23274-5218 LDS 815 AB

23h 27m 22.28s -52° 18' 12.3" P.A. 79.00 sep 13.8 mag 8.69,13.43 Sp K0V dist. 34.45 pc (112.38 l.y.)
Coord 2000 23274-5218 Discov num LDS 815 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 23 27 22.28 -52 18 12.3
Date first 1920 Date last 2016 Obs 12
Pa first 90 Pa last 79.4 P.A. Now (θ) 79.4°
Sep first 11.0 Sep last 13.8 Sep. Now (ρ) 13.8"
Mag pri 8.69 Mag sec 13.43 delta mag (ΔM) 4.74 Spectral class K0V (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -059 Sec motion ra +082
Pri motion dec -167 Sec motion dec -094
Notes Z (Parallax indicates components are physical)
This double is physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 247885 23 27 22 -52 18 12 LDS 815 AB 2016 12 79 13.8 8.69 13.43 4.74 <===
Show 23 27 24 -52 18 10 LDS 815 Ba,Bb 2016 1 61 0.7 12.27 12.59 0.32
Triple system
2 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Phoenix SAO 247885 HIP 115780 Tycho2 8461-01090-1
HD 220829 CP CP-5212154 Distance 34.45 Distance ly 112.38
WDS 23274-5218 LDS 815 AB : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23274-5218 LDS 815 AB 2016 12 79 13.8 8.69 13.43 K0V Z 232722.28-521812.3

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23274-5218 LDS 815 AB : MEASURES
No records found.


23274-5218 LDS 815A mag 8.69 Sp K0V 23274-5218 LDS 815B sep 13.5 P.A. 79.80 mag 12.27 Sp K0V 23274-5218 LDS 815Bb sep 14.0 P.A. 78.60 mag 12.59 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23274-5218 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 27m 22.28s -52° 18' 12.3"
Primaries only

23274-5218  LDS 815AB distance=1' 23274-5218  LDS 815Ba,Bb distance=1' 23270-5211  UC 4954 distance=8' 23299-5213  BRT2104 distance=24' 23266-5243  EHR  21 distance=27' 23271-5247  NSC  32 distance=30' 23303-5233  TDT4071 distance=31' 23235-5211  TOI2314 distance=37' 23293-5135  TOK 921 distance=47' 23325-5157  TDT4091 distance=52' 23207-5147  TDT3991 distance=69' 23212-5319  KPP 994 distance=83' 23287-5343  RST2219 distance=86' 23307-5056  UC 4972 distance=88' 23357-5126  UC 4991 distance=94' 23203-5109  TDT3989 distance=96' 23239-5349  DUN 249 distance=96' 23317-5346  TOK 645 distance=97' 23383-5229  FIN 291 distance=101' 23319-5351  TDT4086 distance=102' 23193-5105  B  1401 distance=105' 23350-5100  I   692AB distance=106' 23350-5100  B  9040AC distance=106' 23313-5400  B   601 distance=108' 23278-5021  I  1059 distance=118' 23227-5029  TDT4007 distance=118' 23144-5226  LDS 801 distance=120' 23272-5017  DUN 250 distance=122' 23300-5419  HJ 5401 distance=124' 23409-5159  TDT4147 distance=127' 23289-5428  SKF 388 distance=131' 23238-5009  TDT4018 distance=134' 23208-5018  RST5560AB distance=135' 23208-5018  DUN 248AB,C distance=135' 23128-5240  TOK 682AB distance=136' 23123-5225  RST1158 distance=139' 23129-5141  BVD 158 distance=140' 23144-5337  UC 4908 distance=141' 23355-5012  DAW  27 distance=147' 23232-5441  KPP4315 distance=148' 23439-5219  TDT4166 distance=152' 23179-5429  RST1161 distance=156' 23136-5044  KPP4306 distance=159' 23198-5443  LDS 811 distance=160' 23128-5049  JNN 327 distance=163' 23446-5307  TDT4171 distance=165' 23165-5434  RST1160 distance=168' 23322-5501  BRT3190 distance=169' 23129-5411  HU 1549 distance=172' 23438-5044  RST1176 distance=180' 23186-5502  TDT3976 distance=182' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23274-5218 LDS 815 AB 79 13.8 1
Show 23274-5218 LDS 815 Ba,Bb 61 0.7 1
Show 23270-5211 UC 4954 87 27.3 8
Show 23299-5213 BRT2104 89 3.6 24
Show 23266-5243 EHR 21 122 0.5 27
Show 23271-5247 NSC 32 244 56.0 30
Show 23303-5233 TDT4071 178 3.5 31
Show 23235-5211 TOI2314 17 1.2 37
Show 23293-5135 TOK 921 253 0.2 47
Show 23325-5157 TDT4091 9 3.4 52
Show 23207-5147 TDT3991 152 0.7 69
Show 23212-5319 KPP 994 211 8.0 83
Show 23287-5343 RST2219 343 1.4 86
Show 23307-5056 UC 4972 113 22.8 88
Show 23357-5126 UC 4991 101 12.1 94
Show 23203-5109 TDT3989 168 1.9 96
Show 23239-5349 DUN 249 211 26.4 96
Show 23317-5346 TOK 645 69 999.9 97
Show 23383-5229 FIN 291 124 2.4 101
Show 23319-5351 TDT4086 124 1.8 102
Show 23193-5105 B 1401 308 0.7 105
Show 23350-5100 I 692 AB 183 1.5 106
Show 23350-5100 B 9040 AC 35 17.0 106
Show 23313-5400 B 601 185 0.3 108
Show 23278-5021 I 1059 180 1.3 118
Show 23227-5029 TDT4007 7 0.7 118
Show 23144-5226 LDS 801 81 47.6 120
Show 23272-5017 DUN 250 83 28.3 122
Show 23300-5419 HJ 5401 42 13.2 124
Show 23409-5159 TDT4147 101 0.5 127
Show 23289-5428 SKF 388 129 15.9 131
Show 23238-5009 TDT4018 245 0.5 134
Show 23208-5018 RST5560 AB 232 1.3 135
Show 23208-5018 DUN 248 AB,C 212 17.0 135
Show 23128-5240 TOK 682 AB 145 7.0 136
Show 23123-5225 RST1158 346 0.8 139
Show 23129-5141 BVD 158 166 37.7 140
Show 23144-5337 UC 4908 103 35.3 141
Show 23355-5012 DAW 27 357 3.7 147
Show 23232-5441 KPP4315 276 1.6 148
Show 23439-5219 TDT4166 114 0.7 152
Show 23179-5429 RST1161 288 0.1 156
Show 23136-5044 KPP4306 324 1.6 159
Show 23198-5443 LDS 811 140 15.2 160
Show 23128-5049 JNN 327 71 0.4 163
Show 23446-5307 TDT4171 47 1.4 165
Show 23165-5434 RST1160 331 1.6 168
Show 23322-5501 BRT3190 109 4.7 169
Show 23129-5411 HU 1549 151 1.5 172
Show 23438-5044 RST1176 98 2.5 180
Show 23186-5502 TDT3976 347 0.5 182

WDS 23274-5218 : COMPONENTS
  A B
B pa=79.8°
Bb pa=78.6°
23274-5218 A
Coord arcsec 2000 232722.28-521812.3 Mag 8.69 Spectral class K0V (yellow-orange) PmRA -59.00
PmDE -167.0 SAO 247885 HIP 115780 Tycho2 8461-01090-1
HD 220829 CP CP-5212154
Tycho2 8461-01090-1 Pflag RAmdeg 351.84285203 DEmdeg -52.30340781
PmRA -59.7 PmDE -163.3 E RAmdeg 8 E DEmdeg 8
E pmRA 1.7 E pmDE 1.7 EpRAm 1991.18 EpDEm 1991.01
Num 10 Q RAmdeg 0.9 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 0.9
Q pmDE 1.0 BTmag 9.758 E BTmag 0.021 VTmag 8.694
E VTmag 0.013 Prox 105 TYC T HIP 115780
CCDM A RAdeg 351.84307556 DEdeg -52.30303083 EpRA 1990 1.77
EpDE 1990 1.70 E RAdeg 7.7 E DEdeg 8.4 Posflg
Corr 0.1
SAO 247885 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.0058
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.175 Vmag 8.6 SpType G5
Double code Source 42 CatNum 9025 DM CP-5212154
DMcomp BDsup HD 220829 M HD 0
GC RA1950rad 6.12872186 DE1950rad -0.91763601 PmRA2000 -0.0059
PmDE2000 -0.181
Catalog H HIP 115780 Proxy RAhms 23 27 22.34
DEdms -52 18 10.8 Vmag 8.64 VarFlag R Vmag H
RAdeg 351.843 DEdeg -52.303 AstroRef A Plx 26.9
CCDM 23274-5218 N CCDM I Nsys 2 Ncomp 1
MultFlag C Source P Qual C M HIP
Theta Rho HD 220829 BD
CD CP CP-5212154 Dm number -5212154 VIred 0.91
SpType K0V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 232722.34-521810.8
Hipparcos 2
HIP 115780 Sn 95 So 3 Nc 1
RArad 6.1408203022 DErad -0.9128597262 Plx 29.03 PmRA -58.21
PmDE -165.8 E RArad 1.06 E DErad 0.97 E Plx 1.7
E pmRA 1.18 E pmDE 0.99 Hpmag 8.7859 E Hpmag 0.0111
SHp 0.026 VA 0 BV 0.906 E BV 0.017
VI 0.91
Ccdm 23274-5218 RComp Comp A Note1
Note2 Discov num DRAs -1.71 DDEs -13.5
R dRAs 10 Year Theta Rho
Obs 2 Vmag 8.6 Sp G5 PmNote *
PmRA -53 PmDE -175 Dm number -5212154 Cat1 CPD
Name2 247885 Cat2 SAO HD 220829 M HD
HIC 115780
23274-5218 B
Coord arcsec 2000 232723.73-521809.9 Coord calc 232723.18-521809.8 Mag 12.27 Mag composta 13.43
Spectral class K0V (yellow-orange) PmRA 82.00 PmDE -94.0 Calc delta mag 3.58
23274-5218 Bb
Coord arcsec 2000 232723.77-521809.5 Mag 12.59 Calc delta mag 3.9 Calc coord yes