00169+4454 ES 1407

00h 16m 51.92s +44° 54' 41.0" P.A. 224.00 sep 2.4 mag 10.94,11.99
Coord 2000 00169+4454 Discov num ES 1407 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 16 51.92 +44 54 41.0
Date first 1915 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 221 Pa last 224.1 P.A. Now (θ) 224.1°
Sep first 2.3 Sep last 2.382 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.382"
Mag pri 10.94 Mag sec 11.99 delta mag (ΔM) 1.05 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -008 Sec motion ra -008
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec -002
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Andromeda Tycho2 2794-00107-1 Gaia DR2 385944906522908160
WDS 00169+4454 ES 1407 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ES Espin, T.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00169+4454 ES 1407 2002 4 222 2.4 10.94 11.99 001651.92+445441.0
00169+4454 ES 1407 2009 5 223 2.4 10.94 11.99 001651.92+445441.0
00169+4454 ES 1407 2015 6 224 2.4 10.94 11.99 001651.92+445441.0
00169+4454 ES 1407 2016 8 224 2.4 10.94 11.99 001651.92+445441.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00169+4454 ES 1407 : MEASURES
No records found.


00169+4454 ES 1407A mag 10.94 00169+4454 ES 1407B sep 2.1 P.A. 214.50 mag 11.99 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00169+4454 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 16m 51.92s +44° 54' 41.0"
WDS 00169+4454 ES 1407 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

00169+4454  ES 1407 distance=0' 00154+4443  DAM 829AB distance=20' 00154+4443  DAM 829AC distance=20' 00154+4443  DAM 829BC distance=20' 00175+4514  ES 1294 distance=22' 00175+4434  COU1501 distance=22' 00146+4452  A   646 distance=25' 00169+4427  ES 1481 distance=27' 00156+4426  SMA   4 distance=32' 00202+4443  LDS3152 distance=38' 00175+4418  ES 1482 distance=39' 00204+4512  BRT  68 distance=41' 00153+4412  A  1256AB distance=46' 00153+4412  A  1256AB,C distance=46' 00153+4412  A  1256AB,D distance=46' 00126+4442  HDS  28 distance=48' 00158+4543  TDS1368 distance=51' 00191+4406  COU1502 distance=53' 00205+4531  A   647 distance=53' 00136+4412  A  1254 distance=56' 00184+4401  TNN   1BE distance=56' 00184+4401  TNN   1BF distance=56' 00184+4401  GRB  34AB distance=56' 00184+4401  GRB  34AC distance=56' 00184+4401  TNN   1AD distance=56' 00126+4419  LSC   5 distance=58' 00225+4456  A   648 distance=61' 00140+4401  BRT  64 distance=62' 00220+4529  TDS1422 distance=65' 00144+4351  A  1255 distance=70' 00187+4347  STT   5 distance=71' 00112+4419  ES 1406BC distance=71' 00112+4419  ES 1406AB distance=71' 00112+4419  ABH   1AD distance=71' 00215+4404  LDS3156 distance=71' 00237+4455  TDS1437 distance=73' 00105+4524  CBL   1 distance=74' 00149+4610  BRT  66 distance=79' 00124+4558  HDS  27AB distance=79' 00124+4558  HDS  27AC distance=79' 00218+4357  COU1352 distance=79' 00164+4336  HJ 1947AB distance=80' 00164+4336  WAL   5AC distance=80' 00164+4336  WAL   5AD distance=80' 00164+4336  WAL   5AE distance=80' 00142+4339  BRT  65 distance=81' 00142+4612  ES 1195 distance=83' 00092+4443  HJ 1001 distance=83' 00092+4520  TDS1319 distance=85' 00210+4343  ES 1485 distance=85' 00192+4330  ES 1484BC distance=89' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00169+4454 ES 1407 224 2.4 0
Show 00154+4443 DAM 829 AB 190 6.7 20
Show 00154+4443 DAM 829 AC 160 10.5 20
Show 00154+4443 DAM 829 BC 125 5.6 20
Show 00175+4514 ES 1294 228 1.1 22
Show 00175+4434 COU1501 283 0.4 22
Show 00146+4452 A 646 49 2.3 25
Show 00169+4427 ES 1481 57 7.1 27
Show 00156+4426 SMA 4 159 9.5 32
Show 00202+4443 LDS3152 229 13.0 38
Show 00175+4418 ES 1482 202 3.7 39
Show 00204+4512 BRT 68 113 3.9 41
Show 00153+4412 A 1256 AB 223 0.0 46
Show 00153+4412 A 1256 AB,C 341 19.1 46
Show 00153+4412 A 1256 AB,D 136 25.9 46
Show 00126+4442 HDS 28 35 0.8 48
Show 00158+4543 TDS1368 337 0.7 51
Show 00191+4406 COU1502 34 3.2 53
Show 00205+4531 A 647 96 0.7 53
Show 00136+4412 A 1254 272 1.2 56
Show 00184+4401 TNN 1 BE 66 7.5 56
Show 00184+4401 TNN 1 BF 70 11.9 56
Show 00184+4401 GRB 34 AB 66 34.1 56
Show 00184+4401 GRB 34 AC 259 285.6 56
Show 00184+4401 TNN 1 AD 158 6.4 56
Show 00126+4419 LSC 5 314 0.6 58
Show 00225+4456 A 648 96 0.3 61
Show 00140+4401 BRT 64 132 4.8 62
Show 00220+4529 TDS1422 256 1.2 65
Show 00144+4351 A 1255 350 4.3 70
Show 00187+4347 STT 5 240 6.1 71
Show 00112+4419 ES 1406 BC 349 5.4 71
Show 00112+4419 ES 1406 AB 331 9.8 71
Show 00112+4419 ABH 1 AD 207 79.2 71
Show 00215+4404 LDS3156 117 198.2 71
Show 00237+4455 TDS1437 3 1.4 73
Show 00105+4524 CBL 1 230 23.0 74
Show 00149+4610 BRT 66 215 1.1 79
Show 00124+4558 HDS 27 AB 132 0.2 79
Show 00124+4558 HDS 27 AC 121 2.0 79
Show 00218+4357 COU1352 243 1.4 79
Show 00164+4336 HJ 1947 AB 76 8.3 80
Show 00164+4336 WAL 5 AC 14 76.4 80
Show 00164+4336 WAL 5 AD 43 99.5 80
Show 00164+4336 WAL 5 AE 44 114.7 80
Show 00142+4339 BRT 65 293 2.7 81
Show 00142+4612 ES 1195 15 6.7 83
Show 00092+4443 HJ 1001 77 15.7 83
Show 00092+4520 TDS1319 348 0.8 85
Show 00210+4343 ES 1485 96 9.2 85
Show 00192+4330 ES 1484 BC 343 3.3 89

WDS 00169+4454 : COMPONENTS
B pa=214.5°
00169+4454 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001651.92+445441.0 Mag 10.94 PmRA -8.00 PmDE -2.0
Tycho2 2794-00107-1
Tycho2 2794-00107-1 Pflag RAmdeg 4.21633787 DEmdeg 44.91139315
PmRA -8.2 PmDE -1.7 E RAmdeg 28 E DEmdeg 30
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1988.94 EpDEm 1987.56
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.0 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 0.1
Q pmDE 0.4 BTmag 11.505 E BTmag 0.049 VTmag 10.906
E VTmag 0.044 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 4.21636417 DEdeg 44.91139722 EpRA 1990 1.81
EpDE 1990 1.46 E RAdeg 27.7 E DEdeg 30.9 Posflg
Corr -0.2
00169+4454 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001651.81+445439.3 Mag 11.99 PmRA -8.00 PmDE -2.0
Calc delta mag 1.05 Calc coord yes