106
Show 01014+3535 COU 854 196 0.2 106
Show 01047+3229 LDS3227 197 82.5 106
Show 00507+3357 HO 4 17 2.0 109
Show 00595+3202 SEI 11 359 8.5 111
Show 01040+3528 HO 213 119 0.3 112
Show 01077+3440 COU 661 319 3.0 114
Show 01083+3427 VKI 3 124 2.4 116
Show 01000+3151 GRV 57 148 77.0 122
Show 01092+3424 VKI 4 16 3.4 126
Show 01088+3441 COU 662 254 1.1 126
Show 01096+3354 NSN 513 113 7.6 127
Show 01073+3227 DBR 87 108 1.6 131
Show 01071+3225 DBR 88 AB 318 13.8 131
Show 01071+3225 DBR 88 AC 75 6.2 131
Show 01071+3225 DBR 88 AD 199 2.9 131
Show 01054+3204 SEI 12 AB 119 3.6 132
Show 01054+3204 ORL 5 AC 185 0.5 132
Show 00493+3316 KPP3432 47 1.1 132
Show 01062+3211 S 393 AB 295 60.0 133

WDS 00594+3353 : COMPONENTS
B pa=7.9°
00594+3353 A
Coord arcsec 2000 005924.61+335224.7 Mag 17.1 Spectral class M2 (red) PmRA 52.00
PmDE -16.0
00594+3353 B
Coord arcsec 2000 005924.77+335238.9 Mag 19.4 Spectral class M4 (red) PmRA 50.00
PmDE -19.0 Calc delta mag 2.3 Calc coord yes