05532+0434 GWP 721

05h 53m 13.50s +04° 34' 28.6" P.A. 205.00 sep 12.5 mag 16.20,17.10 Sp M:+WD:
Coord 2000 05532+0434 Discov num GWP 721 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 05 53 13.50 +04 34 28.6
Date first 1955 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 205 Pa last 205.1 P.A. Now (θ) 205.1°
Sep first 12.4 Sep last 12.54 Sep. Now (ρ) 12.54"
Mag pri 16.20 Mag sec 17.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0.9 Spectral class M:+WD: (red/Wolf-Rayet)
Pri motion ra +020 Sec motion ra +020
Pri motion dec -052 Sec motion dec -050
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.036 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Orion Gaia DR2 3320033535403126912
WDS 05532+0434 GWP 721 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05532+0434 GWP 721 1989 1 205 12.6 15.30 17.20 V R 055313.50+043428.6
05532+0434 GWP 721 1995 3 205 12.6 16.20 17.10 M:+WD: V R 055313.50+043428.6
05532+0434 GWP 721 2007 4 205 12.6 16.20 17.10 M:+WD: V R 055313.50+043428.6
05532+0434 GWP 721 2014 6 205 12.6 16.20 17.10 M:+WD: V R 055313.50+043428.6
05532+0434 GWP 721 2015 7 205 12.5 16.20 17.10 M:+WD: V R 055313.50+043428.6
05532+0434 GWP 721 2016 8 205 12.5 16.20 17.10 M:+WD: V R 055313.50+043428.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 05532+0434 GWP 721 : MEASURES
No records found.


05532+0434 GWP 721A mag 16.2 Sp M: 05532+0434 GWP 721B sep 12.5 P.A. 205.00 mag 17.1 Sp WD: virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 05532+0434 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 05h 53m 13.50s +04° 34' 28.6"
WDS 05532+0434 GWP 721 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

05532+0434  GWP 721 distance=0' 05531+0443  CFN   4 distance=9' 05512+0429  BAL2644 distance=32' 05553+0443  STF 818 distance=33' 05503+0417  BAL2643AB distance=47' 05503+0417  FYM 213AC distance=47' 05546+0521  STF 815AB distance=52' 05546+0521  STF 815AC distance=52' 05551+0350  BAL2157 distance=53' 05492+0436  SKF2450 distance=60' 05565+0355  I   748 distance=63' 05573+0434  BAL2646 distance=69' 05485+0442  STF 797 distance=72' 05490+0514  GWP 711 distance=75' 05576+0358  BAL2158 distance=76' 05583+0452  BAL2647 distance=78' 05480+0414  TDS3349 distance=82' 05549+0552  STF 816 distance=82' 05535+0559  TVB 110 distance=85' 05483+0354  J    36 distance=85' 05482+0537  HEI 843 distance=98' 05486+0547  SKF2371 distance=101' 05470+0355  SLW 182 distance=102' 05550+0613  A  2658 distance=103' 05530+0251  BAL1678 distance=104' 05498+0605  HJ  712 distance=105' 05465+0515  VNI   2 distance=108' 05518+0248  REP 115Aa,Ab distance=109' 05518+0248  REP 115AB distance=109' 05538+0623  J  1116 distance=111' 05470+0537  GWP 708 distance=113' 05455+0452  TDS 194 distance=118' 05538+0633  A  2714 distance=119' 05450+0440  KPP2237 distance=124' 05458+0534  BRT2113 distance=126' 05504+0235  HJ 2281 distance=126' 05450+0400  A  2655BC distance=128' 05450+0400  STF 789AB distance=128' 05447+0350  STF 788AB distance=135' 05447+0350  STF 788AC distance=135' 05541+0219  BAL1679 distance=136' 05480+0627  STF 795 distance=138' 06011+0322  UC   87 distance=139' 05453+0557  A  2656 distance=144' 06028+0411  BAL2648 distance=145' 05468+0623  J    35 distance=145' 06021+0539  TDS3508 distance=148' 06024+0336  BAL2159 distance=149' 05549+0702  STF 817 distance=150' 06001+0242  CRC   7 distance=152' 06036+0419  STF 837 distance=157' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 05532+0434 GWP 721 205 12.5 0
Show 05531+0443 CFN 4 278 1.5 9
Show 05512+0429 BAL2644 355 18.1 32
Show 05553+0443 STF 818 278 5.9 33
Show 05503+0417 BAL2643 AB 356 16.6 47
Show 05503+0417 FYM 213 AC 123 27.9 47
Show 05546+0521 STF 815 AB 137 13.1 52
Show 05546+0521 STF 815 AC 309 85.4 52
Show 05551+0350 BAL2157 258 8.8 53
Show 05492+0436 SKF2450 55 4.9 60
Show 05565+0355 I 748 35 1.0 63
Show 05573+0434 BAL2646 117 11.2 69
Show 05485+0442 STF 797 17 7.3 72
Show 05490+0514 GWP 711 135 90.8 75
Show 05576+0358 BAL2158 255 8.3 76
Show 05583+0452 BAL2647 343 10.4 78
Show 05480+0414 TDS3349 138 0.4 82
Show 05549+0552 STF 816 287 4.0 82
Show 05535+0559 TVB 110 337 2.6 85
Show 05483+0354 J 36 95 1.4 85
Show 05482+0537 HEI 843 253 0.7 98
Show 05486+0547 SKF2371 163 17.0 101
Show 05470+0355 SLW 182 27 46.0 102
Show 05550+0613 A 2658 73 0.4 103
Show 05530+0251 BAL1678 11 9.5 104
Show 05498+0605 HJ 712 84 9.1 105
Show 05465+0515 VNI 2 238 8.9 108
Show 05518+0248 REP 115 Aa,Ab -1 0.1 109
Show 05518+0248 REP 115 AB 294 3.0 109
Show 05538+0623 J 1116 270 2.3 111
Show 05470+0537 GWP 708 46 15.0 113
Show 05455+0452 TDS 194 227 1.9 118
Show 05538+0633 A 2714 322 0.8 119
Show 05450+0440 KPP2237 67 18.6 124
Show 05458+0534 BRT2113 17 4.9 126
Show 05504+0235 HJ 2281 316 25.5 126
Show 05450+0400 A 2655 BC 106 1.2 128
Show 05450+0400 STF 789 AB 150 14.0 128
Show 05447+0350 STF 788 AB 91 7.5 135
Show 05447+0350 STF 788 AC 149 36.2 135
Show 05541+0219 BAL1679 229 5.2 136
Show 05480+0627 STF 795 220 1.0 138
Show 06011+0322 UC 87 75 88.7 139
Show 05453+0557 A 2656 55 0.4 144
Show 06028+0411 BAL2648 143 3.5 145
Show 05468+0623 J 35 8 0.4 145
Show 06021+0539 TDS3508 259 0.8 148
Show 06024+0336 BAL2159 153 4.9 149
Show 05549+0702 STF 817 73 18.6 150
Show 06001+0242 CRC 7 311 8.5 152
Show 06036+0419 STF 837 226 19.6 157

WDS 05532+0434 : COMPONENTS
B pa=205.0°
05532+0434 A
Coord arcsec 2000 055313.50+043428.6 Mag 16.2 Spectral class M: (red) PmRA 20.00
PmDE -52.0
05532+0434 B
Coord arcsec 2000 055313.15+043417.2 Mag 17.1 Spectral class WD: (Wolf-Rayet) PmRA 20.00
PmDE -50.0 Calc delta mag 0.9 Calc coord yes