01236+0753 GWP 180

01h 23m 37.75s +07° 52' 59.6" P.A. 286.00 sep 12.0 mag 12.50,15.40
Coord 2000 01236+0753 Discov num GWP 180 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 01 23 37.75 +07 52 59.6
Date first 1990 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 287 Pa last 286.2 P.A. Now (θ) 286.2°
Sep first 12.0 Sep last 12.017 Sep. Now (ρ) 12.017"
Mag pri 12.50 Mag sec 15.40 delta mag (ΔM) 2.9 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +027 Sec motion ra -029
Pri motion dec -055 Sec motion dec -034
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pisces Gaia DR2 2566435584348802816
WDS 01236+0753 GWP 180 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GWP 180 XMI 193. Tob2012b
refcode metd author reference
Tob2012b not - Tobal, T. ...................
Tob2012b private communication, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 GWP Garraf Wide Pairs: CPM wide pairs (>50mas/y) discovered in the Garraf Astronomical
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01236+0753 GWP 180 2000 2 286 12.0 12.50 15.40 NVD 012337.75+075259.6
01236+0753 GWP 180 2010 4 286 11.3 12.50 15.40 NV 012337.75+075259.6
01236+0753 GWP 180 2015 5 286 12.0 12.50 15.40 NV 012337.75+075259.6
01236+0753 GWP 180 2016 7 286 12.0 12.50 15.40 NV 012337.75+075259.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 01236+0753 GWP 180 : MEASURES
No records found.


01236+0753 GWP 180A mag 12.5 01236+0753 GWP 180B sep 11.9 P.A. 286.30 mag 15.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 01236+0753 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 01h 23m 37.75s +07° 52' 59.6"
WDS 01236+0753 GWP 180 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

01236+0753  GWP 180 distance=1' 01211+0736  RUC  17AB distance=42' 01211+0736  SLE 257AC distance=42' 01263+0711  LDS9118 distance=58' 01194+0731  HEI 834 distance=68' 01195+0824  OCC 712 distance=69' 01202+0706  A  2005AB distance=70' 01284+0758  S   398AB distance=71' 01284+0758  YR    7Ba,Bb distance=72' 01237+0907  SKF1824 distance=74' 01190+0726  SLE 256 distance=76' 01274+0658  A  2006AB distance=79' 01274+0658  PLQ  48AB,C distance=79' 01267+0644  CVR1073 distance=83' 01238+0630  HDS 180 distance=84' 01206+0641  LDS3265 distance=85' 01205+0908  OCC 925 distance=89' 01253+0923  ITF 111 distance=94' 01261+0925  GWP 189 distance=99' 01176+0709  OCC 548AB distance=101' 01261+0620  OCC  74 distance=101' 01304+0748  PLQ  17 distance=102' 01274+0625  OCC  75 distance=105' 01193+0915  MMA  32 distance=105' 01251+0610  PLQ  15 distance=105' 01257+0611  GWP 187 distance=107' 01265+0933  ITF 116 distance=109' 01181+0903  HEI 427 distance=109' 01221+0939  HEI 428 distance=109' 01204+0931  A  2211AB distance=110' 01204+0931  TOK 706Ba,Bb distance=110' 01289+0633  PLQ  16 distance=113' 01268+0935  ITF 117 distance=113' 01305+0705  NSN 515 distance=114' 01204+0937  OCC 924Aa,Ab distance=115' 01204+0937  GWP 171AB distance=115' 01256+0945  JOD   1 distance=117' 01179+0620  UR    1 distance=127' 01204+0554  CVR 382 distance=129' 01285+0940  UC  561 distance=130' 01156+0846  OCC 479 distance=131' 01172+0930  GWP 164 distance=137' 01302+0609  BUP  21BC distance=140' 01302+0609  STH   6AB distance=143' 01333+0813  STT  31 distance=146' 01137+0735  BU 1029BC distance=148' 01137+0735  STF 100AB (Revati) distance=149' 01137+0735  OCC9070Aa,Ab distance=149' 01323+0914  TDS1906AB distance=152' 01143+0653  SLE 254 distance=152' 01301+0953  SKF1825 distance=155' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 01236+0753 GWP 180 286 12.0 1
Show 01211+0736 RUC 17 AB 32 21.8 42
Show 01211+0736 SLE 257 AC 66 27.2 42
Show 01263+0711 LDS9118 295 4.0 58
Show 01194+0731 HEI 834 277 1.1 68
Show 01195+0824 OCC 712 -1 0.1 69
Show 01202+0706 A 2005 AB 143 3.7 70
Show 01284+0758 S 398 AB 100 68.9 71
Show 01284+0758 YR 7 Ba,Bb 41 0.5 72
Show 01237+0907 SKF1824 328 64.0 74
Show 01190+0726 SLE 256 102 31.9 76
Show 01274+0658 A 2006 AB 276 2.0 79
Show 01274+0658 PLQ 48 AB,C 28 57.1 79
Show 01267+0644 CVR1073 181 4.9 83
Show 01238+0630 HDS 180 186 0.1 84
Show 01206+0641 LDS3265 291 11.3 85
Show 01205+0908 OCC 925 -1 0.4 89
Show 01253+0923 ITF 111 74 5.0 94
Show 01261+0925 GWP 189 186 7.3 99
Show 01176+0709 OCC 548 AB -1 0.1 101
Show 01261+0620 OCC 74 -1 0.1 101
Show 01304+0748 PLQ 17 337 5.8 102
Show 01274+0625 OCC 75 -1 0.1 105
Show 01193+0915 MMA 32 279 21.7 105
Show 01251+0610 PLQ 15 111 5.6 105
Show 01257+0611 GWP 187 232 17.7 107
Show 01265+0933 ITF 116 143 4.8 109
Show 01181+0903 HEI 427 241 2.2 109
Show 01221+0939 HEI 428 339 1.2 109
Show 01204+0931 A 2211 AB 359 2.6 110
Show 01204+0931 TOK 706 Ba,Bb 125 0.0 110
Show 01289+0633 PLQ 16 240 18.7 113
Show 01268+0935 ITF 117 354 6.6 113
Show 01305+0705 NSN 515 347 1.0 114
Show 01204+0937 OCC 924 Aa,Ab -1 0.4 115
Show 01204+0937 GWP 171 AB 213 46.5 115
Show 01256+0945 JOD 1 196 0.6 117
Show 01179+0620 UR 1 26 5.3 127
Show 01204+0554 CVR 382 28 12.1 129
Show 01285+0940 UC 561 237 18.3 130
Show 01156+0846 OCC 479 -1 0.2 131
Show 01172+0930 GWP 164 87 25.0 137
Show 01302+0609 BUP 21 BC 308 27.9 140
Show 01302+0609 STH 6 AB 298 209.3 143
Show 01333+0813 STT 31 78 3.9 146
Show 01137+0735 BU 1029 BC 75 2.0 148
Show Revati 01137+0735 STF 100 AB 64 23.1 149
Show 01137+0735 OCC9070 Aa,Ab -1 0.2 149
Show 01323+0914 TDS1906 AB 40 0.5 152
Show 01143+0653 SLE 254 89 54.7 152
Show 01301+0953 SKF1825 314 18.2 155

WDS 01236+0753 : COMPONENTS
B pa=286.3°
01236+0753 A
Coord arcsec 2000 012337.75+075259.6 Mag 12.5 PmRA 27.00 PmDE -55.0
01236+0753 B
Coord arcsec 2000 012336.98+075303.0 Mag 15.4 PmRA -29.00 PmDE -34.0
Calc delta mag 2.9 Calc coord yes