23265-4607 LDS 6398

23h 26m 44.67s -46° 05' 53.8" P.A. 315.00 sep 12.7 mag 11.66,20.00 Sp F8
Coord 2000 23265-4607 Discov num LDS6398 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 26 44.67 -46 05 53.8
Date first 1985 Date last 2015 Obs 2
Pa first 319 Pa last 315.4 P.A. Now (θ) 315.4°
Sep first 13.0 Sep last 12.72 Sep. Now (ρ) 12.72"
Mag pri 11.66 Mag sec 20.00 delta mag (ΔM) 8.34 Spectral class F8 (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +148 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +023 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Grus Tycho2 8455-00482-1 Gaia DR2 6528414890524982784
WDS 23265-4607 LDS 6398 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 LDS Luyten p.m. catalog (from additional DD list)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23265-4607 LDS6398 1985 1 319 13.0 11.66 20.00 F8 232644.67-460553.8
23265-4607 LDS6398 2015 2 315 12.7 11.66 20.00 F8 232644.67-460553.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23265-4607 LDS 6398 : MEASURES
No records found.


23265-4607 LDS6398A mag 11.66 Sp F8 23265-4607 LDS6398B sep 11.0 P.A. 325.60 mag 20 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23265-4607 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 26m 44.67s -46° 05' 53.8"
WDS 23265-4607 LDS 6398 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23265-4607  LDS6398 distance=0' 23257-4537  TOK 866 distance=32' 23229-4550  WIS 383 distance=44' 23232-4632  RST1166 distance=46' 23249-4521  KPP1928 distance=49' 23224-4636  CPO 637AC distance=54' 23224-4636  TOK 705AB distance=54' 23320-4610  CPO  98 distance=55' 23312-4638  TDT4081 distance=57' 23234-4657  RST1167 distance=62' 23226-4700  HJ 5396 distance=69' 23221-4656  RST1165 distance=70' 23197-4619  RST3323 distance=75' 23326-4520  RST3325 distance=77' 23332-4655  RST1169 distance=83' 23327-4507  SEE 488 distance=86' 23344-4533  KPP1036 distance=87' 23294-4730  TDT4063 distance=89' 23308-4724  TOK 868 distance=89' 23359-4610  LDS 818 distance=96' 23175-4608  KPP3087 distance=96' 23250-4431  CPO 638 distance=97' 23333-4718  COO 257 distance=100' 23354-4524  RST3327 distance=100' 23162-4603  B   597 distance=110' 23175-4514  DON1046 distance=111' 23162-4626  SKF1188 distance=112' 23252-4757  TOI 319 distance=113' 23375-4618  I  1473 distance=113' 23155-4547  UC 4910 distance=120' 23384-4629  RSS 581 distance=124' 23323-4417  DON1050 distance=124' 23226-4806  I  1469 distance=128' 23382-4515  B  2908 distance=130' 23389-4537  SHY 836 distance=131' 23154-4704  I  1468 distance=131' 23346-4425  KPP 532 distance=131' 23395-4638  DUN 251 distance=136' 23289-4346  B  2509 distance=142' 23167-4429  HJ 5390 distance=144' 23163-4433  I  1606 distance=145' 23400-4720  HDO 303 distance=155' 23136-4727  BRT1132 distance=158' 23321-4335  TOK 683 distance=161' 23399-4735  HU 1336 distance=163' 23385-4801  I  1474 distance=167' 23119-4508  SKF1184 distance=167' 23128-4445  DON1045 distance=168' 23431-4619  I  1607CD distance=170' 23431-4619  DAW  28AB distance=171' 23431-4619  HJ 5416AC distance=171' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23265-4607 LDS6398 315 12.7 0
Show 23257-4537 TOK 866 74 0.3 32
Show 23229-4550 WIS 383 139 231.6 44
Show 23232-4632 RST1166 133 2.7 46
Show 23249-4521 KPP1928 328 15.2 49
Show 23224-4636 CPO 637 AC 149 38.4 54
Show 23224-4636 TOK 705 AB 49 1.1 54
Show 23320-4610 CPO 98 104 33.2 55
Show 23312-4638 TDT4081 157 0.5 57
Show 23234-4657 RST1167 343 2.8 62
Show 23226-4700 HJ 5396 146 12.2 69
Show 23221-4656 RST1165 336 1.8 70
Show 23197-4619 RST3323 190 0.8 75
Show 23326-4520 RST3325 122 0.2 77
Show 23332-4655 RST1169 231 1.7 83
Show 23327-4507 SEE 488 328 19.5 86
Show 23344-4533 KPP1036 153 8.3 87
Show 23294-4730 TDT4063 237 0.5 89
Show 23308-4724 TOK 868 195 0.2 89
Show 23359-4610 LDS 818 182 67.3 96
Show 23175-4608 KPP3087 213 5.8 96
Show 23250-4431 CPO 638 1 4.8 97
Show 23333-4718 COO 257 185 5.9 100
Show 23354-4524 RST3327 238 0.7 100
Show 23162-4603 B 597 183 1.1 110
Show 23175-4514 DON1046 102 0.2 111
Show 23162-4626 SKF1188 114 28.2 112
Show 23252-4757 TOI 319 76 0.1 113
Show 23375-4618 I 1473 84 15.4 113
Show 23155-4547 UC 4910 261 8.3 120
Show 23384-4629 RSS 581 192 7.9 124
Show 23323-4417 DON1050 150 1.3 124
Show 23226-4806 I 1469 308 0.3 128
Show 23382-4515 B 2908 93 3.8 130
Show 23389-4537 SHY 836 122 804.4 131
Show 23154-4704 I 1468 217 1.3 131
Show 23346-4425 KPP 532 7 3.9 131
Show 23395-4638 DUN 251 227 3.9 136
Show 23289-4346 B 2509 215 7.6 142
Show 23167-4429 HJ 5390 42 21.7 144
Show 23163-4433 I 1606 222 1.9 145
Show 23400-4720 HDO 303 67 2.0 155
Show 23136-4727 BRT1132 14 4.2 158
Show 23321-4335 TOK 683 347 4.9 161
Show 23399-4735 HU 1336 285 2.0 163
Show 23385-4801 I 1474 245 0.3 167
Show 23119-4508 SKF1184 58 19.5 167
Show 23128-4445 DON1045 3 0.9 168
Show 23431-4619 I 1607 CD 172 0.5 170
Show 23431-4619 DAW 28 AB 76 3.6 171
Show 23431-4619 HJ 5416 AC 215 45.2 171

WDS 23265-4607 : COMPONENTS
B pa=325.6°
23265-4607 A
Coord arcsec 2000 232644.67-460553.8 Mag 11.66 Spectral class F8 (yellow-white) PmRA 148.00
PmDE 23.0 Tycho2 8455-00482-1
Tycho2 8455-00482-1 Pflag RAmdeg 351.68614982 DEmdeg -46.09830625
PmRA -5.8 PmDE -7.9 E RAmdeg 67 E DEmdeg 72
E pmRA 2.3 E pmDE 2.2 EpRAm 1980.28 EpDEm 1976.55
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.7 Q DEmdeg 0.5 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 12.025 E BTmag 0.128 VTmag 11.662
E VTmag 0.150 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 351.68616972 DEdeg -46.09828778 EpRA 1990 1.58
EpDE 1990 1.56 E RAdeg 72.2 E DEdeg 78.6 Posflg
Corr -0.3
23265-4607 B
Coord arcsec 2000 232644.07-460544.7 Mag 20 Calc delta mag 8.34 Calc coord yes