18529-5708 LUH 14

18h 52m 52.38s -57° 07' 36.1" P.A. 130.00 sep 57.4 mag 7.59,11.06 Sp M2.5V
Coord 2000 18529-5708 Discov num LUH  14 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 18 52 52.38 -57 07 36.1
Date first 1975 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 130 Pa last 129.6 P.A. Now (θ) 129.6°
Sep first 58.0 Sep last 57.421 Sep. Now (ρ) 57.421"
Mag pri 7.59 Mag sec 11.06 delta mag (ΔM) 3.47 Spectral class M2.5V (red)
Pri motion ra -246 Sec motion ra -242
Pri motion dec -769 Sec motion dec -743
Notes N V K (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical, K-band or other infrared magnitudes)
Visually invisible, K-band or other infrared star : Summary line gives K-band or other infrared (>1 micron) magnitudes
rPM=0.033 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pavo
WDS 18529-5708 LUH 14 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
LUH 14 LHS 3421 + 2MASS J18525777-5708141. Luh2012b
refcode metd author reference
Luh2012b Hw j Luhman, K.L., Loutrel, N.P., McCurdy, N.S., Mace, G.N., Melso, N.D., Star, K.M., 2012ApJ...760..152L
Luh2012b +E+ Young, M.D., Terrien, R.C., McLean, I.S., Kirkpatrick, J.D., & Rhode, K.L.
Luh2012b +Ci ApJ 760, 152, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 LUH Luhman, K.L. & Jayawardhana, R.
2 LUH Luhman, K.L., Stauffer, J.R., Muench, A.A., Rieke, G.H., Lada, E.A., Bouvier, J.,
2 LUH & Lada, C.J.
10 LUH Lada, C.J., Muench, A.A., Luhman, K.L., Allen, L., Hartmann, L., Megeath, T.,
10 LUH Myers, P., Fazio, G., Wood, K., Muzerolle, J., Rieke, G., Siegler, N., & Young, E.
11 LUH Luhman, K.L., Wilson, J.C., Brandner, W., Skrutskie, M.F., Nelson, M.J.,
11 LUH Smith, J.D., Peterson, D.E., Cushing, M.C., & Young, E.
12 LUH Luhman, K.L., Patten, B.M., Marengo, M., Schuster, M.T., Hora, J.L., Ellis, R.G.,
12 LUH Stauffer, J.R., Sonnett, S.M., et al.
13 LUH Luhman, K.L., Allers, K.M., Jaffe, D.T., Cushing, M.C., Williams, K.A.,
13 LUH Slesnick, C.L., & Vacca, W.D.
16 LUH Luhman, K.L., Burgasser, A.J., Labbe, I., Saumon, D., Marley, M.S.,
16 LUH Bochanski, J.J., Monson, A.J., & Persson, S.E.
17 LUH Luhman, K.L., Loutrel, N.P., McCurdy, N.S., Mace, G.N., Melso, N.D., Star, K.M.,
17 LUH Young, M.D., Terrien, R.C., McLean, I.S., Kirkpatrick, J.D., & Rhode, K.L.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18529-5708 LUH 14 2010 2 129 57.5 7.59 11.06 M2.5V NV K 185252.33-570737.3
18529-5708 LUH 14 2015 6 130 57.4 7.59 11.06 M2.5V NV K 185252.38-570736.1
18529-5708 LUH 14 2016 7 130 57.4 7.59 11.06 M2.5V NV K 185252.38-570736.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 18529-5708 LUH 14 : MEASURES
No records found.


18529-5708 LUH  14A mag 7.59 Sp M2.5V 18529-5708 LUH  14B sep 43.8 P.A. 146.70 mag 11.06 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 18529-5708 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 18h 52m 52.38s -57° 07' 36.1"
Primaries only

18529-5708  LUH  14 distance=1' 18519-5703  UC 3700 distance=10' 18507-5643  WIS 331 distance=31' 18492-5743  RST1003 distance=47' 18521-5754  DAW9011 distance=47' 18519-5756  HJ 5065 distance=50' 18482-5759  UC 3675 distance=65' 18591-5623  NZO  95 distance=69' 18578-5608  HDS2689 distance=73' 18453-5621  UC 3663 distance=78' 18575-5600  COO 228 distance=79' 18432-5730  TOK 798 distance=82' 19032-5700  UC 3777 distance=85' 18429-5632  TDT1016 distance=90' 18416-5728  RST 996 distance=94' 18409-5659  UC 3636 distance=98' 18528-5529  RST1004 distance=99' 19037-5619  RSS 505 distance=102' 18445-5832  B  2457 distance=108' 18393-5724  HJ 5050 distance=111' 19068-5739  RST5603 distance=113' 18426-5553  R   309 distance=113' 18596-5529  SKF 373 distance=114' 18434-5546  B   398AB distance=114' 18434-5546  HJ 5053AB,C distance=114' 19015-5840  SKF 374 distance=116' 18421-5554  UC 3646 distance=116' 18506-5902  B   947 distance=116' 18393-5758  KPP1638 distance=121' 18379-5751  KPP1741 distance=129' 18424-5858  UC 3649 distance=138' 18462-5500  B   402 distance=140' 19080-5601  KPP1843 distance=143' 18379-5554  RST 994 distance=145' 18417-5514  SWR 251 distance=148' 19072-5842  TOI1110 distance=148' 19004-5454  HTS  29AB distance=149' 19004-5454  HTS  29AC distance=149' 19004-5454  HTS  29AD distance=149' 19004-5454  HTS  29AE distance=149' 19004-5454  HTS  29AF distance=149' 19004-5454  HTS  29AG distance=149' 19004-5454  HTS  29AH distance=149' 19004-5454  HTS  29AI distance=149' 18450-5450  B   400 distance=153' 19116-5642  HRG 130 distance=155' 19105-5813  B  2468 distance=156' 19088-5541  UC 3819 distance=159' 19108-5819  TDT1282 distance=161' 18494-5428  UC 3684 distance=163' 18419-5926  UC 3641 distance=164' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 18529-5708 LUH 14 130 57.4 1
Show 18519-5703 UC 3700 241 35.9 10
Show 18507-5643 WIS 331 37 94.1 31
Show 18492-5743 RST1003 275 2.5 47
Show 18521-5754 DAW9011 260 6.8 47
Show 18519-5756 HJ 5065 21 22.4 50
Show 18482-5759 UC 3675 70 9.8 65
Show 18591-5623 NZO 95 145 1.9 69
Show 18578-5608 HDS2689 243 0.5 73
Show 18453-5621 UC 3663 327 9.7 78
Show 18575-5600 COO 228 357 2.7 79
Show 18432-5730 TOK 798 355 0.1 82
Show 19032-5700 UC 3777 141 11.3 85
Show 18429-5632 TDT1016 107 0.4 90
Show 18416-5728 RST 996 138 2.6 94
Show 18409-5659 UC 3636 60 20.6 98
Show 18528-5529 RST1004 63 1.6 99
Show 19037-5619 RSS 505 315 9.4 102
Show 18445-5832 B 2457 246 1.4 108
Show 18393-5724 HJ 5050 106 12.2 111
Show 19068-5739 RST5603 46 5.5 113
Show 18426-5553 R 309 207 2.1 113
Show 18596-5529 SKF 373 105 7.0 114
Show 18434-5546 B 398 AB 340 0.3 114
Show 18434-5546 HJ 5053 AB,C 197 32.6 114
Show 19015-5840 SKF 374 18 21.3 116
Show 18421-5554 UC 3646 306 22.0 116
Show 18506-5902 B 947 283 0.7 116
Show 18393-5758 KPP1638 339 12.6 121
Show 18379-5751 KPP1741 26 13.4 129
Show 18424-5858 UC 3649 304 91.5 138
Show 18462-5500 B 402 255 0.5 140
Show 19080-5601 KPP1843 250 14.3 143
Show 18379-5554 RST 994 12 0.3 145
Show 18417-5514 SWR 251 104 6.9 148
Show 19072-5842 TOI1110 81 8.9 148
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AB 114 12.6 149
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AC 68 13.3 149
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AD 138 14.4 149
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AE 74 17.5 149
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AF 306 18.4 149
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AG 132 18.8 149
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AH 7 19.3 149
Show 19004-5454 HTS 29 AI 14 19.5 149
Show 18450-5450 B 400 141 0.3 153
Show 19116-5642 HRG 130 293 6.5 155
Show 19105-5813 B 2468 39 0.2 156
Show 19088-5541 UC 3819 176 51.7 159
Show 19108-5819 TDT1282 203 0.6 161
Show 18494-5428 UC 3684 96 65.5 163
Show 18419-5926 UC 3641 149 13.9 164

WDS 18529-5708 : COMPONENTS
B pa=146.7°
18529-5708 A
Coord arcsec 2000 185252.38-570736.1 Mag 7.59 Spectral class M2.5V (red) PmRA -246.00
PmDE -769.0
18529-5708 B
Coord arcsec 2000 185255.33-570812.7 Mag 11.06 PmRA -242.00 PmDE -743.0
Calc delta mag 3.47 Calc coord yes