00305+2246 DEA 36

00h 30m 31.02s +22° 46' 08.3" P.A. 232.00 sep 117.0 mag 6.87,13.18 Sp K5+L0.5
Coord 2000 00305+2246 Discov num DEA  36 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 30 31.02 +22 46 08.3
Date first 1997 Date last 2015 Obs 3
Pa first 227 Pa last 231.6 P.A. Now (θ) 231.6°
Sep first 117.1 Sep last 117 Sep. Now (ρ) 117"
Mag pri 6.87 Mag sec 13.18 delta mag (ΔM) 6.31 Spectral class K5+L0.5 (yellow-orange/very deep red)
Pri motion ra +186 Sec motion ra +200
Pri motion dec -185 Sec motion dec -176
Notes V K (Proper motion indicates physical, K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
rPM=0.062 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 2806028513890183936
WDS 00305+2246 DEA 36 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 DEA Deacon, N.R., Hambly, N.C. & Cooke, J.A.
5 DEA Burgett, W.S., Chambers, K.C., Hodapp, K.W., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P.,
5 DEA A&A 468, 163, 2007
6 DEA Burgett, W.S., Chambers, K.C., Hodapp, K.W., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P.,
6 DEA Morgan, J.S., et al.
7 DEA Deacon, N.R., Liu, M.C., Magnier, E.A., Bowler, B.P., Redstone, J., Goldman, B.,
7 DEA Burgett, W.S., Chambers, K.C., Flewelling, H., Kaiser, N., Morgan, J.S.,
7 DEA Price, P.A., Sweeney, W.E., Tonry, J.L., Wainscoat, R.J. & Waters, C.
8 DEA Deacon, N.R., Liu, M.C., Magnier, E.A., Bowler, B.P., Mann, A.W., Redstone, J.A.,
8 DEA Burgett, W.S., Chambers, K.C., Hodapp, K.W., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P.,
8 DEA Morgan, J.S., et al.
11 DEA Deacon, N.R., Liu, M.C., Magnier, E.A., Aller, K.M., Best, W.M., Dupuy, T.,
11 DEA Bowler, B.P., Mann, A.W., Redstone, J.A., Burgett, W.S., Chambers, K.C.,
11 DEA Draper, P.W., Flewelling, H., Hodapp, K.W., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R.-P.,
11 DEA Morgan, J.S., Metcalfe,N., Price, P.A., Tonry, J.L. & Wainscoat, R.J.
12 DEA Deacon, N.R., Kraus, A.L., Wann, A.W., Magnier, E.A., Chambers, K.C., Wainscoat,
12 DEA R.J., Tonry, J.L., Kaiser, N., Waters, C., Flewelling, H., Hodapp, K.W. &
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00305+2246 DEA 36 1997 1 227 117.1 6.87 13.18 K5+L0.5 VK 003031.02+224608.3
00305+2246 DEA 36 2000 1 227 116.0 6.87   K5+L0.5 VK 003031.02+224608.3
00305+2246 DEA 36 2015 2 232 117.0 6.87 13.18 K5+L0.5 V K 003031.02+224608.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00305+2246 DEA 36 : MEASURES
No records found.


00305+2246 DEA  36A mag 6.87 Sp K5 00305+2246 DEA  36B sep 111.5 P.A. 229.30 mag 13.18 Sp L0.5 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00305+2246 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 30m 31.02s +22° 46' 08.3"
Primaries only

00305+2246  DEA  36 distance=1' 00305+2208  HJ 1027 distance=38' 00304+2206  DOO  24AB distance=39' 00327+2312  BU 1310AB distance=40' 00327+2312  BU 1310AC distance=40' 00327+2312  BU 1310AD distance=40' 00279+2220  FRV   1 distance=45' 00293+2334  POU  31 distance=51' 00312+2341  POU  34 distance=56' 00331+2333  POU  37 distance=59' 00298+2345  TDS1490AB distance=60' 00279+2334  BU  779 distance=61' 00318+2346  COU  74 distance=63' 00294+2348  POU  32 distance=64' 00324+2147  HDS  72 distance=65' 00304+2357  POU  33 distance=72' 00324+2353  GRV  28 distance=73' 00309+2135  J   634 distance=73' 00287+2134  HU  601 distance=77' 00340+2354  CVR1047 distance=83' 00269+2356  TDS1466 distance=86' 00345+2400  POU  38 distance=92' 00351+2357  SLW  32 distance=95' 00365+2202  HU  410 distance=95' 00261+2359  HU  407 distance=95' 00376+2240  HU  411 distance=99' 00282+2421  POU  29 distance=101' 00344+2411  COU 350 distance=101' 00272+2115  BU 1225 distance=102' 00255+2402  SLW  19 distance=103' 00339+2419  COU 349 distance=105' 00380+2229  GRV  34 distance=106' 00314+2102  CBL   7 distance=106' 00374+2159  BRT2297 distance=106' 00275+2423  POU  28 distance=106' 00362+2402  HO  623 distance=109' 00350+2413  POU  40 distance=110' 00247+2407  POU  25 distance=114' 00374+2351  POU  44 distance=115' 00251+2414  POU  26AB distance=116' 00251+2414  POU  27AC distance=116' 00251+2112  SKF2458 distance=121' 00347+2436  POU  39 distance=125' 00260+2434  KPP 823 distance=125' 00384+2148  GRV  35 distance=125' 00355+2431  POU  41 distance=125' 00313+2451  POU  35 distance=126' 00227+2143  CVR 315 distance=126' 00226+2140  HJ 1959 distance=128' 00235+2418  CRC   1 distance=134' 00241+2430  TDS1442 distance=136' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00305+2246 DEA 36 232 117.0 1
Show 00305+2208 HJ 1027 218 18.4 38
Show 00304+2206 DOO 24 AB 261 19.9 39
Show 00327+2312 BU 1310 AB 214 3.8 40
Show 00327+2312 BU 1310 AC 276 27.2 40
Show 00327+2312 BU 1310 AD 155 94.4 40
Show 00279+2220 FRV 1 259 0.1 45
Show 00293+2334 POU 31 83 4.7 51
Show 00312+2341 POU 34 158 9.1 56
Show 00331+2333 POU 37 188 13.6 59
Show 00298+2345 TDS1490 AB 128 2.3 60
Show 00279+2334 BU 779 246 0.6 61
Show 00318+2346 COU 74 6 2.1 63
Show 00294+2348 POU 32 292 3.3 64
Show 00324+2147 HDS 72 39 0.2 65
Show 00304+2357 POU 33 91 4.7 72
Show 00324+2353 GRV 28 173 15.0 73
Show 00309+2135 J 634 249 2.3 73
Show 00287+2134 HU 601 308 0.7 77
Show 00340+2354 CVR1047 355 3.2 83
Show 00269+2356 TDS1466 16 0.3 86
Show 00345+2400 POU 38 166 5.7 92
Show 00351+2357 SLW 32 32 135.4 95
Show 00365+2202 HU 410 319 3.4 95
Show 00261+2359 HU 407 332 1.1 95
Show 00376+2240 HU 411 107 0.7 99
Show 00282+2421 POU 29 44 9.6 101
Show 00344+2411 COU 350 143 1.0 101
Show 00272+2115 BU 1225 190 1.4 102
Show 00255+2402 SLW 19 109 10.9 103
Show 00339+2419 COU 349 222 2.7 105
Show 00380+2229 GRV 34 222 57.2 106
Show 00314+2102 CBL 7 228 12.5 106
Show 00374+2159 BRT2297 291 4.5 106
Show 00275+2423 POU 28 216 15.0 106
Show 00362+2402 HO 623 155 9.2 109
Show 00350+2413 POU 40 38 9.8 110
Show 00247+2407 POU 25 63 5.6 114
Show 00374+2351 POU 44 316 13.6 115
Show 00251+2414 POU 26 AB 109 15.3 116
Show 00251+2414 POU 27 AC 57 4.8 116
Show 00251+2112 SKF2458 102 8.2 121
Show 00347+2436 POU 39 171 10.4 125
Show 00260+2434 KPP 823 118 7.0 125
Show 00384+2148 GRV 35 175 56.8 125
Show 00355+2431 POU 41 262 10.4 125
Show 00313+2451 POU 35 359 3.0 126
Show 00227+2143 CVR 315 211 14.8 126
Show 00226+2140 HJ 1959 286 27.1 128
Show 00235+2418 CRC 1 254 2.3 134
Show 00241+2430 TDS1442 313 0.5 136

WDS 00305+2246 : COMPONENTS
B pa=229.3°
00305+2246 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003031.02+224608.3 Mag 6.87 Spectral class K5 (yellow-orange) PmRA 186.00
PmDE -185.0
00305+2246 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003024.91+224455.6 Mag 13.18 Spectral class L0.5 (very deep red) PmRA 200.00
PmDE -176.0 Calc delta mag 6.31 Calc coord yes