20367+2327 BKO 600

20h 36m 45.90s +23° 27' 11.8" P.A. 301.00 sep 8.4 mag 14.60,15.20
Coord 2000 20367+2327 Discov num BKO 600 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 20 36 45.90 +23 27 11.8
Date first 2000 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 300 Pa last 301.1 P.A. Now (θ) 301.1°
Sep first 8.3 Sep last 8.369 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.369"
Mag pri 14.60 Mag sec 15.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.6 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +011 Sec motion ra -031
Pri motion dec -032 Sec motion dec +014
This double is not physical.
Constellation Vulpecula Gaia DR2 1819225486622408704
WDS 20367+2327 BKO 600 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BKO Ladanyi, T. & Berko, E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20367+2327 BKO 600 2008 2 302 8.1 14.60 15.20 D 203645.90+232711.8
20367+2327 BKO 600 2014 4 301 8.2 14.60 15.20 203645.90+232711.8
20367+2327 BKO 600 2015 9 301 8.4 14.60 15.20 203645.90+232711.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 20367+2327 BKO 600 : MEASURES
No records found.


20367+2327 BKO 600A mag 14.6 20367+2327 BKO 600B sep 7.9 P.A. 303.30 mag 15.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 20367+2327 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 20h 36m 45.90s +23° 27' 11.8"
WDS 20367+2327 BKO 600 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

20367+2327  BKO 600 distance=0' 20367+2328  POU4734 distance=1' 20369+2330  POU4736 distance=3' 20369+2325  POU4737 distance=4' 20365+2327  POU4724 distance=4' 20368+2324  POU4735 distance=4' 20371+2331  BKO 597 distance=6' 20367+2320  BKO 593 distance=8' 20365+2334  POU4722 distance=8' 20367+2319  POU4733 distance=9' 20363+2321  POU4721 distance=9' 20375+2329  POU4747 distance=10' 20372+2319  POU4742 distance=11' 20374+2321  POU4745AB distance=11' 20374+2321  BKO 599AC distance=11' 20367+2316  BKO 594 distance=12' 20359+2327  POU4712 distance=13' 20359+2331  POU4713 distance=13' 20375+2319  POU4748 distance=14' 20377+2334  POU4752 distance=14' 20374+2338  POU4746 distance=14' 20366+2342  POU4725 distance=15' 20365+2342  A  2793 distance=15' 20377+2319  BKO 601 distance=16' 20375+2339  POU4749 distance=16' 20380+2332  POU4756 distance=17' 20380+2334  POU4758 distance=18' 20379+2317  POU4754 distance=19' 20381+2325  POU4764 distance=19' 20381+2338  POU4762 distance=22' 20353+2333  POU4694 distance=22' 20352+2325  POU4689 distance=22' 20360+2347  POU4714 distance=22' 20351+2347  POU4686 distance=25' 20386+2333  POU4778 distance=25' 20366+2354  POU4729 distance=27' 20385+2341  POU4773AB distance=27' 20385+2341  POU4773AC distance=27' 20385+2341  BKO 608BC distance=27' 20355+2348  POU4702 distance=28' 20361+2353  POU4715 distance=28' 20385+2342  POU4774AB distance=28' 20385+2342  POU4775AC distance=28' 20350+2342  POU4683AC distance=29' 20351+2346  POU4684 distance=31' 20382+2352  POU4765 distance=32' 20381+2353  BKO 602 distance=32' 20391+2336  POU4794 distance=33' 20386+2349  POU4781 distance=33' 20346+2341  POU4671AB distance=34' 20346+2341  POU4672AC distance=34' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 20367+2327 BKO 600 301 8.4 0
Show 20367+2328 POU4734 25 20.0 1
Show 20369+2330 POU4736 327 17.3 3
Show 20369+2325 POU4737 269 18.0 4
Show 20365+2327 POU4724 227 17.1 4
Show 20368+2324 POU4735 77 15.1 4
Show 20371+2331 BKO 597 36 3.2 6
Show 20367+2320 BKO 593 345 4.8 8
Show 20365+2334 POU4722 57 18.4 8
Show 20367+2319 POU4733 242 5.1 9
Show 20363+2321 POU4721 134 21.5 9
Show 20375+2329 POU4747 342 13.8 10
Show 20372+2319 POU4742 12 17.6 11
Show 20374+2321 POU4745 AB 326 17.7 11
Show 20374+2321 BKO 599 AC 187 8.4 11
Show 20367+2316 BKO 594 332 8.1 12
Show 20359+2327 POU4712 152 18.5 13
Show 20359+2331 POU4713 293 17.9 13
Show 20375+2319 POU4748 334 14.0 14
Show 20377+2334 POU4752 257 7.9 14
Show 20374+2338 POU4746 40 13.3 14
Show 20366+2342 POU4725 22 6.8 15
Show 20365+2342 A 2793 210 0.9 15
Show 20377+2319 BKO 601 98 6.7 16
Show 20375+2339 POU4749 250 12.5 16
Show 20380+2332 POU4756 258 14.6 17
Show 20380+2334 POU4758 301 16.0 18
Show 20379+2317 POU4754 66 15.1 19
Show 20381+2325 POU4764 184 9.7 19
Show 20381+2338 POU4762 215 17.5 22
Show 20353+2333 POU4694 186 17.9 22
Show 20352+2325 POU4689 233 12.1 22
Show 20360+2347 POU4714 28 10.3 22
Show 20351+2347 POU4686 193 16.3 25
Show 20386+2333 POU4778 199 2.0 25
Show 20366+2354 POU4729 114 12.3 27
Show 20385+2341 POU4773 AB 33 4.1 27
Show 20385+2341 POU4773 AC 35 7.6 27
Show 20385+2341 BKO 608 BC 28 3.8 27
Show 20355+2348 POU4702 338 16.5 28
Show 20361+2353 POU4715 163 5.1 28
Show 20385+2342 POU4774 AB 6 8.8 28
Show 20385+2342 POU4775 AC 269 14.5 28
Show 20350+2342 POU4683 AC 89 11.4 29
Show 20351+2346 POU4684 250 6.4 31
Show 20382+2352 POU4765 139 16.6 32
Show 20381+2353 BKO 602 335 1.7 32
Show 20391+2336 POU4794 116 9.9 33
Show 20386+2349 POU4781 29 17.2 33
Show 20346+2341 POU4671 AB 101 16.3 34
Show 20346+2341 POU4672 AC 121 20.3 34

WDS 20367+2327 : COMPONENTS
B pa=303.3°
20367+2327 A
Coord arcsec 2000 203645.90+232711.8 Mag 14.6 PmRA 11.00 PmDE -32.0
20367+2327 B
Coord arcsec 2000 203645.42+232716.1 Mag 15.2 PmRA -31.00 PmDE 14.0
Calc delta mag 0.6 Calc coord yes