08056+6219 UC 1643

08h 05m 33.45s +62° 19' 16.1" P.A. 220.00 sep 47.9 mag 15.01,17.24
Coord 2000 08056+6219 Discov num UC 1643 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 08 05 33.45 +62 19 16.1
Date first 1999 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 220 Pa last 219.6 P.A. Now (θ) 219.6°
Sep first 47.9 Sep last 47.919 Sep. Now (ρ) 47.919"
Mag pri 15.01 Mag sec 17.24 delta mag (ΔM) 2.23 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -013 Sec motion ra -023
Pri motion dec -051 Sec motion dec -050
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.183 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Camelopardalis Gaia DR2 1085073704369784704
WDS 08056+6219 UC 1643 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 UC USNO CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC1, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4)
1 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G.,
1 UC & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
13 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C.,
13 UC DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
13 UC Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08056+6219 UC 1643 2000 2 220 48.0 15.00 17.20 V 080533.45+621916.1
08056+6219 UC 1643 2003 2 220 48.0 15.00 17.20 V 080533.45+621916.1
08056+6219 UC 1643 2010 3 220 47.9 15.01 17.24 V 080533.45+621916.1
08056+6219 UC 1643 2015 4 220 47.9 15.01 17.24 V 080533.45+621916.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 08056+6219 UC 1643 : MEASURES
No records found.


08056+6219 UC 1643A mag 15.01 08056+6219 UC 1643B sep 39.6 P.A. 201.00 mag 17.24 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 08056+6219 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 08h 05m 33.45s +62° 19' 16.1"
WDS 08056+6219 UC 1643 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

08056+6219  UC 1643 distance=0' 08071+6203  STI 662 distance=20' 08029+6203  STI 661 distance=25' 08031+6138  HDS1146 distance=45' 07590+6223  TDS5408 distance=47' 08025+6305  HDS1142Aa,Ab distance=51' 08025+6305  SHJ  86AB distance=51' 08025+6305  STU   5AC distance=51' 07582+6303  TDS5393 distance=67' 08073+6112  BVD 308 distance=69' 07554+6213  ES 1898 distance=72' 08123+6125  WIS 145 distance=73' 07551+6227  SHN  14 distance=74' 08138+6306  LDS2564AB distance=74' 08138+6306  RAO  60BC distance=76' 08017+6108  BVD 307 distance=76' 08013+6109  LDS2558 distance=77' 07564+6307  LDS2556 distance=80' 07541+6213  ES 1897 distance=81' 08180+6234  TDS5690 distance=88' 08147+6326  LDS2565 distance=91' 07527+6247  MLR 135 distance=93' 07550+6123  TDS5333 distance=94' 08168+6123  MLB 200 distance=98' 08070+6042  KPP3208 distance=98' 08096+6359  SKF2570AB distance=104' 08146+6056  TDS5640 distance=106' 08207+6236  LDS2573 distance=107' 07560+6056  LDS2555 distance=108' 08155+6349  LDS2566 distance=113' 07531+6107  STI 657 distance=115' 07581+6402  MLB 199 distance=116' 08017+6019  MCA  33 distance=123' 08012+6017  STI 660 distance=127' 07571+6026  SHN  15 distance=129' 08225+6318  ES 1899 distance=131' 07530+6400  TDS5301 distance=132' 08158+6023  STF1192AB distance=138' 08158+6023  STF1192AC distance=138' 08158+6023  STF1192AD distance=138' 07554+6021  MLB 263 distance=139' 07556+6018  TDS5342 distance=141' 07577+6432  LDS2557 distance=143' 07469+6331  MLB 198 distance=147' 08062+6446  KPP2119 distance=148' 07527+6426  KPP2302 distance=154' 07545+6008  HDS1123 distance=154' 07472+6353  LDS2553 distance=156' 08169+6435  LDS2570 distance=157' 07518+6425  ES 1896 distance=157' 08074+5942  CRB 179 distance=158' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 08056+6219 UC 1643 220 47.9 0
Show 08071+6203 STI 662 166 9.0 20
Show 08029+6203 STI 661 330 2.9 25
Show 08031+6138 HDS1146 97 0.7 45
Show 07590+6223 TDS5408 167 2.7 47
Show 08025+6305 HDS1142 Aa,Ab 207 0.0 51
Show 08025+6305 SHJ 86 AB 80 51.6 51
Show 08025+6305 STU 5 AC 157 188.9 51
Show 07582+6303 TDS5393 100 2.1 67
Show 08073+6112 BVD 308 302 10.4 69
Show 07554+6213 ES 1898 242 3.1 72
Show 08123+6125 WIS 145 238 678.1 73
Show 07551+6227 SHN 14 115 1.2 74
Show 08138+6306 LDS2564 AB 113 244.5 74
Show 08138+6306 RAO 60 BC 37 12.9 76
Show 08017+6108 BVD 307 198 12.8 76
Show 08013+6109 LDS2558 297 42.7 77
Show 07564+6307 LDS2556 261 123.7 80
Show 07541+6213 ES 1897 140 4.4 81
Show 08180+6234 TDS5690 168 1.9 88
Show 08147+6326 LDS2565 256 4.8 91
Show 07527+6247 MLR 135 278 0.5 93
Show 07550+6123 TDS5333 324 0.6 94
Show 08168+6123 MLB 200 309 5.7 98
Show 08070+6042 KPP3208 157 5.2 98
Show 08096+6359 SKF2570 AB 151 9.7 104
Show 08146+6056 TDS5640 178 0.5 106
Show 08207+6236 LDS2573 79 12.9 107
Show 07560+6056 LDS2555 271 16.1 108
Show 08155+6349 LDS2566 341 35.0 113
Show 07531+6107 STI 657 150 12.1 115
Show 07581+6402 MLB 199 155 7.4 116
Show 08017+6019 MCA 33 312 0.1 123
Show 08012+6017 STI 660 197 3.1 127
Show 07571+6026 SHN 15 82 0.7 129
Show 08225+6318 ES 1899 220 13.0 131
Show 07530+6400 TDS5301 128 0.5 132
Show 08158+6023 STF1192 AB 256 2.7 138
Show 08158+6023 STF1192 AC 224 48.9 138
Show 08158+6023 STF1192 AD 194 98.4 138
Show 07554+6021 MLB 263 268 3.2 139
Show 07556+6018 TDS5342 203 1.0 141
Show 07577+6432 LDS2557 108 29.0 143
Show 07469+6331 MLB 198 319 5.0 147
Show 08062+6446 KPP2119 250 17.2 148
Show 07527+6426 KPP2302 170 19.4 154
Show 07545+6008 HDS1123 175 0.8 154
Show 07472+6353 LDS2553 93 71.9 156
Show 08169+6435 LDS2570 93 35.4 157
Show 07518+6425 ES 1896 21 3.2 157
Show 08074+5942 CRB 179 16 55.0 158

WDS 08056+6219 : COMPONENTS
B pa=201.0°
08056+6219 A
Coord arcsec 2000 080533.45+621916.1 Mag 15.01 PmRA -13.00 PmDE -51.0
08056+6219 B
Coord arcsec 2000 080531.41+621839.2 Mag 17.24 PmRA -23.00 PmDE -50.0
Calc delta mag 2.23 Calc coord yes