10483-1529 UC 1996

10h 48m 19.89s -15° 29' 14.2" P.A. 178.00 sep 9.6 mag 12.50,15.10
Coord 2000 10483-1529 Discov num UC 1996 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 48 19.89 -15 29 14.2
Date first 1998 Date last 2015 Obs 6
Pa first 179 Pa last 177.9 P.A. Now (θ) 177.9°
Sep first 10.2 Sep last 9.618 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.618"
Mag pri 12.50 Mag sec 15.10 delta mag (ΔM) 2.6 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -065 Sec motion ra -062
Pri motion dec -041 Sec motion dec -029
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.161 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Hydra Gaia DR2 3557666478092945792
WDS 10483-1529 UC 1996 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 UC USNO CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC1, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4)
1 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G.,
1 UC & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
13 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C.,
13 UC DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
13 UC Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10483-1529 UC 1996 2000 2 179 10.1 12.50 15.10 V 104819.89-152914.2
10483-1529 UC 1996 2010 5 179 9.9 12.50 15.10 V R 104819.89-152914.2
10483-1529 UC 1996 2015 6 178 9.6 12.50 15.10 V R 104819.89-152914.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10483-1529 UC 1996 : MEASURES
No records found.


10483-1529 UC 1996A mag 12.5 10483-1529 UC 1996B sep 9.6 P.A. 178.00 mag 15.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10483-1529 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 48m 19.89s -15° 29' 14.2"
WDS 10483-1529 UC 1996 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10483-1529  UC 1996 distance=0' 10485-1537  GWP1462 distance=8' 10476-1538  STF1473AB distance=14' 10476-1538  STF1473AC distance=14' 10476-1538  TOK 714Aa,Ab distance=14' 10476-1516  STF1474AB distance=17' 10476-1516  STF1474AC distance=17' 10476-1516  STF1474BC distance=18' 10501-1511  TDS7492 distance=32' 10481-1458  BU  595AB distance=32' 10481-1458  BU  595AC distance=32' 10481-1458  FOX9027AD distance=32' 10504-1459  RST3714 distance=43' 10493-1610  UC 2003 distance=44' 10460-1500  LDS4014 distance=45' 10482-1438  S   615 distance=50' 10441-1536  GWP1445 distance=62' 10503-1625  GWP1471 distance=63' 10488-1425  UC 1999 distance=66' 10447-1613  J  1569 distance=68' 10530-1536  TDS7531AB distance=69' 10532-1519  LDS4031 distance=73' 10446-1438  LDS4010 distance=74' 10432-1542  GWP1441 distance=76' 10533-1506  LDS4032 distance=77' 10531-1439  GWP1484 distance=87' 10426-1555  GWP1439 distance=88' 10482-1702  GWP1461 distance=94' 10414-1525  LDS4009 distance=100' 10507-1353  J  2657 distance=103' 10451-1704  GWP1451 distance=105' 10418-1443  S   611 distance=106' 10527-1702  TOK 277Ba,Bb distance=109' 10463-1343  GWP1453AB distance=111' 10478-1720  WIS 173 distance=111' 10545-1422  KPP 233 distance=112' 10406-1523  GWP1430 distance=112' 10527-1702  TOK 277AB distance=112' 10472-1725  HDS1541 distance=118' 10434-1706  BFR   6 distance=121' 10530-1345  LDS4029 distance=125' 10529-1717  HDS1556 distance=127' 10504-1326  LDS4023AB distance=127' 10504-1326  LDS4023AC distance=127' 10504-1326  ARN  73AD distance=127' 10514-1329  GWP1475 distance=129' 10544-1355  RST3720 distance=129' 10402-1622  LDS 311 distance=130' 10480-1316  UC 1995 distance=134' 10443-1731  RST3711 distance=136' 10546-1711  GWP1491 distance=136' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10483-1529 UC 1996 178 9.6 0
Show 10485-1537 GWP1462 178 31.3 8
Show 10476-1538 STF1473 AB 10 30.5 14
Show 10476-1538 STF1473 AC 333 96.1 14
Show 10476-1538 TOK 714 Aa,Ab 74 0.0 14
Show 10476-1516 STF1474 AB 27 65.9 17
Show 10476-1516 STF1474 AC 26 72.6 17
Show 10476-1516 STF1474 BC 15 6.6 18
Show 10501-1511 TDS7492 169 0.6 32
Show 10481-1458 BU 595 AB 14 2.2 32
Show 10481-1458 BU 595 AC 171 81.9 32
Show 10481-1458 FOX9027 AD 105 93.9 32
Show 10504-1459 RST3714 235 1.7 43
Show 10493-1610 UC 2003 7 13.6 44
Show 10460-1500 LDS4014 292 8.2 45
Show 10482-1438 S 615 5 87.1 50
Show 10441-1536 GWP1445 254 76.4 62
Show 10503-1625 GWP1471 275 29.1 63
Show 10488-1425 UC 1999 359 25.2 66
Show 10447-1613 J 1569 19 9.3 68
Show 10530-1536 TDS7531 AB 97 0.4 69
Show 10532-1519 LDS4031 52 33.7 73
Show 10446-1438 LDS4010 29 4.3 74
Show 10432-1542 GWP1441 39 56.5 76
Show 10533-1506 LDS4032 75 17.8 77
Show 10531-1439 GWP1484 174 32.0 87
Show 10426-1555 GWP1439 291 7.5 88
Show 10482-1702 GWP1461 24 16.6 94
Show 10414-1525 LDS4009 303 17.2 100
Show 10507-1353 J 2657 162 8.0 103
Show 10451-1704 GWP1451 329 89.5 105
Show 10418-1443 S 611 193 59.8 106
Show 10527-1702 TOK 277 Ba,Bb 340 0.2 109
Show 10463-1343 GWP1453 AB 237 54.2 111
Show 10478-1720 WIS 173 128 999.9 111
Show 10545-1422 KPP 233 180 3.7 112
Show 10406-1523 GWP1430 229 58.9 112
Show 10527-1702 TOK 277 AB 274 279.1 112
Show 10472-1725 HDS1541 299 0.2 118
Show 10434-1706 BFR 6 104 17.0 121
Show 10530-1345 LDS4029 70 2.3 125
Show 10529-1717 HDS1556 288 0.2 127
Show 10504-1326 LDS4023 AB 20 8.8 127
Show 10504-1326 LDS4023 AC 93 150.7 127
Show 10504-1326 ARN 73 AD 83 121.8 127
Show 10514-1329 GWP1475 300 60.2 129
Show 10544-1355 RST3720 349 0.5 129
Show 10402-1622 LDS 311 317 214.4 130
Show 10480-1316 UC 1995 346 31.1 134
Show 10443-1731 RST3711 98 2.4 136
Show 10546-1711 GWP1491 252 38.2 136

WDS 10483-1529 : COMPONENTS
B pa=178.0°
10483-1529 A
Coord arcsec 2000 104819.89-152914.2 Mag 12.5 PmRA -65.00 PmDE -41.0
10483-1529 B
Coord arcsec 2000 104819.91-152923.8 Mag 15.1 PmRA -62.00 PmDE -29.0
Calc delta mag 2.6 Calc coord yes