15082+7624 UC 2938

15h 08m 14.62s +76° 24' 08.2" P.A. 27.00 sep 51.8 mag 15.90,16.40
Coord 2000 15082+7624 Discov num UC 2938 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 15 08 14.62 +76 24 08.2
Date first 1953 Date last 2015 Obs 6
Pa first 27 Pa last 26.7 P.A. Now (θ) 26.7°
Sep first 53.0 Sep last 51.829 Sep. Now (ρ) 51.829"
Mag pri 15.90 Mag sec 16.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -045 Sec motion ra -020
Pri motion dec -061 Sec motion dec -056
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Ursa Minor Gaia DR2 1701958551422990976
WDS 15082+7624 UC 2938 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 UC USNO CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC1, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4)
1 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G.,
1 UC & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
13 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C.,
13 UC DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
13 UC Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15082+7624 UC 2938 2000 2 27 54.4 15.90 16.40 V 150814.62+762408.2
15082+7624 UC 2938 2003 2 27 54.4 15.90 16.40 V 150814.62+762408.2
15082+7624 UC 2938 2010 3 27 52.0 15.90 16.40 V 150814.62+762408.2
15082+7624 UC 2938 2015 4 27 51.8 15.90 16.40 V 150814.62+762408.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 15082+7624 UC 2938 : MEASURES
No records found.


15082+7624 UC 2938A mag 15.9 15082+7624 UC 2938B sep 46.6 P.A. 6.70 mag 16.4 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 15082+7624 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 15h 08m 14.62s +76° 24' 08.2"
WDS 15082+7624 UC 2938 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

15082+7624  UC 2938 distance=0' 15050+7626  MLR 343 distance=12' 15079+7612  MET  10Aa,Ab distance=13' 15079+7612  LEP  72AB distance=13' 15079+7612  LAF  53AC distance=13' 15079+7612  LWR  13AD distance=13' 15026+7634  PKO  28 distance=23' 15103+7648  LDS1812 distance=26' 15004+7635  MFL 190 distance=30' 15189+7626  MFL 198 distance=38' 15051+7703  LDS1809 distance=42' 14557+7618  HDS2107 distance=45' 14581+7549  BVD 325 distance=51' 15231+7620  MFL 148 distance=53' 14529+7622  MFL 192 distance=55' 15195+7710  SKF1235 distance=60' 15041+7722  LDS1807 distance=60' 15202+7708  LDS1819 distance=61' 15021+7528  LDT   8Ea,Eb distance=61' 14531+7706  MFL 151 distance=67' 15266+7701  LDS1821 distance=74' 14558+7733  MFL 180 distance=81' 15282+7710  MFL 147 distance=83' 15038+7751  MFL 175 distance=88' 15130+7452  KPP3288 distance=94' 14568+7454  S   666 (Baekdu) distance=100' 14529+7753  TDS9333 distance=103' 15189+7441  TDS9478 distance=111' 15178+7817  TDS9472 distance=118' 14531+7811  HU  908AB distance=118' 14531+7811  HU  908AC distance=118' 15021+7427  UC 2902 distance=120' 15102+7422  LDS1811 distance=122' 15253+7428  A  1121 distance=134' 15223+7835  KPP 342 distance=139' 14490+7830  MFL 184 distance=141' 15118+7849  MFL 188 distance=146' 14507+7409  BUP 159 (Kochab) distance=151' 15233+7401  KPP3956 distance=155' 15052+7904  STF1933 distance=160' 15081+7341  LDS1810 distance=163' 15198+7923  MFL 197 distance=183' 15238+7325  A  1368 distance=190' 15049+7943  PKO  29 distance=199' 15035+7304  A  1115 distance=201' 15240+7314  KPP1165 distance=201' 14544+7940  LDS1805 distance=201' 15010+7303  TOK 806 distance=203' 15232+7258  MLR 190 distance=215' 15226+7254  HDS2163 distance=218' 15004+7232  UC 2896 distance=235' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 15082+7624 UC 2938 27 51.8 0
Show 15050+7626 MLR 343 278 0.2 12
Show 15079+7612 MET 10 Aa,Ab 133 0.4 13
Show 15079+7612 LEP 72 AB 2 116.4 13
Show 15079+7612 LAF 53 AC 126 9.5 13
Show 15079+7612 LWR 13 AD 19 14.6 13
Show 15026+7634 PKO 28 248 5.2 23
Show 15103+7648 LDS1812 160 90.2 26
Show 15004+7635 MFL 190 315 17.4 30
Show 15189+7626 MFL 198 237 11.0 38
Show 15051+7703 LDS1809 351 4.2 42
Show 14557+7618 HDS2107 141 0.2 45
Show 14581+7549 BVD 325 19 23.3 51
Show 15231+7620 MFL 148 143 60.0 53
Show 14529+7622 MFL 192 229 13.8 55
Show 15195+7710 SKF1235 159 7.1 60
Show 15041+7722 LDS1807 105 53.3 60
Show 15202+7708 LDS1819 226 11.8 61
Show 15021+7528 LDT 8 Ea,Eb 136 0.6 61
Show 14531+7706 MFL 151 141 5.7 67
Show 15266+7701 LDS1821 72 4.5 74
Show 14558+7733 MFL 180 336 15.5 81
Show 15282+7710 MFL 147 147 59.7 83
Show 15038+7751 MFL 175 108 8.4 88
Show 15130+7452 KPP3288 1 4.0 94
Show Baekdu 14568+7454 S 666 34 167.6 100
Show 14529+7753 TDS9333 201 0.5 103
Show 15189+7441 TDS9478 25 0.6 111
Show 15178+7817 TDS9472 95 1.1 118
Show 14531+7811 HU 908 AB 236 1.6 118
Show 14531+7811 HU 908 AC 141 112.6 118
Show 15021+7427 UC 2902 280 72.2 120
Show 15102+7422 LDS1811 94 3.2 122
Show 15253+7428 A 1121 63 2.3 134
Show 15223+7835 KPP 342 323 3.7 139
Show 14490+7830 MFL 184 244 14.0 141
Show 15118+7849 MFL 188 60 8.7 146
Show Kochab 14507+7409 BUP 159 341 212.3 151
Show 15233+7401 KPP3956 186 58.6 155
Show 15052+7904 STF1933 275 24.0 160
Show 15081+7341 LDS1810 118 8.1 163
Show 15198+7923 MFL 197 94 5.4 183
Show 15238+7325 A 1368 257 5.8 190
Show 15049+7943 PKO 29 173 5.7 199
Show 15035+7304 A 1115 327 2.1 201
Show 15240+7314 KPP1165 77 9.1 201
Show 14544+7940 LDS1805 139 11.2 201
Show 15010+7303 TOK 806 115 0.3 203
Show 15232+7258 MLR 190 219 1.3 215
Show 15226+7254 HDS2163 177 0.2 218
Show 15004+7232 UC 2896 17 25.2 235

WDS 15082+7624 : COMPONENTS
B pa=6.7°
15082+7624 A
Coord arcsec 2000 150814.62+762408.2 Mag 15.9 PmRA -45.00 PmDE -61.0
15082+7624 B
Coord arcsec 2000 150816.17+762454.5 Mag 16.4 PmRA -20.00 PmDE -56.0
Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes