01586+3834 LPL 1

01h 58m 33.43s +38° 34' 23.8" P.A. -1.00 sep 1.8 mag 9.92, Sp sdO dist. 252.53 pc (823.75 l.y.)
Coord 2000 01586+3834 Discov num LPL   1 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 58 33.43 +38 34 23.8
Date first 2011 Date last 2011 Obs 0
Pa first -1 Pa last -1 P.A. Now (θ) -1
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 1.8 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.8"
Mag pri 9.92 Mag sec delta mag (ΔM) Spectral class sdO
Pri motion ra -010 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -009 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda HIP 9221 Tycho2 2816-01364-1 Gaia DR2 343066594441701504
BD BD+37 442 Distance 252.53 Distance ly 823.75
WDS 01586+3834 LPL 1 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LPL 1 La Palombara et al. (2012) detect a companion to the hot subdwarf
BD+37 442, using the XMM Newton satellite. The companion is thought to
be a white dwarf or neutron star, likely powered by accretion from the
wind of the primary. LPl2012
refcode metd author reference
LPl2012 Cx j La Palombara, N., Mereghetti, S., Tiengo, A., & Esposito, P. 2012ApJ...750L..34L
LPl2012 +Hz ApJ 750, L34, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 LPL La Palombara, N., Mereghetti, S., Tiengo, A., & Esposito, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01586+3834 LPL 1   0   1.8 9.92   sdO N 015833.43+383423.8
01586+3834 LPL 1   0   1.8 9.92   sdO N 015833.43+383423.8
01586+3834 LPL 1   0   1.8 9.92   sdO N 015833.43+383423.8
01586+3834 LPL 1   0   1.8 9.92   sdO N 015833.43+383423.8
01586+3834 LPL 1   0   1.8 9.92   sdO N 015833.43+383423.8
01586+3834 LPL 1   0   1.8 9.92   sdO N 015833.43+383423.8
01586+3834 LPL 1 2011 0 -1 1.8 9.92   sdO N 015833.43+383423.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01586+3834 LPL 1 : MEASURES
No records found.


01586+3834 LPL   1A mag 9.92 Sp sdO 01586+3834 LPL   1B virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01586+3834 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 58m 33.43s +38° 34' 23.8"
Primaries only

01586+3834  LPL   1 distance=0' 01588+3826  TDS2077 distance=9' 01585+3804  TDS2075 distance=30' 01584+3756  LDS3327AB distance=38' 01584+3756  LDS3327Aa,Ab distance=38' 01568+3802  ARN  90AB distance=39' 01568+3802  TOB9001BC distance=39' 01569+3759  ES  228AB distance=41' 01566+3800  ALI 495 distance=41' 01579+3753  TDS2066 distance=43' 01559+3803  TDS2057 distance=45' 01563+3758  ARN  87 distance=45' 01567+3749  ES  161 distance=51' 01547+3812  STF 181BC distance=51' 01547+3812  STF 181AB distance=52' 01547+3812  STF 181AD distance=52' 01544+3855  J  2391 distance=53' 01589+3741  HO   10 distance=54' 01577+3739  COU1218 distance=56' 01547+3801  A  1811 distance=57' 01561+3745  HJ 1097AB distance=57' 01559+3922  ALI 746 distance=58' 01571+3737  RAO 186 distance=60' 02003+3738  A  1812AB distance=60' 02003+3738  A  1812AC distance=60' 01568+3931  ALI1022 distance=62' 01536+3857  J  2390 distance=64' 01588+3730  COU1364 distance=65' 01536+3758  BRT2199 distance=69' 01563+3729  FMR  45 distance=71' 02034+3919  MLB  10AB distance=74' 02034+3919  BKO  11AC distance=74' 02034+3919  BKO  11CD distance=75' 01542+3739  CRB  44 distance=78' 01543+3935  TDS  64 distance=79' 01581+3953  MLB 814 distance=79' 01520+3853  MLB 998 distance=80' 01532+3744  TDS2038 distance=82' 02055+3821  CBL 119 distance=83' 02043+3924  COU1365 distance=84' 01562+3715  BU 1368BD distance=84' 01562+3715  STFA  4AB distance=85' 01562+3715  BU 1368AC distance=85' 02059+3835  ALI 748 distance=87' 02005+3958  HDS 268AB distance=87' 02005+3958  GII 121Aa,Ab distance=87' 01521+3917  MLB 973 distance=88' 01536+3724  GRV 104 distance=92' 02058+3800  ES 2010 distance=92' 02064+3854  A  1926 distance=94' 01532+3719  STF 179 distance=99' grafico limitrofi
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01586+3834 LPL 1 -1 1.8 0
Show 01588+3826 TDS2077 237 0.4 9
Show 01585+3804 TDS2075 184 1.1 30
Show 01584+3756 LDS3327 AB 176 32.7 38
Show 01584+3756 LDS3327 Aa,Ab 340 1.1 38
Show 01568+3802 ARN 90 AB 192 37.3 39
Show 01568+3802 TOB9001 BC 266 70.4 39
Show 01569+3759 ES 228 AB 11 3.5 41
Show 01566+3800 ALI 495 175 8.6 41
Show 01579+3753 TDS2066 287 1.0 43
Show 01559+3803 TDS2057 298 1.9 45
Show 01563+3758 ARN 87 284 56.2 45
Show 01567+3749 ES 161 245 3.9 51
Show 01547+3812 STF 181 BC 86 34.9 51
Show 01547+3812 STF 181 AB 125 27.3 52
Show 01547+3812 STF 181 AD 281 27.2 52
Show 01544+3855 J 2391 343 7.3 53
Show 01589+3741 HO 10 202 2.8 54
Show 01577+3739 COU1218 354 0.4 56
Show 01547+3801 A 1811 93 1.5 57
Show 01561+3745 HJ 1097 AB 40 14.6 57
Show 01559+3922 ALI 746 306 5.5 58
Show 01571+3737 RAO 186 61 3.3 60
Show 02003+3738 A 1812 AB 236 2.9 60
Show 02003+3738 A 1812 AC 347 9.9 60
Show 01568+3931 ALI1022 36 0.2 62
Show 01536+3857 J 2390 301 8.9 64
Show 01588+3730 COU1364 53 0.5 65
Show 01536+3758 BRT2199 218 4.0 69
Show 01563+3729 FMR 45 34 6.7 71
Show 02034+3919 MLB 10 AB 52 4.0 74
Show 02034+3919 BKO 11 AC 29 57.7 74
Show 02034+3919 BKO 11 CD 181 6.3 75
Show 01542+3739 CRB 44 339 30.2 78
Show 01543+3935 TDS 64 264 0.8 79
Show 01581+3953 MLB 814 330 7.4 79
Show 01520+3853 MLB 998 342 7.2 80
Show 01532+3744 TDS2038 284 0.7 82
Show 02055+3821 CBL 119 130 31.9 83
Show 02043+3924 COU1365 126 0.2 84
Show 01562+3715 BU 1368 BD 258 204.4 84
Show 01562+3715 STFA 4 AB 298 202.5 85
Show 01562+3715 BU 1368 AC 80 17.9 85
Show 02059+3835 ALI 748 86 6.3 87
Show 02005+3958 HDS 268 AB 19 0.9 87
Show 02005+3958 GII 121 Aa,Ab 123 0.1 87
Show 01521+3917 MLB 973 185 4.5 88
Show 01536+3724 GRV 104 48 39.0 92
Show 02058+3800 ES 2010 137 9.2 92
Show 02064+3854 A 1926 147 1.1 94
Show 01532+3719 STF 179 160 3.5 99

WDS 01586+3834 : COMPONENTS
B pa=0.0°
01586+3834 A
Coord arcsec 2000 015833.43+383423.8 Mag 9.92 Spectral class sdO PmRA -10.00
PmDE -9.0 HIP 9221 Tycho2 2816-01364-1 BD BD+37 442
Tycho2 2816-01364-1 Pflag RAmdeg 29.63931189 DEmdeg 38.57328790
PmRA -10.4 PmDE -9.2 E RAmdeg 12 E DEmdeg 12
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.7 EpRAm 1991.07 EpDEm 1990.82
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.4 Q DEmdeg 2.1 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 2.0 BTmag 9.640 E BTmag 0.022 VTmag 9.838
E VTmag 0.027 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 9221
CCDM RAdeg 29.63934139 DEdeg 38.57330750 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.62 E RAdeg 11.5 E DEdeg 13.4 Posflg
Corr -0.2
Catalog H HIP 9221 Proxy RAhms 01 58 33.44
DEdms +38 34 23.9 Vmag 10.01 VarFlag R Vmag G
RAdeg 29.6393 DEdeg 38.5733 AstroRef Plx 4.08
CCDM N CCDM Nsys Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual M HIP
Theta Rho HD BD BD+37 442
CD CP Dm number +37 442 VIred -0.3
SpType sdO: R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 015833.44+383423.9
Hipparcos 2
HIP 9221 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 0.5173041375 DErad 0.6732312339 Plx 3.96 PmRA -9.62
PmDE -9.04 E RArad 0.87 E DErad 0.68 E Plx 1.07
E pmRA 1.03 E pmDE 0.95 Hpmag 9.9188 E Hpmag 0.0025
SHp 0.026 VA 0 BV -0.28 E BV 0.015
VI -0.3
01586+3834 B
Coord arcsec 2000 015833.43+383423.8 Calc delta mag 9.92 Calc coord yes