09231+1909 GWP 1166

09h 23m 05.39s +19° 09' 27.6" P.A. 268.00 sep 33.9 mag 11.88,14.96
Coord 2000 09231+1909 Discov num GWP1166 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 09 23 05.39 +19 09 27.6
Date first 1950 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 268 Pa last 267.7 P.A. Now (θ) 267.7°
Sep first 34.5 Sep last 33.884 Sep. Now (ρ) 33.884"
Mag pri 11.88 Mag sec 14.96 delta mag (ΔM) 3.08 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -044 Sec motion ra +000
Pri motion dec -076 Sec motion dec +000
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Leo Tycho2 1405-01574-1 Gaia DR2 632734517622301312
WDS 09231+1909 GWP 1166 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
09231+1909 GWP1166 2000 3 268 33.9 12.00 14.50 V 092305.39+190927.6
09231+1909 GWP1166 2001 4 268 33.9 12.00 14.50 V 092305.39+190927.6
09231+1909 GWP1166 2010 5 268 33.9 11.88 14.96 V 092305.39+190927.6
09231+1909 GWP1166 2015 6 268 33.8 11.88 14.96 V 092305.39+190927.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 09231+1909 GWP 1166 : MEASURES
No records found.


09231+1909 GWP1166A mag 11.88 09231+1909 GWP1166B sep 32.0 P.A. 267.60 mag 14.96 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 09231+1909 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 09h 23m 05.39s +19° 09' 27.6"
WDS 09231+1909 GWP 1166 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

09231+1909  GWP1166 distance=0' 09244+1912  KPP 191 distance=20' 09218+1845  TOK 667 distance=31' 09215+1943  A   127 distance=41' 09260+1854  COU 935 distance=45' 09241+1811  OCC 162 distance=61' 09269+1837  LDS3894 distance=64' 09245+1808  A  2477 distance=65' 09198+1816  GWP1162 distance=71' 09183+1847  COU 384 distance=72' 09181+1934  XMI  89 distance=75' 09191+1819  XMI  90 distance=76' 09186+1953  SKF  31 distance=78' 09258+2023  OCC9032 distance=83' 09290+1917  COU 936 distance=85' 09173+1838  COU 383 distance=88' 09188+1756  BRT2522 distance=95' 09180+1803  OCC 739 distance=99' 09300+1928  OCC  48 distance=100' 09167+1955  LDS5162 distance=103' 09169+1808  OCC 740 distance=108' 09192+2045  UC 1776 distance=110' 09278+1734  HJ  464 distance=117' 09268+2056  LDS3892 distance=118' 09186+2049  HO   43 distance=118' 09255+2103  NSN  35 distance=118' 09170+2030  A  2137 distance=119' 09308+1815  TOK 887 distance=123' 09164+1752  UC 1771 distance=124' 09266+1710  GWP1175 distance=130' 09305+2026  A   130 distance=131' 09187+1711  CVR  88 distance=134' 09198+1705  CVR1212 distance=134' 09286+1721  BPM 561 distance=134' 09147+1806  KPP  39 distance=135' 09149+2020  KPP3217 distance=136' 09320+2003  STF1364AB distance=138' 09320+2003  HJ  466AC distance=138' 09182+1700  TDS 525 distance=147' 09172+1705  KPP1076 distance=151' 09126+1836  GWP1145 distance=153' 09129+2001  A  2135 distance=154' 09292+2120  TDS6593 distance=157' 09186+2134  ALP  15AB distance=158' 09186+2134  ALP  15AC distance=158' 09273+2139  GRV 787 distance=161' 09347+1858  CVR1230 distance=165' 09119+1803  STT 568AB distance=172' 09175+2144  SKF1718 distance=174' 09311+2123  BRT2400 distance=174' 09119+1803  BUP 124BC distance=175' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 09231+1909 GWP1166 268 33.9 0
Show 09244+1912 KPP 191 144 4.9 20
Show 09218+1845 TOK 667 352 22.6 31
Show 09215+1943 A 127 32 1.5 41
Show 09260+1854 COU 935 240 0.9 45
Show 09241+1811 OCC 162 -1 0.1 61
Show 09269+1837 LDS3894 54 45.7 64
Show 09245+1808 A 2477 5 0.5 65
Show 09198+1816 GWP1162 48 22.6 71
Show 09183+1847 COU 384 56 0.2 72
Show 09181+1934 XMI 89 163 15.7 75
Show 09191+1819 XMI 90 44 19.5 76
Show 09186+1953 SKF 31 252 2.3 78
Show 09258+2023 OCC9032 50 0.0 83
Show 09290+1917 COU 936 226 1.0 85
Show 09173+1838 COU 383 45 0.7 88
Show 09188+1756 BRT2522 32 5.1 95
Show 09180+1803 OCC 739 -1 0.1 99
Show 09300+1928 OCC 48 -1 0.1 100
Show 09167+1955 LDS5162 120 3.7 103
Show 09169+1808 OCC 740 -1 0.1 108
Show 09192+2045 UC 1776 169 6.2 110
Show 09278+1734 HJ 464 168 19.1 117
Show 09268+2056 LDS3892 311 24.6 118
Show 09186+2049 HO 43 97 0.6 118
Show 09255+2103 NSN 35 14 17.3 118
Show 09170+2030 A 2137 342 1.1 119
Show 09308+1815 TOK 887 229 0.2 123
Show 09164+1752 UC 1771 197 20.5 124
Show 09266+1710 GWP1175 241 94.5 130
Show 09305+2026 A 130 280 1.0 131
Show 09187+1711 CVR 88 334 9.0 134
Show 09198+1705 CVR1212 100 3.6 134
Show 09286+1721 BPM 561 351 40.5 134
Show 09147+1806 KPP 39 113 10.9 135
Show 09149+2020 KPP3217 331 8.3 136
Show 09320+2003 STF1364 AB 155 16.2 138
Show 09320+2003 HJ 466 AC 297 34.7 138
Show 09182+1700 TDS 525 335 1.6 147
Show 09172+1705 KPP1076 87 8.5 151
Show 09126+1836 GWP1145 104 9.4 153
Show 09129+2001 A 2135 346 1.3 154
Show 09292+2120 TDS6593 165 0.7 157
Show 09186+2134 ALP 15 AB 251 22.9 158
Show 09186+2134 ALP 15 AC 345 25.9 158
Show 09273+2139 GRV 787 45 39.4 161
Show 09347+1858 CVR1230 57 3.6 165
Show 09119+1803 STT 568 AB 253 128.4 172
Show 09175+2144 SKF1718 347 1.7 174
Show 09311+2123 BRT2400 242 4.7 174
Show 09119+1803 BUP 124 BC 317 147.9 175

WDS 09231+1909 : COMPONENTS
B pa=267.6°
09231+1909 A
Coord arcsec 2000 092305.39+190927.6 Mag 11.88 PmRA -44.00 PmDE -76.0
Tycho2 1405-01574-1
Tycho2 1405-01574-1 Pflag RAmdeg 140.77247750 DEmdeg 19.15767587
PmRA -46.6 PmDE -77.9 E RAmdeg 93 E DEmdeg 112
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.7 EpRAm 1975.23 EpDEm 1968.03
Num 2 Q RAmdeg Q DEmdeg Q pmRA
Q pmDE BTmag 13.519 E BTmag 0.401 VTmag 12.130
E VTmag 0.198 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 140.77259278 DEdeg 19.15786083 EpRA 1990 1.59
EpDE 1990 1.46 E RAdeg 102.0 E DEdeg 128.9 Posflg
Corr 0.1
09231+1909 B
Coord arcsec 2000 092303.13+190926.2 Mag 14.96 PmRA 0.00 PmDE 0.0
Calc delta mag 3.08 Calc coord yes