01245+1740 BPM 29

01h 24m 28.17s +17° 40' 13.4" P.A. 168.00 sep 89.5 mag 14.92,15.75
Coord 2000 01245+1740 Discov num BPM  29 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 24 28.17 +17 40 13.4
Date first 1997 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 168 Pa last 168.2 P.A. Now (θ) 168.2°
Sep first 89.5 Sep last 89.549 Sep. Now (ρ) 89.549"
Mag pri 14.92 Mag sec 15.75 delta mag (ΔM) 0.83 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -030 Sec motion ra -034
Pri motion dec -058 Sec motion dec -062
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.08 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 2593476183048388224
WDS 01245+1740 BPM 29 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BPM 29 [PM2000] 52622 + [PM2000] 52637. Gvr2010
refcode metd author reference
Gvr2010 Pa - Gavras, P. Sinachopoulos, D., Le Campion, J.F., & Cucourant, C. 2010A&A...521A 4G
Gvr2010 +T A&A 521, A4, 2010
Gvr2010 (Note: mean measures from AC2000.2, CdC2000, USNO-A2.0, Yellow Sky, and M2000
Gvr2010 catalogs, spanning years ~1900-2000)
idgroup discov author
1 BPM Bordeaux PM2000 catalogue (main catalog: separation < 2')
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01245+1740 BPM 29 1999 2 168 89.2 15.14 15.65 NV 012428.17+174013.4
01245+1740 BPM 29 2000 3 168 89.5 15.10 15.70 NV 012428.17+174013.4
01245+1740 BPM 29 2010 4 168 89.5 14.92 15.75 NV 012428.17+174013.4
01245+1740 BPM 29 2015 5 168 89.5 14.92 15.75 NV 012428.17+174013.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01245+1740 BPM 29 : MEASURES
No records found.


01245+1740 BPM  29A mag 14.92 01245+1740 BPM  29B sep 89.4 P.A. 168.70 mag 15.75 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01245+1740 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 24m 28.17s +17° 40' 13.4"
Primaries only

01245+1740  BPM  29 distance=1' 01249+1802  LDS3274 distance=24' 01240+1812  KPP  70 distance=33' 01227+1712  STTA 16 distance=38' 01265+1812  HDS 187 distance=44' 01231+1649  JNS   1 distance=54' 01283+1731  GWP 194 distance=56' 01208+1813  A  2212 distance=62' 01284+1705  BDT   1 distance=67' 01220+1848  GWP 175 distance=77' 01299+1818  LDS3287 distance=87' 01277+1620  BPM  32 distance=93' 01195+1850  GWP 169 distance=100' 01309+1700  UC  570 distance=101' 01312+1709  SKF1602 distance=102' 01171+1739  BPM  26 distance=105' 01186+1853  COU  34 distance=112' 01242+1543  LDS3273 distance=117' 01321+1657  STF 132AB distance=117' 01321+1657  STF 132AC distance=117' 01321+1657  STF 132AD distance=117' 01321+1657  STF 132AE distance=117' 01321+1657  GAA  19Aa,Ab distance=117' 01321+1657  STF 132DF distance=119' 01203+1926  LDS3263 distance=121' 01275+1546  BPM  31 distance=123' 01166+1831  HDS 169 distance=124' 01325+1645  BPMA  1 distance=128' 01211+1540  J   227 distance=129' 01334+1734  AHD  22AB distance=129' 01334+1734  AHD  22AC distance=129' 01181+1913  CVR 379 distance=130' 01335+1739  COU  35 distance=130' 01240+1950  HO  309AB distance=131' 01240+1950  HO  309AC distance=131' 01240+1950  LV   15AD distance=131' 01192+1538  J   226 distance=144' 01179+1943  NSN  14AB distance=154' 01138+1759  SKF  22 distance=155' 01141+1657  SLW  57 distance=156' 01259+1505  GRV1167 distance=157' 01184+1529  J   225AB distance=158' 01184+1529  J   225AC distance=158' 01184+1529  J   225BC distance=158' 01184+1529  TOB 360CD distance=158' 01192+1521  SLW  62 distance=159' 01292+2004  A  2214 distance=159' 01228+1500  GRV1166 distance=162' 01270+1500  GWP 190 distance=165' 01169+1535  CVR 375 distance=166' 01160+1534  GRV 986 distance=167' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01245+1740 BPM 29 168 89.5 1
Show 01249+1802 LDS3274 262 30.2 24
Show 01240+1812 KPP 70 296 3.8 33
Show 01227+1712 STTA 16 137 72.0 38
Show 01265+1812 HDS 187 290 0.3 44
Show 01231+1649 JNS 1 19 4.3 54
Show 01283+1731 GWP 194 122 174.4 56
Show 01208+1813 A 2212 214 1.3 62
Show 01284+1705 BDT 1 269 0.4 67
Show 01220+1848 GWP 175 36 21.3 77
Show 01299+1818 LDS3287 307 17.4 87
Show 01277+1620 BPM 32 101 89.8 93
Show 01195+1850 GWP 169 94 78.8 100
Show 01309+1700 UC 570 47 31.9 101
Show 01312+1709 SKF1602 184 178.9 102
Show 01171+1739 BPM 26 353 98.0 105
Show 01186+1853 COU 34 24 10.8 112
Show 01242+1543 LDS3273 316 67.8 117
Show 01321+1657 STF 132 AB 342 63.8 117
Show 01321+1657 STF 132 AC 249 67.7 117
Show 01321+1657 STF 132 AD 109 114.5 117
Show 01321+1657 STF 132 AE 307 11.0 117
Show 01321+1657 GAA 19 Aa,Ab 91 0.0 117
Show 01321+1657 STF 132 DF 289 5.2 119
Show 01203+1926 LDS3263 74 196.3 121
Show 01275+1546 BPM 31 316 14.4 123
Show 01166+1831 HDS 169 219 0.6 124
Show 01325+1645 BPMA 1 79 247.8 128
Show 01211+1540 J 227 179 3.4 129
Show 01334+1734 AHD 22 AB 154 22.8 129
Show 01334+1734 AHD 22 AC 273 9.2 129
Show 01181+1913 CVR 379 6 14.3 130
Show 01335+1739 COU 35 117 9.5 130
Show 01240+1950 HO 309 AB 22 3.2 131
Show 01240+1950 HO 309 AC 93 47.4 131
Show 01240+1950 LV 15 AD 51 38.6 131
Show 01192+1538 J 226 63 5.0 144
Show 01179+1943 NSN 14 AB 119 3.9 154
Show 01138+1759 SKF 22 212 4.7 155
Show 01141+1657 SLW 57 75 10.1 156
Show 01259+1505 GRV1167 232 15.9 157
Show 01184+1529 J 225 AB 210 3.0 158
Show 01184+1529 J 225 AC 205 28.3 158
Show 01184+1529 J 225 BC 204 25.2 158
Show 01184+1529 TOB 360 CD 285 15.7 158
Show 01192+1521 SLW 62 256 55.8 159
Show 01292+2004 A 2214 216 0.7 159
Show 01228+1500 GRV1166 332 16.3 162
Show 01270+1500 GWP 190 261 125.0 165
Show 01169+1535 CVR 375 232 9.1 166
Show 01160+1534 GRV 986 346 8.8 167

WDS 01245+1740 : COMPONENTS
B pa=168.7°
01245+1740 A
Coord arcsec 2000 012428.17+174013.4 Mag 14.92 PmRA -30.00 PmDE -58.0
01245+1740 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012429.39+173845.7 Mag 15.75 PmRA -34.00 PmDE -62.0
Calc delta mag 0.83 Calc coord yes