01466-0858 SLW 83

01h 46m 33.09s -08° 57' 35.9" P.A. 220.00 sep 90.3 mag 17.70,19.30 Sp M2.4+M3.7
Coord 2000 01466-0858 Discov num SLW  83 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 46 33.09 -08 57 35.9
Date first 1998 Date last 2016 Obs 8
Pa first 220 Pa last 219.9 P.A. Now (θ) 219.9°
Sep first 90.2 Sep last 90.253 Sep. Now (ρ) 90.253"
Mag pri 17.70 Mag sec 19.30 delta mag (ΔM) 1.6 Spectral class M2.4+M3.7 (red/red)
Pri motion ra +031 Sec motion ra +033
Pri motion dec -025 Sec motion dec -029
Notes V R (Proper motion indicates physical, Red magnitudes)
rPM=0.102 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Cetus Gaia DR2 2464537279092762240
WDS 01466-0858 SLW 83 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 SLW Sloan Digital Sky Survey SLoWPoKES Catalog
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01466-0858 SLW 83 2000 1 220 90.3 17.69 19.27 M2.4 M3.7 V R 014633.09-085735.9
01466-0858 SLW 83 2010 4 220 90.2 17.70 19.30 M2.4+M3.7 V R 014633.09-085735.9
01466-0858 SLW 83 2015 5 220 90.2 17.70 19.30 M2.4+M3.7 V R 014633.09-085735.9
01466-0858 SLW 83 2016 8 220 90.3 17.70 19.30 M2.4+M3.7 V R 014633.09-085735.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01466-0858 SLW 83 : MEASURES
No records found.


01466-0858 SLW  83A mag 17.7 Sp M2.4 01466-0858 SLW  83B sep 89.8 P.A. 219.60 mag 19.3 Sp M3.7 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01466-0858 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 46m 33.09s -08° 57' 35.9"
Primaries only

01466-0858  SLW  83 distance=0' 01466-0839  JOD   3 distance=19' 01482-0929  RST4186 distance=41' 01457-0814  LDS5349 distance=45' 01497-0842  KPP2687 distance=50' 01463-0807  RST4184 distance=51' 01492-0822  LDS5353 distance=52' 01470-0804  SLW  84 distance=54' 01442-0813  LDS9122 distance=57' 01486-0955  JNN  17 distance=66' 01475-0753  HDS 240 distance=67' 01507-0927  NSN  61 distance=68' 01419-0907  GRV1170 distance=70' 01418-0815  HJ 2073 distance=83' 01513-0943  SLW  88 distance=85' 01517-0939  LDS2223 distance=86' 01486-1023  BRT3191 distance=92' 01405-0917  LDS9121 distance=92' 01523-0944  BU  259 distance=97' 01518-0955  HU   12 distance=97' 01497-1022  BU 1168 distance=97' 01518-0750  HJ 2092 distance=107' 01435-1038  GAL 313 distance=108' 01515-1020  BNU   1Aa,Ab (Baten Kaitos) distance=110' 01515-1020  BUP  26AB (Baten Kaitos) distance=110' 01494-1042  AMM   1AB distance=113' 01494-1042  AMM   1AC distance=113' 01496-1041  ENG   8 distance=113' 01399-0958  SOZ   7 distance=116' 01487-1046  HDO  52 distance=120' 01434-0705  STF 150 distance=123' 01532-0743  TDS2039 distance=124' 01549-0843  SLW  91 distance=125' 01478-0652  CVR  30 distance=127' 01454-1104  LDS2221 distance=128' 01532-0731  TSN 108 distance=132' 01529-1033  LDS  58 distance=135' 01455-0643  LDS5348 distance=135' 01447-0646  BU    6AB distance=135' 01447-0646  BU    6AC distance=135' 01376-0924  KUI   7 distance=135' 01395-0724  RST4182 distance=141' 01424-0645  A     1 distance=147' 01561-0815  KPP2358 distance=148' 01434-1127  GAL 312 distance=154' 01483-0625  KPP1921 distance=156' 01387-1041  HU    8AB distance=157' 01387-1041  DAM 769AC distance=157' 01417-1119  STF 147 distance=159' 01462-1137  RST3363 distance=160' 01511-1125  GWP 229 distance=163' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01466-0858 SLW 83 220 90.3 0
Show 01466-0839 JOD 3 5 0.2 19
Show 01482-0929 RST4186 54 0.6 41
Show 01457-0814 LDS5349 321 185.5 45
Show 01497-0842 KPP2687 168 2.2 50
Show 01463-0807 RST4184 292 1.8 51
Show 01492-0822 LDS5353 95 166.5 52
Show 01470-0804 SLW 84 90 21.5 54
Show 01442-0813 LDS9122 24 12.5 57
Show 01486-0955 JNN 17 154 0.5 66
Show 01475-0753 HDS 240 163 0.1 67
Show 01507-0927 NSN 61 255 1.1 68
Show 01419-0907 GRV1170 47 8.3 70
Show 01418-0815 HJ 2073 45 9.7 83
Show 01513-0943 SLW 88 183 42.8 85
Show 01517-0939 LDS2223 212 5.2 86
Show 01486-1023 BRT3191 340 4.4 92
Show 01405-0917 LDS9121 175 3.2 92
Show 01523-0944 BU 259 239 4.8 97
Show 01518-0955 HU 12 330 1.3 97
Show 01497-1022 BU 1168 210 0.3 97
Show 01518-0750 HJ 2092 78 13.5 107
Show 01435-1038 GAL 313 193 33.3 108
Show Baten Kaitos 01515-1020 BNU 1 Aa,Ab 172 0.1 110
Show Baten Kaitos 01515-1020 BUP 26 AB 40 188.6 110
Show 01494-1042 AMM 1 AB 354 6.1 113
Show 01494-1042 AMM 1 AC 303 14.8 113
Show 01496-1041 ENG 8 250 184.1 113
Show 01399-0958 SOZ 7 241 7.8 116
Show 01487-1046 HDO 52 32 18.4 120
Show 01434-0705 STF 150 196 35.7 123
Show 01532-0743 TDS2039 207 2.8 124
Show 01549-0843 SLW 91 162 18.2 125
Show 01478-0652 CVR 30 166 11.0 127
Show 01454-1104 LDS2221 260 43.4 128
Show 01532-0731 TSN 108 342 55.0 132
Show 01529-1033 LDS 58 203 25.8 135
Show 01455-0643 LDS5348 45 9.1 135
Show 01447-0646 BU 6 AB 165 2.2 135
Show 01447-0646 BU 6 AC 85 93.2 135
Show 01376-0924 KUI 7 158 0.2 135
Show 01395-0724 RST4182 141 0.9 141
Show 01424-0645 A 1 257 0.8 147
Show 01561-0815 KPP2358 278 20.2 148
Show 01434-1127 GAL 312 326 43.5 154
Show 01483-0625 KPP1921 336 15.1 156
Show 01387-1041 HU 8 AB 44 1.6 157
Show 01387-1041 DAM 769 AC 4 18.1 157
Show 01417-1119 STF 147 21 0.1 159
Show 01462-1137 RST3363 244 1.0 160
Show 01511-1125 GWP 229 76 81.4 163

WDS 01466-0858 : COMPONENTS
B pa=219.6°
01466-0858 A
Coord arcsec 2000 014633.09-085735.9 Mag 17.7 Spectral class M2.4 (red) PmRA 31.00
PmDE -25.0
01466-0858 B
Coord arcsec 2000 014629.23-085845.1 Mag 19.3 Spectral class M3.7 (red) PmRA 33.00
PmDE -29.0 Calc delta mag 1.6 Calc coord yes