14582+8104 SKF 1310

14h 58m 10.52s +81° 03' 36.4" P.A. 199.00 sep 26.7 mag 10.06,12.12 Sp F0
Coord 2000 14582+8104 Discov num SKF1310 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 14 58 10.52 +81 03 36.4
Date first 1899 Date last 2015 Obs 14
Pa first 202 Pa last 198.8 P.A. Now (θ) 198.8°
Sep first 26.9 Sep last 26.714 Sep. Now (ρ) 26.714"
Mag pri 10.06 Mag sec 12.12 delta mag (ΔM) 2.06 Spectral class F0 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra -012 Sec motion ra -013
Pri motion dec -001 Sec motion dec -004
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.232 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Ursa Minor Tycho2 4565-00606-1 Gaia DR2 1720935297485762560
WDS 14582+8104 SKF 1310 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SKF Skiff, B.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
14582+8104 SKF1310 2010 7 199 26.7 10.00 12.00 F0 V 145810.52+810336.4
14582+8104 SKF1310 2015 9 199 26.7 10.06 12.12 F0 V 145810.52+810336.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 14582+8104 SKF 1310 : MEASURES
No records found.


14582+8104 SKF1310A mag 10.06 Sp F0 14582+8104 SKF1310B sep 25.3 P.A. 183.00 mag 12.12 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 14582+8104 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 14h 58m 10.52s +81° 03' 36.4"
WDS 14582+8104 SKF 1310 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

14582+8104  SKF1310 distance=0' 14552+8107  MLR 340 distance=8' 14562+8114  MFL 152 distance=12' 15071+8055  KPP1179 distance=23' 14573+8029  MFL 154 distance=36' 15149+8102  TDS9464 distance=40' 14517+8145  MFL 199 distance=44' 14403+8050  MFL 158 distance=45' 14471+8207  MFL 191 distance=68' 15144+8213  UC 2967 distance=78' 14543+8224  MFL 176 distance=82' 14481+8223  MLR 339 distance=83' 15049+7943  PKO  29 distance=83' 14544+7940  LDS1805 distance=84' 14594+8228  MLR 341 distance=85' 14503+8231  HZE   2 distance=89' 15012+8237  MFL 187 distance=94' 14495+8235  KPP3937 distance=94' 15052+7904  STF1933 distance=122' 14393+7903  TDS9261 distance=131' 14465+7853  BVD 324 distance=135' 14594+8320  HJL1089AB distance=137' 15118+7849  MFL 188 distance=139' 14490+7830  MFL 184 distance=156' 14444+8350  MFL 201 distance=169' 14436+7816  TDS9288 distance=172' 14531+7811  HU  908AB distance=174' 14531+7811  HU  908AC distance=174' 15178+7817  TDS9472 distance=175' 14486+8403  MFL 165 distance=181' 15041+8410  MFL 196 distance=187' 14529+7753  TDS9333 distance=191' 15038+7751  MFL 175 distance=194' 14566+8424  MFL 162 distance=201' 14558+7733  MFL 180 distance=211' 14593+8443  MFL 149 distance=220' 15041+7722  LDS1807 distance=222' 15123+8446  TDS9444 distance=224' 14387+7723  UC 2808 distance=227' 15143+8452  TDS 771 distance=231' 14531+7706  MFL 151 distance=238' 14564+8503  WFC 157AB distance=240' 14564+8503  DAM 854AC distance=240' 14442+7707  HJ 2754 distance=241' 15051+7703  LDS1809 distance=241' 14406+8505  MFL 179AB distance=244' 14411+7654  LDS1804 distance=255' 14420+8518  HDS2072 distance=256' 15103+7648  LDS1812 distance=258' 14574+8529  BU  353AB distance=266' 14574+8529  LDS1808AC distance=266' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 14582+8104 SKF1310 199 26.7 0
Show 14552+8107 MLR 340 113 2.4 8
Show 14562+8114 MFL 152 346 29.8 12
Show 15071+8055 KPP1179 168 9.2 23
Show 14573+8029 MFL 154 34 30.4 36
Show 15149+8102 TDS9464 59 0.5 40
Show 14517+8145 MFL 199 317 20.4 44
Show 14403+8050 MFL 158 171 17.0 45
Show 14471+8207 MFL 191 141 9.6 68
Show 15144+8213 UC 2967 207 47.9 78
Show 14543+8224 MFL 176 161 14.4 82
Show 14481+8223 MLR 339 220 0.2 83
Show 15049+7943 PKO 29 173 5.7 83
Show 14544+7940 LDS1805 139 11.2 84
Show 14594+8228 MLR 341 293 0.6 85
Show 14503+8231 HZE 2 119 1.9 89
Show 15012+8237 MFL 187 223 29.1 94
Show 14495+8235 KPP3937 302 16.7 94
Show 15052+7904 STF1933 275 24.0 122
Show 14393+7903 TDS9261 288 0.7 131
Show 14465+7853 BVD 324 28 18.2 135
Show 14594+8320 HJL1089 AB 333 60.1 137
Show 15118+7849 MFL 188 60 8.7 139
Show 14490+7830 MFL 184 244 14.0 156
Show 14444+8350 MFL 201 118 45.8 169
Show 14436+7816 TDS9288 236 0.5 172
Show 14531+7811 HU 908 AB 236 1.6 174
Show 14531+7811 HU 908 AC 141 112.6 174
Show 15178+7817 TDS9472 95 1.1 175
Show 14486+8403 MFL 165 190 18.8 181
Show 15041+8410 MFL 196 58 13.6 187
Show 14529+7753 TDS9333 201 0.5 191
Show 15038+7751 MFL 175 108 8.4 194
Show 14566+8424 MFL 162 19 7.3 201
Show 14558+7733 MFL 180 336 15.5 211
Show 14593+8443 MFL 149 271 4.3 220
Show 15041+7722 LDS1807 105 53.3 222
Show 15123+8446 TDS9444 350 0.4 224
Show 14387+7723 UC 2808 314 29.4 227
Show 15143+8452 TDS 771 226 1.1 231
Show 14531+7706 MFL 151 141 5.7 238
Show 14564+8503 WFC 157 AB 288 3.5 240
Show 14564+8503 DAM 854 AC 26 7.6 240
Show 14442+7707 HJ 2754 253 8.0 241
Show 15051+7703 LDS1809 351 4.2 241
Show 14406+8505 MFL 179 AB 118 2.1 244
Show 14411+7654 LDS1804 303 4.0 255
Show 14420+8518 HDS2072 286 0.3 256
Show 15103+7648 LDS1812 160 90.2 258
Show 14574+8529 BU 353 AB 255 1.6 266
Show 14574+8529 LDS1808 AC 100 8.3 266

WDS 14582+8104 : COMPONENTS
B pa=183.0°
14582+8104 A
Coord arcsec 2000 145810.52+810336.4 Mag 10.06 Spectral class F0 (yellow-white) PmRA -12.00
PmDE -1.0 Tycho2 4565-00606-1
Tycho2 4565-00606-1 Pflag RAmdeg 224.54380604 DEmdeg 81.06010208
PmRA -13.7 PmDE -3.6 E RAmdeg 17 E DEmdeg 16
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1989.33 EpDEm 1989.46
Num 6 Q RAmdeg 1.1 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 1.1
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 10.493 E BTmag 0.030 VTmag 10.062
E VTmag 0.028 Prox 267 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 224.54402194 DEdeg 81.06010972 EpRA 1990 1.74
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 18.4 E DEdeg 16.6 Posflg
Corr 0.0
14582+8104 B
Coord arcsec 2000 145809.95+810311.1 Mag 12.12 PmRA -13.00 PmDE -4.0
Calc delta mag 2.06 Calc coord yes