05458+6639 FMR 70

05h 45m 45.42s +66° 38' 30.2" P.A. 130.00 sep 11.2 mag 13.80,13.80 Sp K6V+M3V
Coord 2000 05458+6639 Discov num FMR  70 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 05 45 45.42 +66 38 30.2
Date first 2000 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 130 Pa last 129.5 P.A. Now (θ) 129.5°
Sep first 11.2 Sep last 11.228 Sep. Now (ρ) 11.228"
Mag pri 13.80 Mag sec 13.80 delta mag (ΔM) 0 Spectral class K6V+M3V (yellow-orange/red)
Pri motion ra -027 Sec motion ra +030
Pri motion dec -089 Sec motion dec -153
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Camelopardalis Gaia DR2 480586331955742464
WDS 05458+6639 FMR 70 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 FMR Rica Romero, F.M.
184 FMR Rica, F., Barrena, R., Antonio Henriquez, J., Vazquez, G., Vazquez, C., Hernandez,
184 FMR D., Perez-Toledo, F., del Rosario, J.L., Vargas, P., de la Pinta, R. & Vila, M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05458+6639 FMR 70 2000 1 130 11.2 12.50 14.10 K6V+M3V V 054545.39+663830.2
05458+6639 FMR 70 2003 2 130 11.2 13.80 13.80 K6V+M3V V 054545.42+663830.2
05458+6639 FMR 70 2010 3 129 10.7 13.80 13.80 K6V+M3V V 054545.42+663830.2
05458+6639 FMR 70 2015 4 130 11.2 13.80 13.80 K6V+M3V V 054545.42+663830.2
05458+6639 FMR 70 2016 10 130 11.2 13.80 13.80 K6V+M3V V 054545.42+663830.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 05458+6639 FMR 70 : MEASURES
No records found.


05458+6639 FMR  70A mag 13.8 Sp K6V 05458+6639 FMR  70B sep 7.9 P.A. 154.30 mag 13.8 Sp M3V virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 05458+6639 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 05h 45m 45.42s +66° 38' 30.2"
Primaries only

05458+6639  FMR  70 distance=1' 05444+6640  TDS3318 distance=9' 05436+6633  HDS 764DE distance=14' 05436+6633  HU 1109AB distance=15' 05436+6633  STF 739AB,C distance=15' 05436+6633  STF 739AB,D distance=15' 05413+6656  TDS3292 distance=32' 05408+6623  TDS3288 distance=34' 05440+6712  TDS3312 distance=35' 05433+6604  TDS3302 distance=38' 05391+6640  TDS3274 distance=40' 05529+6646  TDS3399 distance=44' 05373+6642  MLR 314 distance=51' 05538+6615  TDS3410 distance=54' 05555+6649  KPP1013 distance=59' 05481+6736  TDS3351 distance=60' 05511+6545  STF 780AB distance=63' 05511+6545  STF 780AD distance=63' 05511+6545  STF 780AC distance=63' 05511+6545  STF 780BC distance=63' 05554+6709  TDS3425 distance=65' 05393+6533  UC 1341 distance=77' 05596+6649  MLR 315 distance=83' 05308+6617  TDS3217 distance=93' 05428+6508  MLB 339 distance=93' 05437+6817  TDS3309 distance=99' 05350+6522  RAO 553 distance=102' 05375+6509  HDS 752 distance=104' 06017+6726  TDS3499 distance=105' 05278+6642  HU 1103 distance=107' 06026+6719  STF 814 distance=107' 05504+6457  MLB 340AB distance=107' 05504+6457  MLB 340AC distance=107' 05504+6457  TOB  38AD distance=107' 05532+6500  MLB 258AB distance=110' 05532+6500  BVD 169BC distance=110' 06044+6641  TDS3534 distance=111' 05307+6535  MLB 338 distance=112' 06013+6532  STF 812AB distance=116' 06013+6532  SKF2788AC distance=116' 05289+6755  STF 689 distance=125' 06007+6809  LDS1201 distance=126' 06040+6748  LDS2517 distance=126' 05579+6453  TDS 207 distance=129' 05273+6536  MLB 337 distance=130' 05540+6437  STI 584 distance=132' 05404+6850  TDS3282 distance=135' 05329+6447  TDS3232 distance=137' 06024+6458  HU 1117 distance=144' 05317+6838  TDS3225 distance=145' 05260+6810  KPP3183 distance=147' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 05458+6639 FMR 70 130 11.2 1
Show 05444+6640 TDS3318 266 2.4 9
Show 05436+6633 HDS 764 DE 31 0.3 14
Show 05436+6633 HU 1109 AB 19 0.2 15
Show 05436+6633 STF 739 AB,C 251 2.2 15
Show 05436+6633 STF 739 AB,D 70 38.9 15
Show 05413+6656 TDS3292 335 0.5 32
Show 05408+6623 TDS3288 32 0.6 34
Show 05440+6712 TDS3312 181 2.0 35
Show 05433+6604 TDS3302 13 0.4 38
Show 05391+6640 TDS3274 32 0.7 40
Show 05529+6646 TDS3399 2 0.5 44
Show 05373+6642 MLR 314 247 0.2 51
Show 05538+6615 TDS3410 249 0.5 54
Show 05555+6649 KPP1013 309 8.1 59
Show 05481+6736 TDS3351 53 0.1 60
Show 05511+6545 STF 780 AB 105 4.0 63
Show 05511+6545 STF 780 AD 59 18.8 63
Show 05511+6545 STF 780 AC 148 12.5 63
Show 05511+6545 STF 780 BC 163 10.0 63
Show 05554+6709 TDS3425 258 1.3 65
Show 05393+6533 UC 1341 206 25.7 77
Show 05596+6649 MLR 315 228 0.2 83
Show 05308+6617 TDS3217 246 1.7 93
Show 05428+6508 MLB 339 56 9.4 93
Show 05437+6817 TDS3309 6 0.8 99
Show 05350+6522 RAO 553 276 1.2 102
Show 05375+6509 HDS 752 294 0.1 104
Show 06017+6726 TDS3499 183 0.5 105
Show 05278+6642 HU 1103 125 1.6 107
Show 06026+6719 STF 814 163 5.8 107
Show 05504+6457 MLB 340 AB 170 5.9 107
Show 05504+6457 MLB 340 AC 169 34.3 107
Show 05504+6457 TOB 38 AD 340 71.1 107
Show 05532+6500 MLB 258 AB 235 7.0 110
Show 05532+6500 BVD 169 BC 34 1.7 110
Show 06044+6641 TDS3534 85 0.6 111
Show 05307+6535 MLB 338 199 6.2 112
Show 06013+6532 STF 812 AB 57 28.2 116
Show 06013+6532 SKF2788 AC 210 8.4 116
Show 05289+6755 STF 689 325 6.0 125
Show 06007+6809 LDS1201 197 56.1 126
Show 06040+6748 LDS2517 72 48.5 126
Show 05579+6453 TDS 207 332 0.9 129
Show 05273+6536 MLB 337 150 6.2 130
Show 05540+6437 STI 584 203 2.8 132
Show 05404+6850 TDS3282 346 0.8 135
Show 05329+6447 TDS3232 150 0.8 137
Show 06024+6458 HU 1117 16 1.9 144
Show 05317+6838 TDS3225 347 1.1 145
Show 05260+6810 KPP3183 28 14.1 147

WDS 05458+6639 : COMPONENTS
B pa=154.3°
05458+6639 A
Coord arcsec 2000 054545.42+663830.2 Mag 13.8 Spectral class K6V (yellow-orange) PmRA -27.00
PmDE -89.0
05458+6639 B
Coord arcsec 2000 054546.00+663823.1 Mag 13.8 Spectral class M3V (red) PmRA 30.00
PmDE -153.0 Calc coord yes