19474-5057 SKF 1093

19h 47m 26.78s -50° 56' 38.0" P.A. 110.00 sep 18.6 mag 10.50,12.70 Sp F8
Coord 2000 19474-5057 Discov num SKF1093 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 47 26.78 -50 56 38.0
Date first 1903 Date last 2016 Obs 12
Pa first 111 Pa last 110.3 P.A. Now (θ) 110.3°
Sep first 18.6 Sep last 18.567 Sep. Now (ρ) 18.567"
Mag pri 10.50 Mag sec 12.70 delta mag (ΔM) 2.2 Spectral class F8 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +034 Sec motion ra +035
Pri motion dec -045 Sec motion dec -051
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.098 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Telescopium Tycho2 8402-00958-1 Gaia DR2 6645890286249845120
WDS 19474-5057 SKF 1093 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SKF Skiff, B.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19474-5057 SKF1093 2010 5 111 18.6 10.50 12.70 F8 V 194726.78-505638.0
19474-5057 SKF1093 2015 10 110 18.6 10.50 12.70 F8 V 194726.78-505638.0
19474-5057 SKF1093 2016 12 110 18.6 10.50 12.70 F8 V 194726.78-505638.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 19474-5057 SKF 1093 : MEASURES
No records found.


19474-5057 SKF1093A mag 10.5 Sp F8 19474-5057 SKF1093B sep 12.7 P.A. 120.40 mag 12.7 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 19474-5057 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 19h 47m 26.78s -50° 56' 38.0"
WDS 19474-5057 SKF 1093 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

19474-5057  SKF1093 distance=1' 19451-5123  NSN 475 distance=35' 19479-5131  TVB 311 distance=35' 19522-5115  I  1625AB distance=49' 19522-5115  HJ 5150AC distance=49' 19447-5009  RST1047 distance=55' 19510-5008  LDS 687 distance=59' 19440-5149  B  1387 distance=62' 19537-5038  TSN  32 distance=63' 19418-5133  RST1044 distance=65' 19407-5133  B  1386 distance=74' 19476-5211  TDS1012 distance=75' 19539-5012  RST1050 distance=77' 19538-5009  HDS2835 distance=78' 19448-5210  HU 1608 distance=78' 19484-4937  BRT1100 distance=80' 19417-4954  BRT1098 distance=83' 19563-5118  SKF1094 distance=87' 19488-4931  HDS2818 distance=87' 19550-5149  FIN  31 distance=88' 19400-4957  RST1043 distance=93' 19382-5028  HDS2786 distance=93' 19376-5115  UC 3989 distance=95' 19547-5204  BRT2102 distance=97' 19544-5211  RST1051 distance=99' 19392-4951  HJ 5130 distance=103' 19371-5134  CRI  23 distance=104' 19587-5034  B   983 distance=109' 19590-5106  I  1407 distance=110' 19590-5121  RST1053 distance=112' 19357-5036  RST1039 distance=114' 19454-4904  NSN 479 distance=115' 19583-5154  DUN 229AB distance=117' 19385-4937  TDS1002 distance=118' 19348-5133  RST1038 distance=124' 19350-5008  RSS 530 distance=128' 19590-5208  HU 1610DE distance=129' 19423-5257  COO 238 distance=130' 19596-4958  CPO9292 distance=131' 19335-5051  LDS 680 distance=133' 19321-5112  TDT1528 distance=146' 19563-5258  KPP3104BC distance=147' 19341-4943  TDT1547 distance=148' 19331-4954  HJ 5125 distance=151' 19319-5027  UC 3969 distance=151' 19360-5246  UC 3984 distance=153' 19572-4856  TOI1060 distance=153' 19564-4850  BRT1103 distance=154' 20026-5003  HDS2857 distance=155' 19467-4821  HJ 5142 distance=155' 19361-5251  WIS 334 distance=156' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 19474-5057 SKF1093 110 18.6 1
Show 19451-5123 NSN 475 199 18.6 35
Show 19479-5131 TVB 311 267 7.0 35
Show 19522-5115 I 1625 AB 250 12.8 49
Show 19522-5115 HJ 5150 AC 254 27.8 49
Show 19447-5009 RST1047 232 0.8 55
Show 19510-5008 LDS 687 44 81.2 59
Show 19440-5149 B 1387 170 1.7 62
Show 19537-5038 TSN 32 189 82.4 63
Show 19418-5133 RST1044 206 1.4 65
Show 19407-5133 B 1386 80 3.1 74
Show 19476-5211 TDS1012 175 0.8 75
Show 19539-5012 RST1050 214 0.5 77
Show 19538-5009 HDS2835 23 0.2 78
Show 19448-5210 HU 1608 37 0.3 78
Show 19484-4937 BRT1100 326 2.5 80
Show 19417-4954 BRT1098 44 4.5 83
Show 19563-5118 SKF1094 3 10.8 87
Show 19488-4931 HDS2818 74 0.2 87
Show 19550-5149 FIN 31 49 2.1 88
Show 19400-4957 RST1043 204 2.4 93
Show 19382-5028 HDS2786 351 0.6 93
Show 19376-5115 UC 3989 251 30.1 95
Show 19547-5204 BRT2102 157 3.1 97
Show 19544-5211 RST1051 297 0.6 99
Show 19392-4951 HJ 5130 149 14.8 103
Show 19371-5134 CRI 23 225 8.6 104
Show 19587-5034 B 983 330 1.2 109
Show 19590-5106 I 1407 119 5.7 110
Show 19590-5121 RST1053 202 0.6 112
Show 19357-5036 RST1039 298 3.1 114
Show 19454-4904 NSN 479 224 49.5 115
Show 19583-5154 DUN 229 AB 242 80.9 117
Show 19385-4937 TDS1002 83 1.2 118
Show 19348-5133 RST1038 340 0.8 124
Show 19350-5008 RSS 530 233 9.8 128
Show 19590-5208 HU 1610 DE 152 1.9 129
Show 19423-5257 COO 238 47 3.5 130
Show 19596-4958 CPO9292 300 4.3 131
Show 19335-5051 LDS 680 255 64.5 133
Show 19321-5112 TDT1528 52 0.7 146
Show 19563-5258 KPP3104 BC 126 4.9 147
Show 19341-4943 TDT1547 127 0.8 148
Show 19331-4954 HJ 5125 291 31.2 151
Show 19319-5027 UC 3969 132 24.6 151
Show 19360-5246 UC 3984 354 37.5 153
Show 19572-4856 TOI1060 167 0.3 153
Show 19564-4850 BRT1103 206 4.4 154
Show 20026-5003 HDS2857 6 18.0 155
Show 19467-4821 HJ 5142 258 13.9 155
Show 19361-5251 WIS 334 85 999.9 156

WDS 19474-5057 : COMPONENTS
B pa=120.4°
19474-5057 A
Coord arcsec 2000 194726.78-505638.0 Mag 10.5 Spectral class F8 (yellow-white) PmRA 34.00
PmDE -45.0 Tycho2 8402-00958-1
Tycho2 8402-00958-1 Pflag RAmdeg 296.86153662 DEmdeg -50.94389201
PmRA 29.6 PmDE -52.4 E RAmdeg 21 E DEmdeg 24
E pmRA 1.4 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1984.54 EpDEm 1981.67
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 0.5 Q DEmdeg 0.9 Q pmRA 0.5
Q pmDE 0.9 BTmag 11.019 E BTmag 0.046 VTmag 10.498
E VTmag 0.040 Prox 773 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 296.86142889 DEdeg -50.94377361 EpRA 1990 1.81
EpDE 1990 1.69 E RAdeg 24.3 E DEdeg 30.0 Posflg
Corr -0.2
19474-5057 B
Coord arcsec 2000 194727.94-505644.4 Mag 12.7 PmRA 35.00 PmDE -51.0
Calc delta mag 2.2 Calc coord yes