00392+3925 UC 415

00h 39m 10.71s +39° 25' 16.1" P.A. 17.00 sep 14.8 mag 16.30,16.50
Coord 2000 00392+3925 Discov num UC  415 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 39 10.71 +39 25 16.1
Date first 1997 Date last 2015 Obs 5
Pa first 17 Pa last 17.3 P.A. Now (θ) 17.3°
Sep first 14.8 Sep last 14.773 Sep. Now (ρ) 14.773"
Mag pri 16.30 Mag sec 16.50 delta mag (ΔM) 0.2 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -054 Sec motion ra -050
Pri motion dec -042 Sec motion dec -042
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.058 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 368673468634741376
WDS 00392+3925 UC 415 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 UC USNO CCD Astrographic Catalog (UCAC1, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4)
1 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Girard, T.M., Henden, A., Bartlett, J.L., Monet, D.G.,
1 UC & Zacharias, M.I. (UCAC4 Catalog)
13 UC Zacharias, N., Finch, C.T., Subasavage, J.P., Bredthauer, G., Crockett, C.,
13 UC DiVittorio, M., Ferguson, E., Harris, F., Harris, H.C., Hendon, A., Kilian, C.,
13 UC Munn, J., Rafferty, T., Rhodes, A., Schultheis, M., Tilleman, T., & Wieder, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00392+3925 UC 415 2000 2 17 14.9 16.30 16.50 V 003910.71+392516.1
00392+3925 UC 415 2002 2 17 14.8 16.30 16.50 V 003910.71+392516.1
00392+3925 UC 415 2010 3 17 14.7 16.30 16.50 V 003910.71+392516.1
00392+3925 UC 415 2015 4 17 14.8 16.30 16.50 V 003910.71+392516.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00392+3925 UC 415 : MEASURES
No records found.


00392+3925 UC  415A mag 16.3 00392+3925 UC  415B sep 14.5 P.A. 13.50 mag 16.5 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00392+3925 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 39m 10.71s +39° 25' 16.1"
WDS 00392+3925 UC 415 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00392+3925  UC  415 distance=0' 00390+3906  UC  412 distance=20' 00375+3942  SHN  54 distance=26' 00414+3911  ALI 726 distance=27' 00388+3849  ALI 725 distance=37' 00403+4004  MLB 970AB distance=42' 00403+4004  MLB 970AC distance=42' 00408+3844  COU 853 distance=46' 00361+3858  J  2711 distance=46' 00363+3853  ALI 724 distance=47' 00431+3913  MLB1054 distance=48' 00351+3910  STF  41AB distance=50' 00351+3910  WAL   8AC distance=50' 00434+3907  HEI 201AB distance=53' 00434+3907  GII 114Aa,Ab distance=53' 00417+4009  SHN  57 distance=54' 00385+4022  COU1050 distance=58' 00438+3903  ALI 728 distance=59' 00370+4019  ALI1010 distance=59' 00416+4017  MLB 734 distance=59' 00385+3824  LDS3185 distance=61' 00423+4015  A  1507AB distance=62' 00423+4015  A  1507AB,C distance=62' 00448+3940  ALI1011 distance=67' 00445+3955  DAM 831 distance=68' 00339+3855  CVR 334 distance=69' 00421+4025  POP 124 distance=69' 00390+4037  WOR  31AB distance=73' 00390+4037  WOR  31AC distance=73' 00390+4040  BU 1159 distance=76' 00416+3814  ALI 483 distance=77' 00367+3814  A  1506 distance=77' 00335+4006  HO    3 distance=78' 00455+3953  GRV  42 distance=79' 00405+4044  SKF1512 distance=81' 00322+3938  CVR 327 distance=82' 00327+3851  HDS  73 distance=83' 00393+4050  ES 1604AB distance=86' 00393+4050  GII 109Ba,Bb distance=86' 00348+3817  ES 1941 distance=86' 00331+4018  GRV  30 distance=88' 00467+3945  COU1205 distance=89' 00384+4059  STF  44 distance=95' 00472+3901  MLB   3 distance=96' 00350+3802  ES 2546 distance=97' 00313+3959  CRB  28 distance=98' 00341+3807  COU 849 distance=99' 00470+3848  ES  223 distance=99' 00387+3745  TDS1557 distance=101' 00352+3750  BU 1291 distance=106' 00473+3837  ES  224AB distance=107' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00392+3925 UC 415 17 14.8 0
Show 00390+3906 UC 412 354 3.7 20
Show 00375+3942 SHN 54 -1 0.2 26
Show 00414+3911 ALI 726 149 11.5 27
Show 00388+3849 ALI 725 52 6.4 37
Show 00403+4004 MLB 970 AB 347 4.7 42
Show 00403+4004 MLB 970 AC 50 33.9 42
Show 00408+3844 COU 853 89 0.9 46
Show 00361+3858 J 2711 113 5.6 46
Show 00363+3853 ALI 724 327 10.0 47
Show 00431+3913 MLB1054 351 11.2 48
Show 00351+3910 STF 41 AB 189 15.7 50
Show 00351+3910 WAL 8 AC 254 56.1 50
Show 00434+3907 HEI 201 AB 81 0.9 53
Show 00434+3907 GII 114 Aa,Ab 93 0.2 53
Show 00417+4009 SHN 57 -1 0.2 54
Show 00385+4022 COU1050 94 0.6 58
Show 00438+3903 ALI 728 19 9.3 59
Show 00370+4019 ALI1010 25 15.6 59
Show 00416+4017 MLB 734 181 6.9 59
Show 00385+3824 LDS3185 332 7.0 61
Show 00423+4015 A 1507 AB 226 0.7 62
Show 00423+4015 A 1507 AB,C 45 17.5 62
Show 00448+3940 ALI1011 2 6.2 67
Show 00445+3955 DAM 831 216 3.5 68
Show 00339+3855 CVR 334 118 10.1 69
Show 00421+4025 POP 124 24 4.4 69
Show 00390+4037 WOR 31 AB 123 0.3 73
Show 00390+4037 WOR 31 AC 174 1.1 73
Show 00390+4040 BU 1159 163 0.2 76
Show 00416+3814 ALI 483 95 11.0 77
Show 00367+3814 A 1506 20 1.2 77
Show 00335+4006 HO 3 141 0.4 78
Show 00455+3953 GRV 42 323 67.0 79
Show 00405+4044 SKF1512 185 1.1 81
Show 00322+3938 CVR 327 221 8.8 82
Show 00327+3851 HDS 73 69 0.2 83
Show 00393+4050 ES 1604 AB 169 2.5 86
Show 00393+4050 GII 109 Ba,Bb 12 0.3 86
Show 00348+3817 ES 1941 348 2.9 86
Show 00331+4018 GRV 30 156 48.8 88
Show 00467+3945 COU1205 93 0.9 89
Show 00384+4059 STF 44 274 13.0 95
Show 00472+3901 MLB 3 21 8.1 96
Show 00350+3802 ES 2546 167 6.2 97
Show 00313+3959 CRB 28 220 7.0 98
Show 00341+3807 COU 849 113 2.1 99
Show 00470+3848 ES 223 88 8.7 99
Show 00387+3745 TDS1557 198 0.6 101
Show 00352+3750 BU 1291 167 3.1 106
Show 00473+3837 ES 224 AB 343 10.4 107

WDS 00392+3925 : COMPONENTS
B pa=13.5°
00392+3925 A
Coord arcsec 2000 003910.71+392516.1 Mag 16.3 PmRA -54.00 PmDE -42.0
00392+3925 B
Coord arcsec 2000 003911.00+392530.2 Mag 16.5 PmRA -50.00 PmDE -42.0
Calc delta mag 0.2 Calc coord yes