21137+0846 UC 4412 AB

21h 13m 44.59s +08° 46' 10.3" P.A. 201.00 sep 8.6 mag 11.50,11.60
Coord 2000 21137+0846 Discov num UC 4412 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 21 13 44.59 +08 46 10.3
Date first 1898 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 184 Pa last 200.8 P.A. Now (θ) 200.8°
Sep first 8.5 Sep last 8.583 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.583"
Mag pri 11.50 Mag sec 11.60 delta mag (ΔM) 0.1 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +146 Sec motion ra +136
Pri motion dec -083 Sec motion dec -076
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.073 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 21 13 45 +08 46 10 RAO 449 Aa,Ab 2016 1 322 0.4 11.70 13.30 1.60
Show 21 13 45 +08 46 10 UC 4412 AB 2015 9 201 8.6 11.50 11.60 0.10 <===
Triple system
2 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Equuleus
WDS 21137+0846 UC 4412 AB : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 RAO Robo AO (Palomar 60" AO project or KPNO 2.1m)
1 RAO Law, N.M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Ravichandran, G., Ziegler, C.,
1 RAO Johnson, J.A., Tendulkar, S.P., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H., Dekany, R., et al.
3 RAO Riddle, R.L., Tokovinin, A., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Roberts, L.C., Jr.,
3 RAO Baranec, C., Law, N.M., Bui, K., Burse, M.P., Das, H.K., Dekany, R.G.,
3 RAO Kulkarni, S., Punnadi, S., Ramaprakash, A.N., & Tendulkar, S.P.
9 RAO Baranec, C., Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Morton, T., Riddle, R.L., Atkinson, D.,
9 RAO Schonhut, J., & Crepp, J.
10 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Nicholas, M., Morton, T., Baranec, C., Riddle, R.L.,
10 RAO Atkinson, D., Baker, A., Roberts, S., & Ciardi, D.R.
11 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Baranec, C., Huber, D., Ziegler, C., Atkinson, D., Gaidos,
11 RAO E., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Hagelberg, J., van der Marel, N., & Hodapp, K.W.
17 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Riddle, R., Duev, D.A., Howard, W.,
17 RAO Jensen-Clem, R., Kulkarni, S.R., Morton, T. & Salama, M.
18 RAO Ziegler, C., Law, N.M., Baranec, C., Morton, T., Riddle, R., De Lee, N., Huber, D.,
18 RAO Mahadevan, S. & Pepper, J.
19 RAO Bowler, B.P., Hinkley, S., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Gizis, J.E., Law, N.M., Liu,
19 RAO M.C., Shah, V.S., Shkolnik, E.L., Riaz, B. & Riddle, R.
20 RAO Schonhut-Stasik, J.S., Huber, D., Baranec, C., Lamman, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem,
20 RAO R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R. & Law, N.M.
21 RAO Lamman, C., Baranec, C., Berta-Thompson, Z.K., Law, N.M., Schonhut-Stasik, J.,
21 RAO Ziegler, C., Salama, M., Jensen-Clem, R., Duev, D.A., Riddle, R., Kulkarni, S.R.,
21 RAO Winters, J.G. & Irwin, J.M.
24 RAO Salama, M., Ou, J., Barance, C., Liu, M.C., Bowler, B.P., Barnes, P., Bonnet, M.,
24 RAO Chun, M., Duev, D.A., Goebel, S., Hall, D., Jacobson, S., Jensen-Clem, R., Law,
24 RAO N.M., Lockhart, C., Riddle, R., Situ, H., Warmbier, E. & Zhang, Z.
25 RAO Salama, M., Ziegler, C., Baranec, C., Liu, M.C., Law, N.M., Riddle, R., Henry,
25 RAO T.J., Winters, J.G., Jao, W.-C., Ou, J. & Ruiz, A.H.
27 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G.,
27 UC & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
39 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C.,
39 UC DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
39 UC Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21137+0846 UC 4412 AB 2015 9 201 8.6 11.50 11.60 V 211344.59+084610.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 21137+0846 UC 4412 AB : MEASURES
No records found.


21137+0846 UC 4412A mag 11.5 21137+0846 RAO 449Ab sep 0.4 P.A. 322.30 mag 13.3 21137+0846 UC 4412B sep 8.6 P.A. 200.60 mag 11.6 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 21137+0846 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 21h 13m 44.59s +08° 46' 10.3"
WDS 21137+0846 UC 4412 AB : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

21137+0846  UC 4412AB distance=1' 21137+0846  RAO 449Aa,Ab distance=1' 21147+0907  CVR 890 distance=25' 21152+0829  SKF1869 distance=28' 21161+0851  CVR 891 distance=36' 21144+0807  TDT2847 distance=41' 21165+0924  LAF  64AB distance=56' 21165+0924  LAF  64AC distance=56' 21110+0933  STF2765AB distance=63' 21110+0933  STF2765AC distance=63' 21101+0919  GWP3039 distance=64' 21124+0745  J   576 distance=65' 21165+0936  BRT3228 distance=65' 21181+0854  UC 4436 distance=66' 21158+0747  SKF1870 distance=68' 21178+0817  KPP 490 distance=68' 21137+0735  KPP 487 distance=71' 21187+0857  LDS4877 distance=74' 21145+1000  STT 535AB distance=76' 21145+1000  STF2777AB,C distance=76' 21141+0729  UC 4414 distance=78' 21128+0729  UC 4405 distance=79' 21180+0934  HJ 3021 distance=80' 21143+0725  UC 4415 distance=82' 21181+0942  HJ 3020 distance=86' 21167+0731  HDS3030 distance=87' 21179+0952  HJ 3019 distance=90' 21139+0715  UC 4413 distance=91' 21086+0938  J   159 distance=93' 21133+0714  UC 4410 distance=93' 21135+0713  BU  270AB distance=94' 21135+0713  S   781AB,D distance=94' 21135+0713  BU  270AB,C distance=94' 21089+0741  GRV 424 distance=96' 21103+1008  KNT   5AB distance=96' 21103+1008  BU   71AC distance=96' 21103+1008  STFA 54AD distance=96' 21117+0715  UC 4399 distance=97' 21151+0712  UC 4422 distance=97' 21197+0931  STF2786 distance=99' 21119+0710  BRT2189 distance=101' 21131+1028  BU 1501 distance=103' 21143+0705  HJ 3015 distance=104' 21092+0728  KPP 485 distance=104' 21201+0947  UC 4444AB distance=113' 21124+0656  BRT2190 distance=113' 21061+0837  A  1217 distance=114' 21084+1008  BU 9010AB distance=115' 21084+1008  BU 9010AC distance=115' 21121+1038  ENG  81AB distance=115' 21121+1038  BUP 226BC distance=118' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 21137+0846 UC 4412 AB 201 8.6 1
Show 21137+0846 RAO 449 Aa,Ab 322 0.4 1
Show 21147+0907 CVR 890 3 29.1 25
Show 21152+0829 SKF1869 302 67.9 28
Show 21161+0851 CVR 891 33 8.6 36
Show 21144+0807 TDT2847 255 1.9 41
Show 21165+0924 LAF 64 AB 29 5.5 56
Show 21165+0924 LAF 64 AC 168 12.4 56
Show 21110+0933 STF2765 AB 82 2.9 63
Show 21110+0933 STF2765 AC 167 44.2 63
Show 21101+0919 GWP3039 61 73.1 64
Show 21124+0745 J 576 236 2.3 65
Show 21165+0936 BRT3228 259 6.2 65
Show 21181+0854 UC 4436 34 37.6 66
Show 21158+0747 SKF1870 203 43.4 68
Show 21178+0817 KPP 490 319 5.0 68
Show 21137+0735 KPP 487 211 3.2 71
Show 21187+0857 LDS4877 123 89.5 74
Show 21145+1000 STT 535 AB 7 0.1 76
Show 21145+1000 STF2777 AB,C 6 76.5 76
Show 21141+0729 UC 4414 295 27.0 78
Show 21128+0729 UC 4405 272 36.1 79
Show 21180+0934 HJ 3021 237 23.8 80
Show 21143+0725 UC 4415 0 69.1 82
Show 21181+0942 HJ 3020 295 25.8 86
Show 21167+0731 HDS3030 285 0.2 87
Show 21179+0952 HJ 3019 309 15.0 90
Show 21139+0715 UC 4413 227 26.9 91
Show 21086+0938 J 159 246 4.0 93
Show 21133+0714 UC 4410 319 95.7 93
Show 21135+0713 BU 270 AB 342 0.4 94
Show 21135+0713 S 781 AB,D 172 184.1 94
Show 21135+0713 BU 270 AB,C 26 30.8 94
Show 21089+0741 GRV 424 327 12.1 96
Show 21103+1008 KNT 5 AB 248 0.6 96
Show 21103+1008 BU 71 AC 359 59.9 96
Show 21103+1008 STFA 54 AD 152 335.2 96
Show 21117+0715 UC 4399 32 82.7 97
Show 21151+0712 UC 4422 43 16.1 97
Show 21197+0931 STF2786 188 2.8 99
Show 21119+0710 BRT2189 273 6.5 101
Show 21131+1028 BU 1501 210 1.0 103
Show 21143+0705 HJ 3015 264 16.3 104
Show 21092+0728 KPP 485 7 5.0 104
Show 21201+0947 UC 4444 AB 170 74.7 113
Show 21124+0656 BRT2190 15 3.7 113
Show 21061+0837 A 1217 193 2.0 114
Show 21084+1008 BU 9010 AB 313 10.1 115
Show 21084+1008 BU 9010 AC 211 32.6 115
Show 21121+1038 ENG 81 AB 353 184.7 115
Show 21121+1038 BUP 226 BC 30 24.7 118

WDS 21137+0846 : COMPONENTS
  A Ab
Ab pa=322.3°
B pa=200.6°
21137+0846 A
Coord arcsec 2000 211344.59+084610.3 Mag 11.5 PmRA 146.00 PmDE -83.0
21137+0846 Ab
Coord arcsec 2000 211344.57+084610.6 Mag 13.3 Calc delta mag 1.6 Calc coord yes
21137+0846 B
Coord arcsec 2000 211344.39+084602.3 Mag 11.6 PmRA 136.00 PmDE -76.0
Calc delta mag 0.1 Calc coord yes