00101+8529 SKF 518

00h 10m 06.95s +85° 28' 33.7" P.A. 274.00 sep 16.6 mag 10.82,11.59 Sp F5
Coord 2000 00101+8529 Discov num SKF 518 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 10 06.95 +85 28 33.7
Date first 1900 Date last 2015 Obs 11
Pa first 274 Pa last 273.9 P.A. Now (θ) 273.9°
Sep first 16.8 Sep last 16.605 Sep. Now (ρ) 16.605"
Mag pri 10.82 Mag sec 11.59 delta mag (ΔM) 0.77 Spectral class F5 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +007 Sec motion ra +009
Pri motion dec +007 Sec motion dec +006
rPM=0.207 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cepheus Tycho2 4619-01476-1 Gaia DR2 573641230831002112
WDS 00101+8529 SKF 518 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SKF Skiff, B.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00101+8529 SKF 518 1999 4 274 16.6 11.00 11.60 F5 001006.95+852833.7
00101+8529 SKF 518 2010 5 274 16.6 11.00 11.60 F5 001006.95+852833.7
00101+8529 SKF 518 2012 8 275 16.6 11.00 11.60 F5 001006.95+852833.7
00101+8529 SKF 518 2015 8 274 16.6 10.82 11.59 F5 001006.95+852833.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00101+8529 SKF 518 : MEASURES
No records found.


00101+8529 SKF 518A mag 10.82 Sp F5 00101+8529 SKF 518B sep 1.7 P.A. 310.80 mag 11.59 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00101+8529 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 10m 06.95s +85° 28' 33.7"
WDS 00101+8529 SKF 518 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00101+8529  SKF 518 distance=0' 00257+8556  LOC 118 distance=33' 00101+8601  FAL   1 distance=33' 00155+8450  LOC 130 distance=39' 00298+8610  UC  378 distance=47' 00182+8615  WRS   4 distance=48' 00287+8432  LOC 119 distance=62' 00101+8409  LOC 129 distance=80' 00297+8409  MLR 480 distance=85' 00249+8337  TDS1449 distance=114' 00124+8312  HJ 1942 distance=137' 00062+8753  HDS   8 distance=145' 00289+8256  LOC 117 distance=156' 00219+8248  TDS1419 distance=162' 00053+8241  STF3059 distance=167' 00033+8239  HJ 3234AB distance=170' 00033+8239  HJ 3234AC distance=170' 00130+8235  LOC 128 distance=175' 00220+8824  LOC 120 distance=176' 00255+8218  LOC 116 distance=192' 00264+8213  HJ 1962 distance=197' 00045+8907  SKF 974 distance=219' 00157+8141  TDS1367 distance=228' 00263+8108  LOC 114 distance=263' 00224+8103  TDS1424 distance=266' 00245+8052  TDS1445 distance=278' 00210+8050  LOC 112 distance=279' 00282+8042  LDS1507 distance=289' 00137+8038  LDS1503 distance=289' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00101+8529 SKF 518 274 16.6 0
Show 00257+8556 LOC 118 134 35.1 33
Show 00101+8601 FAL 1 109 12.9 33
Show 00155+8450 LOC 130 202 8.8 39
Show 00298+8610 UC 378 205 35.6 47
Show 00182+8615 WRS 4 54 4.5 48
Show 00287+8432 LOC 119 192 2.4 62
Show 00101+8409 LOC 129 211 40.1 80
Show 00297+8409 MLR 480 177 1.0 85
Show 00249+8337 TDS1449 220 0.4 114
Show 00124+8312 HJ 1942 326 25.5 137
Show 00062+8753 HDS 8 313 0.6 145
Show 00289+8256 LOC 117 200 1.1 156
Show 00219+8248 TDS1419 207 2.0 162
Show 00053+8241 STF3059 323 2.0 167
Show 00033+8239 HJ 3234 AB 201 1.3 170
Show 00033+8239 HJ 3234 AC 42 20.0 170
Show 00130+8235 LOC 128 319 24.6 175
Show 00220+8824 LOC 120 164 2.2 176
Show 00255+8218 LOC 116 66 5.6 192
Show 00264+8213 HJ 1962 330 5.5 197
Show 00045+8907 SKF 974 172 12.9 219
Show 00157+8141 TDS1367 10 0.5 228
Show 00263+8108 LOC 114 225 4.7 263
Show 00224+8103 TDS1424 84 0.9 266
Show 00245+8052 TDS1445 37 2.1 278
Show 00210+8050 LOC 112 287 2.5 279
Show 00282+8042 LDS1507 312 123.7 289
Show 00137+8038 LDS1503 126 12.8 289

WDS 00101+8529 : COMPONENTS
B pa=310.8°
00101+8529 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001006.95+852833.7 Mag 10.82 Spectral class F5 (yellow-white) PmRA 7.00
PmDE 7.0 Tycho2 4619-01476-1
Tycho2 4619-01476-1 Pflag RAmdeg 2.52895433 DEmdeg 85.47602496
PmRA 7.5 PmDE 5.3 E RAmdeg 37 E DEmdeg 38
E pmRA 1.9 E pmDE 2.1 EpRAm 1987.57 EpDEm 1988.04
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 0.3 Q pmRA 1.2
Q pmDE 0.3 BTmag 11.495 E BTmag 0.061 VTmag 11.011
E VTmag 0.064 Prox 168 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 2.52873694 DEdeg 85.47601278 EpRA 1990 1.75
EpDE 1990 1.74 E RAdeg 38.1 E DEdeg 38.6 Posflg
Corr 0.1
00101+8529 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001005.85+852834.8 Mag 11.59 PmRA 9.00 PmDE 6.0
Calc delta mag 0.77 Calc coord yes