08580+3938 SKF 753

08h 58m 01.42s +39° 38' 13.4" P.A. 209.00 sep 1.8 mag 18.40,18.90 Sp M2+M2
Coord 2000 08580+3938 Discov num SKF 753 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 08 58 01.42 +39 38 13.4
Date first 2002 Date last 2016 Obs 4
Pa first 210 Pa last 209 P.A. Now (θ) 209°
Sep first 1.8 Sep last 1.842 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.842"
Mag pri 18.40 Mag sec 18.90 delta mag (ΔM) 0.5 Spectral class M2+M2 (red/red)
Pri motion ra -023 Sec motion ra -023
Pri motion dec +006 Sec motion dec +006
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Lynx Gaia DR2 720115558541473152
WDS 08580+3938 SKF 753 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SKF Skiff, B.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08580+3938 SKF 753 2002 1 209 1.8 18.40 18.90 M2 085801.42+393813.4
08580+3938 SKF 753 2015 3 209 1.8 18.40 18.90 M2 085801.42+393813.4
08580+3938 SKF 753 2016 4 209 1.8 18.40 18.90 M2+M2 V 085801.42+393813.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 08580+3938 SKF 753 : MEASURES
No records found.


08580+3938 SKF 753A mag 18.4 Sp M2 08580+3938 SKF 753B sep 1.8 P.A. 203.10 mag 18.9 Sp M2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 08580+3938 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 08h 58m 01.42s +39° 38' 13.4"
WDS 08580+3938 SKF 753 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

08580+3938  SKF 753 distance=0' 08578+3945  SKF 752 distance=8' 09001+3947  SKF 782 distance=27' 09011+3932  SKF 856 distance=36' 08583+3856  TDS6230 distance=43' 09017+3943  HDS1311 distance=43' 09006+3903  WAA  34 distance=47' 08540+3922  CVR1178 distance=49' 08545+4008  NSN 588 distance=51' 09013+4013  TDS6248 distance=52' 08558+4025  VLM   6 distance=53' 09005+4029  BVD 204 distance=58' 08556+3843  TDS6189 distance=62' 09027+3856  SKF 866 distance=69' 09027+4023  BVD 205 distance=70' 08587+4050  KPP 185 distance=72' 09022+3841  ES 1637 distance=75' 09043+4008  COU2498 distance=78' 09044+3914  ALI1085 distance=78' 08540+3835  CVR1177 distance=79' 09051+3931  AG  160 distance=83' 08578+3816  SOZ  13 distance=83' 09007+3822  ES 1733 distance=83' 08559+3814  LDS3833 distance=88' 08500+3935  STF1279 distance=93' 09008+4109  LDS3842 distance=97' 08574+4115  SKF 751 distance=98' 09053+3848  OSO  24 distance=99' 08529+3819  SKF 740 distance=100' 08514+3824  ES 2013 distance=107' 09031+4118  SKF 869 distance=116' 09077+3912  RAO 234 distance=116' 08544+3747  SKF1712 distance=120' 09078+3857  SKF  30 distance=121' 09010+4136  BRT 101 distance=123' 09035+3750  MUG   1 distance=126' 08557+4141  A  2132 distance=126' 09048+3759  LDS3851 distance=128' 08472+3912  BRT 100 distance=128' 08560+3732  CLZ  46 distance=129' 09063+4107  ES  599 distance=130' 08490+3821  STF1274 distance=131' 09006+4147  KUI  37AB distance=133' 09006+4147  BUP 122AB,D distance=133' 09006+4147  STT 566AB,C distance=133' 09006+4147  STT 566AB,E distance=133' 08580+3726  HU  860 distance=133' 08537+4144  SKF1630 distance=135' 08526+3739  TDS6154 distance=136' 08518+4134  SLW 307 distance=137' 09089+3840  TDS6353 distance=140' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 08580+3938 SKF 753 209 1.8 0
Show 08578+3945 SKF 752 47 1.0 8
Show 09001+3947 SKF 782 312 1.8 27
Show 09011+3932 SKF 856 327 1.6 36
Show 08583+3856 TDS6230 149 0.4 43
Show 09017+3943 HDS1311 40 0.5 43
Show 09006+3903 WAA 34 256 1.3 47
Show 08540+3922 CVR1178 34 4.7 49
Show 08545+4008 NSN 588 255 27.3 51
Show 09013+4013 TDS6248 295 0.6 52
Show 08558+4025 VLM 6 343 30.1 53
Show 09005+4029 BVD 204 186 23.8 58
Show 08556+3843 TDS6189 300 0.5 62
Show 09027+3856 SKF 866 136 2.2 69
Show 09027+4023 BVD 205 264 32.6 70
Show 08587+4050 KPP 185 214 4.4 72
Show 09022+3841 ES 1637 131 5.0 75
Show 09043+4008 COU2498 245 0.8 78
Show 09044+3914 ALI1085 220 16.5 78
Show 08540+3835 CVR1177 101 3.6 79
Show 09051+3931 AG 160 59 3.8 83
Show 08578+3816 SOZ 13 100 56.2 83
Show 09007+3822 ES 1733 326 2.8 83
Show 08559+3814 LDS3833 33 14.2 88
Show 08500+3935 STF1279 88 1.1 93
Show 09008+4109 LDS3842 342 89.4 97
Show 08574+4115 SKF 751 269 1.2 98
Show 09053+3848 OSO 24 60 27.6 99
Show 08529+3819 SKF 740 144 1.4 100
Show 08514+3824 ES 2013 69 4.8 107
Show 09031+4118 SKF 869 41 2.1 116
Show 09077+3912 RAO 234 164 0.6 116
Show 08544+3747 SKF1712 136 2.6 120
Show 09078+3857 SKF 30 29 4.9 121
Show 09010+4136 BRT 101 327 4.1 123
Show 09035+3750 MUG 1 4 1.7 126
Show 08557+4141 A 2132 239 0.1 126
Show 09048+3759 LDS3851 284 8.3 128
Show 08472+3912 BRT 100 307 2.9 128
Show 08560+3732 CLZ 46 125 80.2 129
Show 09063+4107 ES 599 212 2.4 130
Show 08490+3821 STF1274 41 9.1 131
Show 09006+4147 KUI 37 AB 144 0.5 133
Show 09006+4147 BUP 122 AB,D 104 173.0 133
Show 09006+4147 STT 566 AB,C 184 99.7 133
Show 09006+4147 STT 566 AB,E 101 260.4 133
Show 08580+3726 HU 860 6 0.8 133
Show 08537+4144 SKF1630 219 7.1 135
Show 08526+3739 TDS6154 252 2.6 136
Show 08518+4134 SLW 307 22 32.7 137
Show 09089+3840 TDS6353 18 2.1 140

WDS 08580+3938 : COMPONENTS
B pa=203.1°
08580+3938 A
Coord arcsec 2000 085801.42+393813.4 Mag 18.4 Spectral class M2 (red) PmRA -23.00
PmDE 6.0
08580+3938 B
Coord arcsec 2000 085801.36+393811.8 Mag 18.9 Spectral class M2 (red) PmRA -23.00
PmDE 6.0 Calc delta mag 0.5 Calc coord yes