00468+3708 MMA 11

00h 46m 47.70s +37° 07' 41.7" P.A. 339.00 sep 9.6 mag 16.70,16.40
Coord 2000 00468+3708 Discov num MMA  11 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 46 47.70 +37 07 41.7
Date first 1951 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 338 Pa last 339 P.A. Now (θ) 339°
Sep first 9.5 Sep last 9.604 Sep. Now (ρ) 9.604"
Mag pri 16.70 Mag sec 16.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.3 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra -006
Pri motion dec -009 Sec motion dec -006
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 367267876161774336
WDS 00468+3708 MMA 11 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 MMA Martignoni, M.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00468+3708 MMA 11 2008 1 340 9.5 15.80 16.40 004647.70+370741.7
00468+3708 MMA 11 2010 7 338 9.5 16.70 16.40 004647.70+370741.7
00468+3708 MMA 11 2015 9 339 9.6 16.70 16.40 004647.70+370741.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00468+3708 MMA 11 : MEASURES
No records found.


00468+3708 MMA  11A mag 16.7 00468+3708 MMA  11B sep 9.4 P.A. 343.00 mag 16.4 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00468+3708 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 46m 47.70s +37° 07' 41.7"
Primaries only

00468+3708  MMA  11 distance=0' 00461+3731  ALI 253 distance=25' 00502+3706  GRV  45 distance=42' 00456+3628  ALI  21 distance=43' 00460+3626  HJ  627 distance=43' 00439+3734  STT  19 distance=44' 00493+3743  TDS1630 distance=47' 00507+3649  COU1052 distance=50' 00433+3636  ALI 252 distance=53' 00471+3800  J  2713 distance=53' 00437+3618  LDS3192AB distance=63' 00437+3618  LDS3192AC distance=63' 00487+3604  COU1207 distance=69' 00407+3707  COU 852 distance=74' 00519+3750  GIC  15 distance=75' 00405+3627  COU1051 distance=87' 00396+3647  STT  17 distance=89' 00473+3837  ES  224AB distance=90' 00473+3837  ES  224AC distance=90' 00503+3548  STF  62 distance=90' 00416+3814  ALI 483 distance=91' 00483+3839  ES  225 distance=93' 00459+3535  LDS3198 distance=94' 00517+3822  COU1053 distance=95' 00517+3825  ES 1943 distance=98' 00513+3543  COU1209 distance=100' 00470+3848  ES  223 distance=101' 00387+3745  TDS1557 distance=104' 00410+3550  ALI  20 distance=105' 00428+3533  TOK  10 distance=107' 00530+3833  ES 1944 distance=113' 00472+3901  MLB   3 distance=114' 00467+3514  CRB  34 distance=114' 00554+3616  TDS1668 distance=116' 00374+3635  COU 851 distance=118' 00401+3541  ES 2080 distance=119' 00408+3844  COU 853 distance=120' 00552+3814  KU   71 distance=121' 00438+3903  ALI 728 distance=121' 00545+3826  GRV  48 distance=122' 00401+3536  ALI  19 distance=123' 00407+3532  ES 2081 distance=124' 00365+3724  A  1505AB distance=124' 00365+3724  A  1505AB,C distance=124' 00493+3508  COU1208 distance=124' 00549+3827  A  1510 distance=125' 00385+3824  LDS3185 distance=126' 00434+3907  HEI 201AB distance=127' 00434+3907  GII 114Aa,Ab distance=127' 00576+3704  A  1512 distance=129' 00360+3708  COU 850 distance=130' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00468+3708 MMA 11 339 9.6 0
Show 00461+3731 ALI 253 306 7.0 25
Show 00502+3706 GRV 45 240 30.0 42
Show 00456+3628 ALI 21 103 6.5 43
Show 00460+3626 HJ 627 167 6.7 43
Show 00439+3734 STT 19 115 9.8 44
Show 00493+3743 TDS1630 235 0.5 47
Show 00507+3649 COU1052 124 1.0 50
Show 00433+3636 ALI 252 270 11.1 53
Show 00471+3800 J 2713 324 5.5 53
Show 00437+3618 LDS3192 AB 141 19.1 63
Show 00437+3618 LDS3192 AC 120 209.3 63
Show 00487+3604 COU1207 324 1.8 69
Show 00407+3707 COU 852 250 0.9 74
Show 00519+3750 GIC 15 43 73.8 75
Show 00405+3627 COU1051 89 0.5 87
Show 00396+3647 STT 17 162 8.5 89
Show 00473+3837 ES 224 AB 343 10.4 90
Show 00473+3837 ES 224 AC 109 66.9 90
Show 00503+3548 STF 62 303 11.9 90
Show 00416+3814 ALI 483 95 11.0 91
Show 00483+3839 ES 225 253 8.9 93
Show 00459+3535 LDS3198 238 26.6 94
Show 00517+3822 COU1053 247 3.1 95
Show 00517+3825 ES 1943 135 5.2 98
Show 00513+3543 COU1209 334 2.4 100
Show 00470+3848 ES 223 88 8.7 101
Show 00387+3745 TDS1557 198 0.6 104
Show 00410+3550 ALI 20 301 10.2 105
Show 00428+3533 TOK 10 271 15.8 107
Show 00530+3833 ES 1944 105 3.6 113
Show 00472+3901 MLB 3 21 8.1 114
Show 00467+3514 CRB 34 146 29.7 114
Show 00554+3616 TDS1668 177 0.5 116
Show 00374+3635 COU 851 213 0.4 118
Show 00401+3541 ES 2080 44 4.8 119
Show 00408+3844 COU 853 89 0.9 120
Show 00552+3814 KU 71 248 22.3 121
Show 00438+3903 ALI 728 19 9.3 121
Show 00545+3826 GRV 48 252 24.6 122
Show 00401+3536 ALI 19 6 9.7 123
Show 00407+3532 ES 2081 44 2.7 124
Show 00365+3724 A 1505 AB 34 0.2 124
Show 00365+3724 A 1505 AB,C 85 7.7 124
Show 00493+3508 COU1208 252 1.1 124
Show 00549+3827 A 1510 104 0.6 125
Show 00385+3824 LDS3185 332 7.0 126
Show 00434+3907 HEI 201 AB 81 0.9 127
Show 00434+3907 GII 114 Aa,Ab 93 0.2 127
Show 00576+3704 A 1512 328 6.8 129
Show 00360+3708 COU 850 317 0.4 130

WDS 00468+3708 : COMPONENTS
B pa=343.0°
00468+3708 A
Coord arcsec 2000 004647.70+370741.7 Mag 16.7 PmRA -3.00 PmDE -9.0
00468+3708 B
Coord arcsec 2000 004647.47+370750.7 Mag 16.4 PmRA -6.00 PmDE -6.0
Calc delta mag 0.3 Calc coord yes