10138+2457 SLW 448

10h 13m 46.63s +24° 56' 47.0" P.A. 92.00 sep 10.9 mag 17.78,18.07 Sp M3.0+M3.2
Coord 2000 10138+2457 Discov num SLW 448 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 13 46.63 +24 56 47.0
Date first 1998 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 92 Pa last 92.2 P.A. Now (θ) 92.2°
Sep first 11.0 Sep last 10.948 Sep. Now (ρ) 10.948"
Mag pri 17.78 Mag sec 18.07 delta mag (ΔM) 0.29 Spectral class M3.0+M3.2 (red/red)
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra +004
Pri motion dec -043 Sec motion dec -046
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.065 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Leo Gaia DR2 726641568072674432
WDS 10138+2457 SLW 448 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SLW Sloan Digital Sky Survey SLoWPoKES Catalog
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10138+2457 SLW 448 2004 1 92 10.9 17.78 18.07 M3.0 M3.2 V R 101346.63+245647.0
10138+2457 SLW 448 2010 3 92 11.1 17.78 18.07 M3.0+M3.2 V R 101346.63+245647.0
10138+2457 SLW 448 2015 6 92 10.9 17.78 18.07 M3.0+M3.2 V R 101346.63+245647.0
10138+2457 SLW 448 2016 8 92 10.9 17.78 18.07 M3.0+M3.2 V R 101346.63+245647.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10138+2457 SLW 448 : MEASURES
No records found.


10138+2457 SLW 448A mag 17.78 Sp M3.0 10138+2457 SLW 448B sep 9.9 P.A. 92.40 mag 18.07 Sp M3.2 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10138+2457 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 13m 46.63s +24° 56' 47.0"
WDS 10138+2457 SLW 448 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

10138+2457  SLW 448 distance=0' 10140+2449  HJ  477AB distance=8' 10140+2449  HJ  477AC distance=8' 10140+2449  HJ  477AD distance=8' 10140+2449  GII 169Aa,Ab distance=8' 10144+2449  CVR 553 distance=12' 10149+2505  DAM2178 distance=18' 10145+2434  GRV 814 distance=25' 10131+2521  KPP3809 distance=26' 10156+2504  FOX  14 distance=28' 10157+2506  KPP3812 distance=28' 10167+2522  BVD  81 distance=48' 10092+2501  FOX 165 distance=58' 10144+2557  TDS7135 distance=61' 10153+2400  CVR1275 distance=61' 10169+2552  BUP 131AB distance=70' 10169+2552  SKF1468AC distance=70' 10120+2603  CVR1273 distance=71' 10091+2531  A  1988 distance=73' 10164+2350  POU3076 distance=76' 10106+2353  A  1989 distance=78' 10085+2419  LSC 125 distance=82' 10176+2611  FMR  90 distance=90' 10166+2620  LDS3972 distance=92' 10140+2323  POU3074 distance=94' 10171+2622  CVR1277 distance=97' 10130+2321  RAO 241 distance=97' 10177+2621  CVR 556 distance=100' 10167+2325  STFA 18 (Adhafera) distance=101' 10170+2326  POU3077 distance=101' 10144+2638  TDS7134 distance=102' 10141+2314  POU3075 distance=104' 10214+2539  CVR 103 distance=113' 10223+2454  SLW 466 distance=116' 10066+2602  TDS 569 distance=118' 10172+2306  STT 523 distance=121' 10225+2538  UC 1920 distance=126' 10121+2251  SLW 445 distance=128' 10059+2611  KPP3224 distance=130' 10049+2543  LDS3954 distance=131' 10092+2259  CVR1268 distance=134' 10040+2521  COU 589 distance=135' 10082+2648  ES  431AB distance=135' 10082+2648  ES  431AC distance=135' 10082+2648  ES  431BC distance=136' 10211+2324  POU3078 distance=138' 10098+2246  CVR 552 distance=143' 10212+2642  HDS1488 distance=145' 10147+2724  SKF2378 distance=148' 10114+2722  LDS3961 distance=149' 10131+2725  STT 213AB distance=149' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10138+2457 SLW 448 92 10.9 0
Show 10140+2449 HJ 477 AB 305 2.5 8
Show 10140+2449 HJ 477 AC 358 14.6 8
Show 10140+2449 HJ 477 AD 332 46.6 8
Show 10140+2449 GII 169 Aa,Ab 123 0.2 8
Show 10144+2449 CVR 553 195 19.9 12
Show 10149+2505 DAM2178 3 3.9 18
Show 10145+2434 GRV 814 205 22.1 25
Show 10131+2521 KPP3809 275 1.8 26
Show 10156+2504 FOX 14 185 2.9 28
Show 10157+2506 KPP3812 185 2.9 28
Show 10167+2522 BVD 81 28 79.6 48
Show 10092+2501 FOX 165 70 7.5 58
Show 10144+2557 TDS7135 92 0.5 61
Show 10153+2400 CVR1275 236 3.1 61
Show 10169+2552 BUP 131 AB 264 869.0 70
Show 10169+2552 SKF1468 AC 191 9.0 70
Show 10120+2603 CVR1273 137 4.4 71
Show 10091+2531 A 1988 229 0.4 73
Show 10164+2350 POU3076 4 19.6 76
Show 10106+2353 A 1989 285 3.4 78
Show 10085+2419 LSC 125 307 0.4 82
Show 10176+2611 FMR 90 90 167.7 90
Show 10166+2620 LDS3972 267 8.5 92
Show 10140+2323 POU3074 115 15.5 94
Show 10171+2622 CVR1277 275 4.0 97
Show 10130+2321 RAO 241 16 0.6 97
Show 10177+2621 CVR 556 52 7.5 100
Show Adhafera 10167+2325 STFA 18 337 331.3 101
Show 10170+2326 POU3077 277 4.8 101
Show 10144+2638 TDS7134 262 0.8 102
Show 10141+2314 POU3075 24 16.9 104
Show 10214+2539 CVR 103 317 71.8 113
Show 10223+2454 SLW 466 56 65.7 116
Show 10066+2602 TDS 569 89 2.3 118
Show 10172+2306 STT 523 300 7.9 121
Show 10225+2538 UC 1920 295 45.9 126
Show 10121+2251 SLW 445 70 23.9 128
Show 10059+2611 KPP3224 177 0.8 130
Show 10049+2543 LDS3954 313 11.4 131
Show 10092+2259 CVR1268 160 3.1 134
Show 10040+2521 COU 589 68 0.4 135
Show 10082+2648 ES 431 AB 352 35.7 135
Show 10082+2648 ES 431 AC 355 40.9 135
Show 10082+2648 ES 431 BC 15 5.7 136
Show 10211+2324 POU3078 161 10.2 138
Show 10098+2246 CVR 552 304 17.9 143
Show 10212+2642 HDS1488 222 0.1 145
Show 10147+2724 SKF2378 313 1.4 148
Show 10114+2722 LDS3961 70 13.8 149
Show 10131+2725 STT 213 AB 125 1.1 149

WDS 10138+2457 : COMPONENTS
B pa=92.4°
10138+2457 A
Coord arcsec 2000 101346.63+245647.0 Mag 17.78 Spectral class M3.0 (red) PmRA 4.00
PmDE -43.0
10138+2457 B
Coord arcsec 2000 101347.36+245646.6 Mag 18.07 Spectral class M3.2 (red) PmRA 4.00
PmDE -46.0 Calc delta mag 0.29 Calc coord yes