20093+1549 BPM 2035

20h 09m 15.53s +15° 49' 26.5" P.A. 356.00 sep 99.0 mag 14.76,15.84
Coord 2000 20093+1549 Discov num BPM2035 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 09 15.53 +15 49 26.5
Date first 1992 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 356 Pa last 356.2 P.A. Now (θ) 356.2°
Sep first 99.1 Sep last 99.032 Sep. Now (ρ) 99.032"
Mag pri 14.76 Mag sec 15.84 delta mag (ΔM) 1.08 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -012 Sec motion ra +000
Pri motion dec -018 Sec motion dec -008
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Aquila Gaia DR2 1809323147472857344
WDS 20093+1549 BPM 2035 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BPM2035 [PM2000] 2195432 + [PM2000] 2195376. Gvr2010
refcode metd author reference
Gvr2010 Pa - Gavras, P. Sinachopoulos, D., Le Campion, J.F., & Cucourant, C. 2010A&A...521A 4G
Gvr2010 +T A&A 521, A4, 2010
Gvr2010 (Note: mean measures from AC2000.2, CdC2000, USNO-A2.0, Yellow Sky, and M2000
Gvr2010 catalogs, spanning years ~1900-2000)
idgroup discov author
1 BPM Bordeaux PM2000 catalogue (main catalog: separation < 2')
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20093+1549 BPM2035 1998 2 356 99.1 14.93 15.76 NV 200915.53+154926.5
20093+1549 BPM2035 2001 3 356 99.2 14.93 15.76 NV 200915.53+154926.5
20093+1549 BPM2035 2010 4 356 99.4 14.76 15.84 NV 200915.53+154926.5
20093+1549 BPM2035 2015 5 356 99.1 14.76 15.84 NV 200915.53+154926.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20093+1549 BPM 2035 : MEASURES
No records found.


20093+1549 BPM2035A mag 14.76 20093+1549 BPM2035B sep 99.0 P.A. 356.30 mag 15.84 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20093+1549 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 09m 15.53s +15° 49' 26.5"
WDS 20093+1549 BPM 2035 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20093+1549  BPM2035 distance=0' 20096+1540  BPM2037 distance=12' 20088+1537  BPM2024 distance=14' 20086+1538  TDT2017 distance=15' 20090+1535  BPM2029 distance=16' 20084+1558  BPM2019 distance=16' 20087+1603  BPM2023 distance=17' 20088+1605  BPM2025 distance=18' 20102+1536  J  1874 distance=20' 20083+1533  BPM2018 distance=22' 20078+1548  BPM2014 distance=22' 20082+1534  KPP4185 distance=23' 20077+1547  TDT2003 distance=23' 20094+1613  BPM2036 distance=25' 20108+1541  BPM2045 distance=25' 20073+1605  STF2629 distance=32' 20075+1608  J  3052 distance=33' 20082+1520  BRT1338 distance=33' 20108+1614  BKO 527 distance=34' 20111+1611  BUP 205BC distance=35' 20111+1611  ENG  71AB distance=35' 20111+1611  HZG  15AD distance=35' 20111+1611  GIC 163AE distance=35' 20111+1611  HLA  27AF distance=35' 20079+1621  HEI  76AB distance=37' 20075+1522  BPMA238 distance=37' 20084+1627  BPM2020 distance=40' 20115+1524  BPM2048 distance=41' 20063+1549  BPMA236 distance=43' 20063+1550  BPM1998 distance=44' 20122+1534  BKO 528BC distance=45' 20122+1534  CHE 187AB distance=45' 20124+1550  CHE 193 distance=46' 20123+1607  CHE 189 distance=47' 20126+1553  BKO 530 distance=49' 20091+1638  BPM2034 distance=49' 20084+1503  OSO 117AB distance=49' 20084+1503  OSO 117AC distance=49' 20084+1503  OSO 117AD distance=49' 20084+1503  OSO 117AE distance=49' 20084+1503  LDS1033AF distance=49' 20064+1615  A  1667 distance=49' 20123+1529  CHE 190 distance=49' 20123+1524  CHE 191AB distance=51' 20123+1524  CHE 191AC distance=51' 20123+1525  BPM2055 distance=51' 20129+1548  CHE 202EF distance=52' 20129+1548  CHE 201AB distance=52' 20129+1548  CHE 201AE distance=52' 20129+1548  CHE 201AC distance=52' 20057+1548  BPM1990 distance=52' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20093+1549 BPM2035 356 99.0 0
Show 20096+1540 BPM2037 277 81.8 12
Show 20088+1537 BPM2024 239 36.5 14
Show 20086+1538 TDT2017 67 1.5 15
Show 20090+1535 BPM2029 102 57.3 16
Show 20084+1558 BPM2019 226 106.1 16
Show 20087+1603 BPM2023 235 109.0 17
Show 20088+1605 BPM2025 16 67.5 18
Show 20102+1536 J 1874 116 2.9 20
Show 20083+1533 BPM2018 304 81.5 22
Show 20078+1548 BPM2014 63 65.3 22
Show 20082+1534 KPP4185 156 2.1 23
Show 20077+1547 TDT2003 133 2.1 23
Show 20094+1613 BPM2036 180 38.5 25
Show 20108+1541 BPM2045 206 95.4 25
Show 20073+1605 STF2629 188 9.0 32
Show 20075+1608 J 3052 99 5.2 33
Show 20082+1520 BRT1338 271 4.8 33
Show 20108+1614 BKO 527 114 6.0 34
Show 20111+1611 BUP 205 BC 273 61.8 35
Show 20111+1611 ENG 71 AB 148 212.3 35
Show 20111+1611 HZG 15 AD 255 35.3 35
Show 20111+1611 GIC 163 AE 95 103.8 35
Show 20111+1611 HLA 27 AF 326 7.8 35
Show 20079+1621 HEI 76 AB 357 0.2 37
Show 20075+1522 BPMA238 128 167.2 37
Show 20084+1627 BPM2020 63 18.6 40
Show 20115+1524 BPM2048 336 50.5 41
Show 20063+1549 BPMA236 73 166.7 43
Show 20063+1550 BPM1998 254 107.0 44
Show 20122+1534 BKO 528 BC 112 6.1 45
Show 20122+1534 CHE 187 AB 18 17.5 45
Show 20124+1550 CHE 193 336 2.3 46
Show 20123+1607 CHE 189 84 18.1 47
Show 20126+1553 BKO 530 169 2.2 49
Show 20091+1638 BPM2034 159 61.3 49
Show 20084+1503 OSO 117 AB 335 3.1 49
Show 20084+1503 OSO 117 AC 313 13.7 49
Show 20084+1503 OSO 117 AD 258 20.7 49
Show 20084+1503 OSO 117 AE 358 21.9 49
Show 20084+1503 LDS1033 AF 269 999.9 49
Show 20064+1615 A 1667 268 4.1 49
Show 20123+1529 CHE 190 233 33.7 49
Show 20123+1524 CHE 191 AB 334 11.9 51
Show 20123+1524 CHE 191 AC 336 18.1 51
Show 20123+1525 BPM2055 339 119.3 51
Show 20129+1548 CHE 202 EF 35 4.9 52
Show 20129+1548 CHE 201 AB 322 27.8 52
Show 20129+1548 CHE 201 AE 270 27.9 52
Show 20129+1548 CHE 201 AC 63 51.2 52
Show 20057+1548 BPM1990 225 117.6 52

WDS 20093+1549 : COMPONENTS
B pa=356.3°
20093+1549 A
Coord arcsec 2000 200915.53+154926.5 Mag 14.76 PmRA -12.00 PmDE -18.0
20093+1549 B
Coord arcsec 2000 200915.09+155105.3 Mag 15.84 PmRA 0.00 PmDE -8.0
Calc delta mag 1.08 Calc coord yes