23216+0859 GRV 662

23h 21m 40.32s +08° 59' 31.1" P.A. 313.00 sep 16.3 mag 11.40,12.20
Coord 2000 23216+0859 Discov num GRV 662 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 21 40.32 +08 59 31.1
Date first 1919 Date last 2016 Obs 11
Pa first 313 Pa last 313 P.A. Now (θ) 313°
Sep first 16.3 Sep last 16.34 Sep. Now (ρ) 16.34"
Mag pri 11.40 Mag sec 12.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.8 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +021 Sec motion ra +015
Pri motion dec -034 Sec motion dec -037
rPM=0.168 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Constellation Pegasus Tycho2 1162-01290-1 Gaia DR2 2761889100629752064
WDS 23216+0859 GRV 662 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GRV Greaves, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23216+0859 GRV 662 2000 3 313 16.3 11.40 12.20 D 232140.32+085931.1
23216+0859 GRV 662 2014 4 313 16.3 11.40 12.20 232140.32+085931.1
23216+0859 GRV 662 2015 6 313 16.3 11.40 12.20 232140.32+085931.1
23216+0859 GRV 662 2016 11 313 16.3 11.40 12.20 232140.32+085931.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23216+0859 GRV 662 : MEASURES
No records found.


23216+0859 GRV 662A mag 11.4 23216+0859 GRV 662B sep 16.2 P.A. 313.40 mag 12.2 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23216+0859 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 21m 40.32s +08° 59' 31.1"
WDS 23216+0859 GRV 662 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23216+0859  GRV 662 distance=0' 23217+0853  HJ 3185 distance=7' 23221+0947  LDS5079 distance=47' 23180+0904  OSO 193 distance=55' 23199+0807  HEI 606 distance=59' 23188+0950  LDS5067 distance=66' 23236+0755  SLW1319 distance=71' 23221+1010  GWP3285 distance=71' 23175+0942  SKF 264 distance=75' 23261+0937  GWP3298 distance=76' 23249+1005  KU  139 distance=81' 23273+0926  ROE 103 distance=88' 23277+0851  MMA  40 distance=90' 23280+0853  LDS5093 distance=94' 23236+0730  J   297 distance=94' 23187+1024  UC 4923 distance=96' 23219+0722  ELP  50 distance=99' 23258+1020  LDS5085 distance=100' 23286+0822  GOM  33 distance=103' 23285+0926  YSC 138 distance=105' 23167+1015  HJ 3180 distance=106' 23180+1032  FOX  47 distance=108' 23160+1021  OL  225 distance=116' 23279+1018  ROE 136 distance=121' 23142+0807  SLW1311 distance=123' 23280+1024  ROE 137 distance=126' 23133+0839  BRT2612 distance=127' 23296+0814  SKF2781 distance=127' 23146+1014  KPP1274 distance=129' 23263+1052  GWP3299 distance=133' 23141+1010  HDS3308 distance=133' 23305+0844  J   298 distance=133' 23130+0934  SKF2811 distance=133' 23144+0739  A  1900 distance=134' 23151+1023  FOX 272 distance=137' 23233+0645  J   296 distance=137' 23236+1113  KPP 801 distance=137' 23306+0818  GWP3313 distance=139' 23309+0929  STT 497 distance=141' 23311+0841  GIC 194 distance=141' 23121+0853  J   670 distance=143' 23198+1120  GWP3279 distance=144' 23221+0635  UC 4933 distance=145' 23136+0739  GWP3256 distance=145' 23193+0639  J  3256 distance=146' 23298+0737  FMR 237 distance=146' 23147+1044  SKF2828 distance=147' 23126+1002  GWP3254 distance=148' 23288+1045  SKF1873 distance=150' 23159+0656  NSN 766 distance=151' 23131+1025  BRT3230 distance=152' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23216+0859 GRV 662 313 16.3 0
Show 23217+0853 HJ 3185 161 21.2 7
Show 23221+0947 LDS5079 95 7.4 47
Show 23180+0904 OSO 193 235 9.7 55
Show 23199+0807 HEI 606 255 2.2 59
Show 23188+0950 LDS5067 267 3.4 66
Show 23236+0755 SLW1319 95 159.0 71
Show 23221+1010 GWP3285 93 14.1 71
Show 23175+0942 SKF 264 7 20.7 75
Show 23261+0937 GWP3298 196 8.3 76
Show 23249+1005 KU 139 8 41.2 81
Show 23273+0926 ROE 103 130 2.3 88
Show 23277+0851 MMA 40 268 15.2 90
Show 23280+0853 LDS5093 245 2.5 94
Show 23236+0730 J 297 124 4.8 94
Show 23187+1024 UC 4923 120 19.1 96
Show 23219+0722 ELP 50 227 5.2 99
Show 23258+1020 LDS5085 214 2.5 100
Show 23286+0822 GOM 33 269 480.6 103
Show 23285+0926 YSC 138 343 0.1 105
Show 23167+1015 HJ 3180 281 24.0 106
Show 23180+1032 FOX 47 280 4.7 108
Show 23160+1021 OL 225 334 3.6 116
Show 23279+1018 ROE 136 270 7.2 121
Show 23142+0807 SLW1311 84 44.1 123
Show 23280+1024 ROE 137 62 8.5 126
Show 23133+0839 BRT2612 148 3.8 127
Show 23296+0814 SKF2781 228 8.8 127
Show 23146+1014 KPP1274 17 9.7 129
Show 23263+1052 GWP3299 28 12.3 133
Show 23141+1010 HDS3308 166 0.1 133
Show 23305+0844 J 298 123 4.9 133
Show 23130+0934 SKF2811 276 23.4 133
Show 23144+0739 A 1900 241 1.2 134
Show 23151+1023 FOX 272 1 24.1 137
Show 23233+0645 J 296 118 5.0 137
Show 23236+1113 KPP 801 285 6.9 137
Show 23306+0818 GWP3313 294 21.4 139
Show 23309+0929 STT 497 217 1.6 141
Show 23311+0841 GIC 194 359 30.7 141
Show 23121+0853 J 670 193 2.2 143
Show 23198+1120 GWP3279 77 6.7 144
Show 23221+0635 UC 4933 266 38.0 145
Show 23136+0739 GWP3256 95 98.8 145
Show 23193+0639 J 3256 165 3.6 146
Show 23298+0737 FMR 237 271 3.1 146
Show 23147+1044 SKF2828 20 12.5 147
Show 23126+1002 GWP3254 332 86.3 148
Show 23288+1045 SKF1873 211 18.9 150
Show 23159+0656 NSN 766 69 4.6 151
Show 23131+1025 BRT3230 313 4.1 152

WDS 23216+0859 : COMPONENTS
B pa=313.4°
23216+0859 A
Coord arcsec 2000 232140.32+085931.1 Mag 11.4 PmRA 21.00 PmDE -34.0
Tycho2 1162-01290-1
Tycho2 1162-01290-1 Pflag RAmdeg 350.41797468 DEmdeg 8.99199606
PmRA 17.2 PmDE -32.6 E RAmdeg 81 E DEmdeg 89
E pmRA 2.6 E pmDE 2.5 EpRAm 1978.60 EpDEm 1973.19
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 2.8 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 2.8 BTmag 12.528 E BTmag 0.268 VTmag 11.491
E VTmag 0.130 Prox 999 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 350.41793583 DEdeg 8.99206611 EpRA 1990 1.73
EpDE 1990 1.62 E RAdeg 87.7 E DEdeg 101.3 Posflg
Corr 0.0
23216+0859 B
Coord arcsec 2000 232139.52+085942.2 Mag 12.2 PmRA 15.00 PmDE -37.0
Calc delta mag 0.8 Calc coord yes