00020+6057 ES 1933
00h 02m 06.41s +60° 56' 29.2" P.A. 348.00 sep 2.7 mag 10.90,11.00
Coord 2000 |
00020+6057 |
Discov num |
ES 1933 |
Comp |
Coord arcsec 2000 |
00 02 06.41 +60 56 29.2 |
Date first |
1921 |
Date last |
2015 |
Obs |
7 |
Pa first |
350 |
Pa last |
347.6 |
P.A. Now (θ) |
347.6° |
Sep first |
2.2 |
Sep last |
2.709 |
Sep. Now (ρ) |
2.709" |
Mag pri |
10.90 |
Mag sec |
11.00 |
delta mag (ΔM) |
0.1 |
Spectral class |
Pri motion ra |
-003 |
Sec motion ra |
Pri motion dec |
-021 |
Sec motion dec |
Notes |
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation |
Cassiopeia |
Tycho2 |
4014-01658-1 |
Gaia DR2 |
429383587290241920 |
17174 |
WDS 00020+6057 ES 1933 : NOTES
No records found.
idgroup |
discov |
author |
1 |
ES |
Espin, T.E. |
coord_2000 |
discov_num |
comp |
epoch |
obs |
pa |
sep |
mag_pri |
mag_sec |
spectr |
notes |
coord_arcsec_2000 |
00020+6057 |
ES 1933 |
2001 |
5 |
349 |
2.7 |
10.90 |
11.00 |
000206.41+605629.2 |
00020+6057 |
ES 1933 |
2003 |
6 |
348 |
2.7 |
10.90 |
11.00 |
000206.41+605629.2 |
00020+6057 |
ES 1933 |
2015 |
7 |
348 |
2.7 |
10.90 |
11.00 |
000206.41+605629.2 |
If you need more information about this double, apply for a
data request form to the WDS.
No records found.
WDS 00020+6057 ES 1933 : MEASURES
No records found.
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
WDS 00020+6057 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 02m 06.41s +60° 56' 29.2"
WDS 00020+6057 ES 1933 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.
Show |
name |
coord_2000 |
discov# |
comp |
pa |
sep |
dist(') |
Show |
00020+6057 |
ES 1933 |
348 |
2.7 |
1 |
Show |
00025+6100 |
TDS 2 |
193 |
1.0 |
5 |
Show |
00033+6053 |
HJ 1928 |
AB |
183 |
15.2 |
10 |
Show |
00033+6053 |
HJ 1928 |
AC |
49 |
23.7 |
10 |
Show |
00016+6107 |
STI1253 |
150 |
6.8 |
12 |
Show |
00007+6103 |
STI1249 |
AB |
258 |
21.5 |
13 |
Show |
00007+6103 |
NVL 8 |
AC |
221 |
20.6 |
13 |
Show |
00017+6041 |
STI1254 |
51 |
12.2 |
15 |
Show |
00040+6050 |
HJ 1930 |
346 |
10.8 |
16 |
Show |
00040+6106 |
MZA 1 |
75 |
8.8 |
17 |
Show |
00035+6041 |
STI1261 |
162 |
14.1 |
19 |
Show |
00039+6041 |
PTT 19 |
13 |
14.4 |
21 |
Show |
00060+6052 |
KR 67 |
160 |
3.1 |
29 |
Show |
00004+6026 |
STI1248 |
48 |
12.4 |
34 |
Show |
00009+6023 |
MRI 4 |
359 |
21.4 |
35 |
Show |
00003+6024 |
TDS1237 |
217 |
1.8 |
36 |
Show |
00013+6021 |
STTA254 |
BD |
130 |
133.7 |
36 |
Show |
00013+6021 |
STTA254 |
AB |
89 |
57.8 |
36 |
Show |
00013+6021 |
STTA254 |
AC |
324 |
155.4 |
36 |
Show |
00013+6021 |
STTA254 |
AD |
118 |
181.4 |
36 |
Show |
00018+6014 |
TDS1254 |
234 |
1.0 |
43 |
Show |
00055+6133 |
STI 1 |
53 |
12.7 |
44 |
Show |
00058+6019 |
STI 3 |
74 |
8.2 |
45 |
Show |
00080+6035 |
STI 6 |
145 |
11.5 |
49 |
Show |
00077+6022 |
JNN 247 |
100 |
0.8 |
54 |
Show |
00043+6005 |
STI1263 |
15 |
8.0 |
54 |
Show |
00095+6055 |
STI 10 |
50 |
6.8 |
55 |
Show |
00096+6039 |
STI 11 |
84 |
8.2 |
58 |
Show |
00022+5958 |
BU 1337 |
AB |
248 |
12.9 |
59 |
Show |
00094+6122 |
TDS1321 |
82 |
0.6 |
59 |
Show |
00027+5958 |
ARG 47 |
293 |
9.7 |
60 |
Show |
00026+6158 |
STI1258 |
85 |
12.2 |
62 |
Show |
00075+6008 |
ES 1706 |
80 |
2.1 |
63 |
Show |
00107+6048 |
STI 13 |
235 |
10.7 |
64 |
Show |
00022+5946 |
HAU 7 |
105 |
11.3 |
69 |
Show |
00104+6139 |
STI 12 |
279 |
5.2 |
74 |
Show |
00026+5942 |
MLB 106 |
AB |
42 |
2.2 |
75 |
Show |
00026+5942 |
WAK 8 |
CD |
246 |
6.5 |
77 |
Show |
00109+6015 |
STI 14 |
87 |
11.1 |
77 |
Show |
00083+6201 |
STI 9 |
345 |
8.7 |
79 |
Show |
00111+6007 |
STI 15 |
55 |
4.7 |
82 |
Show |
00042+6217 |
H 5 79 |
AB |
330 |
82.4 |
83 |
Show |
00042+6217 |
SMY 5 |
AC |
238 |
150.7 |
83 |
Show |
00042+6217 |
S 838 |
AD |
197 |
244.0 |
83 |
Show |
00117+6145 |
TDS1338 |
111 |
0.5 |
85 |
Show |
00049+5933 |
STI1264 |
355 |
7.2 |
86 |
Show |
00136+6113 |
STI 24 |
109 |
3.5 |
86 |
Show |
00012+6221 |
STI1252 |
287 |
7.2 |
86 |
Show |
00123+6143 |
KPP4410 |
280 |
2.0 |
87 |
Show |
00023+6225 |
STI1257 |
300 |
10.4 |
89 |
Show |
00113+5958 |
A 901 |
100 |
0.9 |
91 |
WDS 00020+6057 : COMPONENTS
00020+6057 A
Coord arcsec 2000 |
000206.41+605629.2 |
Mag |
10.9 |
PmRA |
-3.00 |
PmDE |
-21.0 |
Tycho2 |
4014-01658-1 |
17174 |
DM |
BD+60 2659 |
Tycho2 |
4014-01658-1 |
Pflag |
RAmdeg |
0.52668587 |
DEmdeg |
60.94151611 |
PmRA |
10.2 |
PmDE |
-51.3 |
E RAmdeg |
30 |
E DEmdeg |
31 |
E pmRA |
4.6 |
E pmDE |
4.3 |
EpRAm |
1989.42 |
EpDEm |
1987.02 |
Num |
3 |
Q RAmdeg |
3.3 |
Q DEmdeg |
9.9 |
Q pmRA |
3.2 |
Q pmDE |
9.9 |
BTmag |
11.215 |
E BTmag |
0.058 |
VTmag |
10.899 |
E VTmag |
0.064 |
Prox |
523 |
T |
RAdeg |
0.52665917 |
DEdeg |
60.94155833 |
EpRA 1990 |
1.65 |
EpDE 1990 |
1.52 |
E RAdeg |
34.2 |
E DEdeg |
42.1 |
Posflg |
Corr |
0.1 |
00020+6057 B
Coord arcsec 2000 |
000206.37+605631.8 |
Mag |
11 |
Calc delta mag |
0.1 |
Calc coord |
yes |