01501+0512 UC 635

01h 50m 06.45s +05° 12' 24.4" P.A. 290.00 sep 45.6 mag 10.66,14.89 Sp K2
Coord 2000 01501+0512 Discov num UC  635 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 50 06.45 +05 12 24.4
Date first 2000 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 290 Pa last 289.6 P.A. Now (θ) 289.6°
Sep first 45.5 Sep last 45.569 Sep. Now (ρ) 45.569"
Mag pri 10.66 Mag sec 14.89 delta mag (ΔM) 4.23 Spectral class K2 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra +044 Sec motion ra +042
Pri motion dec -035 Sec motion dec -033
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.05 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces Tycho2 0036-00785-1 Gaia DR2 2561134662697095424
WDS 01501+0512 UC 635 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 UC USNO CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC1, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4)
1 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G.,
1 UC & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
13 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C.,
13 UC DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
13 UC Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01501+0512 UC 635 2000 2 290 45.6 10.70 14.90 V 015006.45+051224.4
01501+0512 UC 635 2010 3 290 45.5 10.66 14.89 K2 V 015006.45+051224.4
01501+0512 UC 635 2015 4 290 45.6 10.66 14.89 K2 V 015006.45+051224.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01501+0512 UC 635 : MEASURES
No records found.


01501+0512 UC  635A mag 10.66 Sp K2 01501+0512 UC  635B sep 45.4 P.A. 289.70 mag 14.89 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01501+0512 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 50m 06.45s +05° 12' 24.4"
WDS 01501+0512 UC 635 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01501+0512  UC  635 distance=1' 01520+0516  BAL2597 distance=28' 01526+0516  A  2010 distance=38' 01523+0440  STT  36 distance=47' 01515+0457  STF 177 distance=47' 01503+0608  SLW  87 distance=56' 01467+0433  OCC 613 distance=65' 01504+0359  KPP1970 distance=74' 01491+0624  LDS3315 distance=74' 01520+0359  BAL2095 distance=79' 01560+0529  GOM   4BC distance=87' 01459+0411  A  2405 distance=88' 01474+0355  HJ 2084 distance=88' 01560+0529  GWP 236AB distance=90' 01560+0529  GOM   4AC distance=90' 01511+0644  HDS 250 distance=93' 01519+0341  BAL2094 distance=96' 01562+0437  BAL2598 distance=98' 01432+0520  A  2008AB distance=104' 01432+0520  GII 118Aa,Ab distance=104' 01506+0658  HEI 836 distance=106' 01570+0444  XMI   3 distance=107' 01564+0616  SLW  92 distance=114' 01473+0659  OCC  46 distance=115' 01533+0702  OCC1009 distance=120' 01578+0433  KPP1288 distance=122' 01452+0331  LDS3306 distance=126' 01556+0335  BAL2096 distance=128' 01445+0332  BAL2092 distance=132' 01427+0637  J  1808 distance=139' 01409+0445  PLQ  21 distance=141' 01533+0725  SLW  89 distance=141' 01569+0332  LDS3325 distance=143' 01487+0741  HJ  644AB distance=151' 01487+0741  HJ  644AC distance=151' 01487+0741  FOX9042AD distance=151' 01598+0432  XMI   4 distance=151' 01399+0529  DAM1240 distance=154' 01554+0257  A  2407 distance=157' 01491+0236  GWP 224 distance=158' 01497+0235  RST5185 distance=158' 01395+0503  JOD   2 distance=159' 01465+0242  WSP  76 distance=160' 02007+0456  A  2324AB distance=160' 02007+0456  A  2324AD distance=160' 02007+0456  A  2324AC distance=160' 02007+0456  A  2324DC distance=161' 01506+0231  HDO  54AB distance=162' 01506+0231  ABT   1AD distance=162' 01506+0231  HDO  54AC distance=162' 01506+0231  HDO  54BC distance=162' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01501+0512 UC 635 290 45.6 1
Show 01520+0516 BAL2597 150 9.4 28
Show 01526+0516 A 2010 179 4.2 38
Show 01523+0440 STT 36 -1 -1.0 47
Show 01515+0457 STF 177 121 30.8 47
Show 01503+0608 SLW 87 112 163.7 56
Show 01467+0433 OCC 613 -1 0.1 65
Show 01504+0359 KPP1970 256 15.6 74
Show 01491+0624 LDS3315 316 45.9 74
Show 01520+0359 BAL2095 204 8.1 79
Show 01560+0529 GOM 4 BC 66 184.2 87
Show 01459+0411 A 2405 227 0.9 88
Show 01474+0355 HJ 2084 332 17.6 88
Show 01560+0529 GWP 236 AB 199 7.1 90
Show 01560+0529 GOM 4 AC 66 184.3 90
Show 01511+0644 HDS 250 22 0.6 93
Show 01519+0341 BAL2094 102 20.5 96
Show 01562+0437 BAL2598 99 20.4 98
Show 01432+0520 A 2008 AB 346 0.3 104
Show 01432+0520 GII 118 Aa,Ab 107 0.1 104
Show 01506+0658 HEI 836 119 1.0 106
Show 01570+0444 XMI 3 191 20.3 107
Show 01564+0616 SLW 92 92 82.2 114
Show 01473+0659 OCC 46 31 0.0 115
Show 01533+0702 OCC1009 -1 0.1 120
Show 01578+0433 KPP1288 313 9.8 122
Show 01452+0331 LDS3306 154 82.9 126
Show 01556+0335 BAL2096 22 2.9 128
Show 01445+0332 BAL2092 239 5.1 132
Show 01427+0637 J 1808 314 7.9 139
Show 01409+0445 PLQ 21 208 50.9 141
Show 01533+0725 SLW 89 359 71.7 141
Show 01569+0332 LDS3325 241 9.2 143
Show 01487+0741 HJ 644 AB 279 17.2 151
Show 01487+0741 HJ 644 AC 227 126.5 151
Show 01487+0741 FOX9042 AD 124 77.6 151
Show 01598+0432 XMI 4 144 26.4 151
Show 01399+0529 DAM1240 278 8.4 154
Show 01554+0257 A 2407 338 0.7 157
Show 01491+0236 GWP 224 336 18.9 158
Show 01497+0235 RST5185 108 2.3 158
Show 01395+0503 JOD 2 209 0.3 159
Show 01465+0242 WSP 76 216 0.4 160
Show 02007+0456 A 2324 AB 59 0.7 160
Show 02007+0456 A 2324 AD 169 131.0 160
Show 02007+0456 A 2324 AC 130 72.1 160
Show 02007+0456 A 2324 DC 21 87.9 161
Show 01506+0231 HDO 54 AB 117 4.6 162
Show 01506+0231 ABT 1 AD 209 70.0 162
Show 01506+0231 HDO 54 AC 214 17.2 162
Show 01506+0231 HDO 54 BC 226 18.3 162

WDS 01501+0512 : COMPONENTS
B pa=289.7°
01501+0512 A
Coord arcsec 2000 015006.45+051224.4 Mag 10.66 Spectral class K2 (yellow-orange) PmRA 44.00
PmDE -35.0 Tycho2 0036-00785-1
Tycho2 0036-00785-1 Pflag RAmdeg 27.52690516 DEmdeg 5.20677188
PmRA 43.2 PmDE -35.9 E RAmdeg 33 E DEmdeg 36
E pmRA 1.6 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1982.51 EpDEm 1975.26
Num 7 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 1.4 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 1.4 BTmag 11.592 E BTmag 0.090 VTmag 11.055
E VTmag 0.093 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 27.52680333 DEdeg 5.20688111 EpRA 1990 1.78
EpDE 1990 0.96 E RAdeg 39.6 E DEdeg 73.0 Posflg
Corr -0.1
01501+0512 B
Coord arcsec 2000 015003.59+051239.7 Mag 14.89 PmRA 42.00 PmDE -33.0
Calc delta mag 4.23 Calc coord yes