10071+5613 BVD 80

10h 07m 06.64s +56° 13' 00.2" P.A. 140.00 sep 25.0 mag 11.47,12.15 Sp F6V+G1V
Coord 2000 10071+5613 Discov num BVD  80 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 10 07 06.64 +56 13 00.2
Date first 1910 Date last 2016 Obs 15
Pa first 140 Pa last 140.4 P.A. Now (θ) 140.4°
Sep first 25.6 Sep last 24.997 Sep. Now (ρ) 24.997"
Mag pri 11.47 Mag sec 12.15 delta mag (ΔM) 0.68 Spectral class F6V+G1V (yellow-white/yellow)
Pri motion ra -055 Sec motion ra -055
Pri motion dec -011 Sec motion dec -009
Notes V (Proper motion indicates physical)
rPM=0.036 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Ursa Major Tycho2 3818-00626-1 Gaia DR2 1045089964025278592
WDS 10071+5613 BVD 80 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BVD Benavides, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
10071+5613 BVD 80 2009 4 141 24.9 11.47 12.22 F6V G1V 100706.64+561300.2
10071+5613 BVD 80 2010 8 140 25.0 11.47 12.15 F6V+G1V 100706.64+561300.2
10071+5613 BVD 80 2015 9 140 25.0 11.47 12.15 F6V+G1V 100706.64+561300.2
10071+5613 BVD 80 2016 15 140 25.0 11.47 12.15 F6V+G1V V 100706.64+561300.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 10071+5613 BVD 80 : MEASURES
No records found.


10071+5613 BVD  80A mag 11.47 Sp F6V 10071+5613 BVD  80B sep 21.2 P.A. 155.30 mag 12.15 Sp G1V virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 10071+5613 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 10h 07m 06.64s +56° 13' 00.2"
Primaries only

10071+5613  BVD  80 distance=0' 10103+5629  UC  150 distance=32' 10068+5648  STI2240 distance=35' 10084+5532  TOI1768 distance=43' 10045+5534  DAM1983 distance=45' 10049+5529  STF1402AB distance=48' 10049+5529  GIR   2AC distance=48' 10097+5529  DAM 380 distance=50' 10049+5529  TDS7005CD distance=50' 10031+5536  DAM1968 distance=50' 10120+5540  STI2243 distance=53' 10016+5535  KUI  46 distance=60' 10138+5653  DAM2154 distance=69' 10137+5654  TDS7124 distance=69' 10059+5731  TDS7012 distance=79' 10145+5706  UC 1899 distance=81' 10028+5727  DAM1957 distance=82' 09593+5704  LDS1233 distance=83' 10032+5729  TDS6986 distance=83' 10034+5732  A  1347 distance=85' 10178+5559  LDS2852 distance=91' 10180+5609  DAM2261 distance=91' 10173+5651  CRB 184 distance=93' 10181+5607  HDS1483AB distance=93' 10181+5607  DAM2266AB,C distance=93' 10176+5542  LDS2851 distance=93' 10026+5447  UC 1871AB distance=94' 10026+5447  UC 1871AC distance=94' 10026+5447  UC 1871BC distance=95' 10184+5607  DAM2278 distance=95' 10069+5427  STI2241 distance=106' 10199+5628  UC 1914 distance=107' 10167+5737  HJ 1176AB distance=115' 10167+5737  A  1348BC distance=115' 10099+5420  MLB 126 distance=116' 10183+5505  HJ 2523 distance=117' 10076+5416  AZC 160 distance=118' 10212+5625  MLB 127 distance=118' 10016+5424  STI2239 distance=119' 10115+5417  CVR1271 distance=122' 10023+5808  DOO  51AB distance=124' 09527+5528  RAO 238 distance=129' 09522+5537  STI2237 distance=131' 10122+5404  STI2244AB distance=136' 10122+5404  DAM2128AC distance=136' 09543+5452  ZHN  14 distance=136' 10115+5403  TDS7093AB distance=136' 10115+5403  DAM2109AB,C distance=136' 10077+5357  TDS7041 distance=136' 10228+5703  SLW 467 distance=139' 09578+5815  KR   34 distance=144' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 10071+5613 BVD 80 140 25.0 0
Show 10103+5629 UC 150 200 14.5 32
Show 10068+5648 STI2240 12 4.1 35
Show 10084+5532 TOI1768 140 2.3 43
Show 10045+5534 DAM1983 142 6.0 45
Show 10049+5529 STF1402 AB 105 33.1 48
Show 10049+5529 GIR 2 AC 175 132.3 48
Show 10097+5529 DAM 380 225 6.7 50
Show 10049+5529 TDS7005 CD 259 1.2 50
Show 10031+5536 DAM1968 248 3.5 50
Show 10120+5540 STI2243 49 17.9 53
Show 10016+5535 KUI 46 48 3.0 60
Show 10138+5653 DAM2154 9 4.8 69
Show 10137+5654 TDS7124 51 0.8 69
Show 10059+5731 TDS7012 102 0.6 79
Show 10145+5706 UC 1899 76 10.3 81
Show 10028+5727 DAM1957 345 23.6 82
Show 09593+5704 LDS1233 176 52.9 83
Show 10032+5729 TDS6986 359 0.4 83
Show 10034+5732 A 1347 59 0.4 85
Show 10178+5559 LDS2852 76 6.8 91
Show 10180+5609 DAM2261 284 2.9 91
Show 10173+5651 CRB 184 218 11.5 93
Show 10181+5607 HDS1483 AB 304 0.2 93
Show 10181+5607 DAM2266 AB,C 72 5.0 93
Show 10176+5542 LDS2851 223 59.6 93
Show 10026+5447 UC 1871 AB 143 55.5 94
Show 10026+5447 UC 1871 AC 147 60.3 94
Show 10026+5447 UC 1871 BC 186 6.5 95
Show 10184+5607 DAM2278 124 4.0 95
Show 10069+5427 STI2241 248 7.6 106
Show 10199+5628 UC 1914 247 17.0 107
Show 10167+5737 HJ 1176 AB 317 8.9 115
Show 10167+5737 A 1348 BC 202 2.0 115
Show 10099+5420 MLB 126 250 4.8 116
Show 10183+5505 HJ 2523 321 12.7 117
Show 10076+5416 AZC 160 0 45.4 118
Show 10212+5625 MLB 127 233 2.4 118
Show 10016+5424 STI2239 146 5.2 119
Show 10115+5417 CVR1271 262 3.4 122
Show 10023+5808 DOO 51 AB 107 30.1 124
Show 09527+5528 RAO 238 349 2.7 129
Show 09522+5537 STI2237 116 9.2 131
Show 10122+5404 STI2244 AB 63 4.3 136
Show 10122+5404 DAM2128 AC 179 42.7 136
Show 09543+5452 ZHN 14 191 98.6 136
Show 10115+5403 TDS7093 AB 220 0.6 136
Show 10115+5403 DAM2109 AB,C 201 7.1 136
Show 10077+5357 TDS7041 133 0.8 136
Show 10228+5703 SLW 467 266 12.9 139
Show 09578+5815 KR 34 66 33.0 144

WDS 10071+5613 : COMPONENTS
B pa=155.3°
10071+5613 A
Coord arcsec 2000 100706.64+561300.2 Mag 11.47 Spectral class F6V (yellow-white) PmRA -55.00
PmDE -11.0 Tycho2 3818-00626-1
Tycho2 3818-00626-1 Pflag RAmdeg 151.77744880 DEmdeg 56.21669956
PmRA -49.0 PmDE -6.3 E RAmdeg 48 E DEmdeg 55
E pmRA 3.1 E pmDE 3.2 EpRAm 1988.62 EpDEm 1987.74
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.6 Q DEmdeg 0.8 Q pmRA 1.7
Q pmDE 0.8 BTmag 12.094 E BTmag 0.104 VTmag 11.517
E VTmag 0.087 Prox 249 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 151.77765028 DEdeg 56.21671417 EpRA 1990 1.74
EpDE 1990 1.71 E RAdeg 48.6 E DEdeg 56.3 Posflg
Corr 0.0
10071+5613 B
Coord arcsec 2000 100707.70+561240.9 Mag 12.15 Spectral class G1V (yellow) PmRA -55.00
PmDE -9.0 Tycho2 3818-00677-1 Calc delta mag 0.68 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 3818-00677-1 Pflag RAmdeg 151.78539673 DEmdeg 56.21138291
PmRA -51.0 PmDE -5.2 E RAmdeg 74 E DEmdeg 83
E pmRA 3.2 E pmDE 3.4 EpRAm 1984.31 EpDEm 1983.23
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.0 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 1.0
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 13.019 E BTmag 0.228 VTmag 12.283
E VTmag 0.160 Prox 249 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 151.78560639 DEdeg 56.21139472 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.75 E RAdeg 78.3 E DEdeg 87.9 Posflg
Corr 0.0