19144+6341 UC 3859

19h 14m 23.92s +63° 40' 40.4" P.A. 180.00 sep 47.0 mag 12.99,14.72
Coord 2000 19144+6341 Discov num UC 3859 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 14 23.92 +63 40 40.4
Date first 1999 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 179 Pa last 179.7 P.A. Now (θ) 179.7°
Sep first 47.5 Sep last 46.96 Sep. Now (ρ) 46.96"
Mag pri 12.99 Mag sec 14.72 delta mag (ΔM) 1.73 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +025 Sec motion ra +015
Pri motion dec -077 Sec motion dec -048
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Draco Gaia DR2 2252612872472584448
WDS 19144+6341 UC 3859 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 UC USNO CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC1, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4)
1 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G.,
1 UC & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
13 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C.,
13 UC DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
13 UC Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19144+6341 UC 3859 2000 2 179 47.4 13.00 14.70 V 191423.92+634040.4
19144+6341 UC 3859 2003 2 179 47.3 13.00 14.70 V 191423.92+634040.4
19144+6341 UC 3859 2010 3 180 47.1 12.99 14.72 V 191423.92+634040.4
19144+6341 UC 3859 2015 7 180 47.0 12.99 14.72 V 191423.92+634040.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19144+6341 UC 3859 : MEASURES
No records found.


19144+6341 UC 3859A mag 12.99 19144+6341 UC 3859B sep 47.0 P.A. 179.90 mag 14.72 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19144+6341 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 14m 23.92s +63° 40' 40.4"
WDS 19144+6341 UC 3859 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19144+6341  UC 3859 distance=0' 19150+6354  TDT1318Ba,Bb distance=13' 19150+6354  MOT   1AB distance=14' 19162+6333  MOT   2 distance=15' 19132+6312  AG  228 distance=30' 19169+6312  STF2509 distance=33' 19174+6310  ES 2677 distance=37' 19202+6404  LDS2433 distance=45' 19191+6416  MLR  64 distance=47' 19210+6405  STI 888 distance=51' 19213+6412  STI 890 distance=56' 19198+6423  BUP 188 distance=56' 19222+6403  STI 892 distance=56' 19069+6320  LDS2759 distance=56' 19230+6323  STI 894 distance=60' 19219+6306  MLR  50 distance=62' 19044+6358  UC 3786 distance=69' 19212+6433  ES  194 distance=69' 19143+6230  MLR  10 distance=71' 19242+6414  LDS2434 distance=73' 19033+6400  JOD  16AB distance=76' 19033+6400  JOD  16AB,C distance=76' 19260+6353  DAL  26 distance=79' 19035+6416  ES 1913 distance=80' 19110+6224  HU  943 distance=81' 19148+6220  STI 883 distance=82' 19237+6437  ES 1916 distance=83' 19068+6450  ES 1915 distance=85' 19178+6503  LDS2432 distance=86' 19045+6248  MLR   8 distance=86' 19058+6445  UC 3797 distance=86' 19045+6245  TDT1211 distance=88' 19213+6227  STI 887 distance=88' 19135+6212  TOI1464 distance=89' 19078+6459  TDS 966 distance=89' 19136+6511  MLB 216 distance=91' 19017+6308  LDS2426 distance=93' 19285+6335  LDS2437 distance=94' 19069+6501  LDS2428 distance=95' 19205+6214  LDS2763 distance=95' 19035+6445  KPP2643 distance=96' 19059+6501  DAM 138 distance=98' 19000+6403  LDS2425 distance=99' 19058+6501  DAM 137 distance=99' 19057+6502  ES 1914 distance=100' 18593+6347  ES 1844AB distance=100' 18593+6347  ES 1844AC distance=100' 19201+6515  UC 3889 distance=102' 19169+6200  ES 1845 distance=103' 19184+6159  MLR 139 distance=104' 19301+6342  STI 900 distance=104' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19144+6341 UC 3859 180 47.0 0
Show 19150+6354 TDT1318 Ba,Bb 21 1.5 13
Show 19150+6354 MOT 1 AB 154 79.1 14
Show 19162+6333 MOT 2 275 25.0 15
Show 19132+6312 AG 228 101 37.1 30
Show 19169+6312 STF2509 328 1.8 33
Show 19174+6310 ES 2677 88 14.4 37
Show 19202+6404 LDS2433 110 2.4 45
Show 19191+6416 MLR 64 224 0.5 47
Show 19210+6405 STI 888 174 3.9 51
Show 19213+6412 STI 890 148 4.9 56
Show 19198+6423 BUP 188 180 114.9 56
Show 19222+6403 STI 892 189 3.5 56
Show 19069+6320 LDS2759 353 146.4 56
Show 19230+6323 STI 894 327 11.0 60
Show 19219+6306 MLR 50 347 3.1 62
Show 19044+6358 UC 3786 244 20.4 69
Show 19212+6433 ES 194 217 4.6 69
Show 19143+6230 MLR 10 333 0.5 71
Show 19242+6414 LDS2434 316 13.0 73
Show 19033+6400 JOD 16 AB 141 0.2 76
Show 19033+6400 JOD 16 AB,C 65 3.6 76
Show 19260+6353 DAL 26 302 18.4 79
Show 19035+6416 ES 1913 296 5.8 80
Show 19110+6224 HU 943 111 0.5 81
Show 19148+6220 STI 883 86 14.3 82
Show 19237+6437 ES 1916 228 6.3 83
Show 19068+6450 ES 1915 292 1.3 85
Show 19178+6503 LDS2432 240 43.6 86
Show 19045+6248 MLR 8 16 0.6 86
Show 19058+6445 UC 3797 270 69.3 86
Show 19045+6245 TDT1211 32 0.8 88
Show 19213+6227 STI 887 90 7.9 88
Show 19135+6212 TOI1464 105 1.5 89
Show 19078+6459 TDS 966 151 0.8 89
Show 19136+6511 MLB 216 193 2.9 91
Show 19017+6308 LDS2426 62 4.4 93
Show 19285+6335 LDS2437 37 32.0 94
Show 19069+6501 LDS2428 250 4.0 95
Show 19205+6214 LDS2763 296 10.5 95
Show 19035+6445 KPP2643 109 24.7 96
Show 19059+6501 DAM 138 138 5.2 98
Show 19000+6403 LDS2425 82 32.9 99
Show 19058+6501 DAM 137 43 7.1 99
Show 19057+6502 ES 1914 338 2.6 100
Show 18593+6347 ES 1844 AB 19 2.8 100
Show 18593+6347 ES 1844 AC 119 15.5 100
Show 19201+6515 UC 3889 53 30.7 102
Show 19169+6200 ES 1845 147 5.3 103
Show 19184+6159 MLR 139 10 2.9 104
Show 19301+6342 STI 900 27 6.5 104

WDS 19144+6341 : COMPONENTS
B pa=179.9°
19144+6341 A
Coord arcsec 2000 191423.92+634040.4 Mag 12.99 PmRA 25.00 PmDE -77.0
19144+6341 B
Coord arcsec 2000 191423.94+633953.4 Mag 14.72 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -48.0
Calc delta mag 1.73 Calc coord yes