00037+1134 BPM 3

00h 03m 44.68s +11° 33' 34.2" P.A. 336.00 sep 75.9 mag 15.50,16.10
Coord 2000 00037+1134 Discov num BPM   3 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 03 44.68 +11 33 34.2
Date first 1949 Date last 2015 Obs 6
Pa first 335 Pa last 335.6 P.A. Now (θ) 335.6°
Sep first 76.4 Sep last 75.883 Sep. Now (ρ) 75.883"
Mag pri 15.50 Mag sec 16.10 delta mag (ΔM) 0.6 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +007 Sec motion ra +012
Pri motion dec -005 Sec motion dec -015
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pegasus Gaia DR2 2765875517476072448
WDS 00037+1134 BPM 3 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BPM 3 [PM2000] 2710 + [PM2000] 2680. Gvr2010
refcode metd author reference
Gvr2010 Pa - Gavras, P. Sinachopoulos, D., Le Campion, J.F., & Cucourant, C. 2010A&A...521A 4G
Gvr2010 +T A&A 521, A4, 2010
Gvr2010 (Note: mean measures from AC2000.2, CdC2000, USNO-A2.0, Yellow Sky, and M2000
Gvr2010 catalogs, spanning years ~1900-2000)
idgroup discov author
1 BPM Bordeaux PM2000 catalogue (main catalog: separation < 2')
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00037+1134 BPM 3 2000 2 336 75.9 15.49 16.09 NV 000344.68+113334.2
00037+1134 BPM 3 2010 5 336 76.0 15.50 16.10 NV 000344.68+113334.2
00037+1134 BPM 3 2015 6 336 75.9 15.50 16.10 NV 000344.68+113334.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00037+1134 BPM 3 : MEASURES
No records found.


00037+1134 BPM   3A mag 15.5 00037+1134 BPM   3B sep 75.6 P.A. 336.00 mag 16.1 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00037+1134 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 03m 44.68s +11° 33' 34.2"
Primaries only

00037+1134  BPM   3 distance=0' 00040+1209  STF3055AB distance=36' 00040+1209  STF3055AC distance=36' 00024+1100  KPP4405 distance=39' 00018+1055  SLW9019 distance=48' 00024+1047  A  1249AB distance=51' 00024+1047  BGH   1AB,C distance=51' 00074+1051  GIC9001 distance=69' 00037+1252  HJ 3235 distance=78' 00060+1249  LDS1071 distance=83' 00095+1120  DAM 362 distance=86' 00065+1250  TDS1293 distance=87' 00096+1145  LDS 860 distance=88' 00099+1125  HJ 1939 distance=91' 00096+1052  GWP  20 distance=96' 00100+1109  STF   5 distance=96' 00008+1259  CVR 301 distance=97' 00096+1047  GWP  21 distance=99' 00060+1315  J   143 distance=106' 00100+1034  UC  330 distance=111' 00097+1022  KPP 911 distance=114' 00061+0943  HDS   7 distance=117' 00121+1137  KPP3128 distance=123' 00110+1024  TDS1333 distance=128' 00110+1247  SKF 839 distance=130' 00126+1118  BPM   4 distance=131' 00083+1329  GWP  17 distance=134' 00082+0937  LDS9085 distance=134' 00132+1144  HDS  30 distance=140' 00089+1332  TDS1313 distance=141' 00110+1002  GRV  13 distance=141' 00034+0913  SLW9010 distance=142' 00092+0937  TDS1320 distance=143' 00061+0915  KPP2527 distance=143' 00137+1120  LDS 862 distance=147' 00012+1357  WNO  12AB distance=150' 00012+1357  LSC   2Aa,Ab distance=150' 00141+1207  A  1802 distance=156' 00096+0913  SKF1820 distance=165' 00093+0900  LDS3129 distance=174' 00108+1356  SLW  12 distance=176' 00024+1429  GWP   4 distance=177' 00094+1415  CHE   1 distance=179' 00084+1419  WAA  64 distance=180' 00050+0835  GWP  11 distance=180' 00067+0839  LSC   3 distance=180' 00111+1402  DAM 828 distance=184' 00113+0905  PLQ   2 distance=186' 00029+1440  SKF1064 distance=188' 00004+0830  BU  732AB distance=190' 00004+0830  BU  732AC distance=190' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00037+1134 BPM 3 336 75.9 0
Show 00040+1209 STF3055 AB 359 5.7 36
Show 00040+1209 STF3055 AC 32 122.6 36
Show 00024+1100 KPP4405 103 4.7 39
Show 00018+1055 SLW9019 344 7.8 48
Show 00024+1047 A 1249 AB 246 0.3 51
Show 00024+1047 BGH 1 AB,C 301 63.4 51
Show 00074+1051 GIC9001 352 0.7 69
Show 00037+1252 HJ 3235 87 22.9 78
Show 00060+1249 LDS1071 225 12.4 83
Show 00095+1120 DAM 362 270 4.5 86
Show 00065+1250 TDS1293 5 0.4 87
Show 00096+1145 LDS 860 43 289.4 88
Show 00099+1125 HJ 1939 170 30.6 91
Show 00096+1052 GWP 20 237 55.3 96
Show 00100+1109 STF 5 159 7.6 96
Show 00008+1259 CVR 301 194 28.2 97
Show 00096+1047 GWP 21 87 9.9 99
Show 00060+1315 J 143 86 2.5 106
Show 00100+1034 UC 330 208 23.1 111
Show 00097+1022 KPP 911 267 7.5 114
Show 00061+0943 HDS 7 200 0.3 117
Show 00121+1137 KPP3128 227 3.2 123
Show 00110+1024 TDS1333 65 0.5 128
Show 00110+1247 SKF 839 247 24.8 130
Show 00126+1118 BPM 4 254 79.0 131
Show 00083+1329 GWP 17 261 72.4 134
Show 00082+0937 LDS9085 288 2.7 134
Show 00132+1144 HDS 30 261 0.3 140
Show 00089+1332 TDS1313 122 0.8 141
Show 00110+1002 GRV 13 47 35.8 141
Show 00034+0913 SLW9010 30 6.0 142
Show 00092+0937 TDS1320 218 0.6 143
Show 00061+0915 KPP2527 140 22.8 143
Show 00137+1120 LDS 862 269 93.0 147
Show 00012+1357 WNO 12 AB 203 11.6 150
Show 00012+1357 LSC 2 Aa,Ab 170 0.2 150
Show 00141+1207 A 1802 148 2.0 156
Show 00096+0913 SKF1820 170 6.7 165
Show 00093+0900 LDS3129 200 26.2 174
Show 00108+1356 SLW 12 124 171.0 176
Show 00024+1429 GWP 4 144 20.2 177
Show 00094+1415 CHE 1 35 10.3 179
Show 00084+1419 WAA 64 312 1.3 180
Show 00050+0835 GWP 11 185 8.0 180
Show 00067+0839 LSC 3 16 0.6 180
Show 00111+1402 DAM 828 123 9.9 184
Show 00113+0905 PLQ 2 234 24.9 186
Show 00029+1440 SKF1064 79 1.2 188
Show 00004+0830 BU 732 AB 153 6.0 190
Show 00004+0830 BU 732 AC 142 153.1 190

WDS 00037+1134 : COMPONENTS
B pa=336.0°
00037+1134 A
Coord arcsec 2000 000344.68+113334.2 Mag 15.5 PmRA 7.00 PmDE -5.0
00037+1134 B
Coord arcsec 2000 000342.59+113443.3 Mag 16.1 PmRA 12.00 PmDE -15.0
Calc delta mag 0.6 Calc coord yes