23194-3512 BRT 1829

23h 19m 24.46s -35° 11' 42.9" P.A. 100.00 sep 3.8 mag 11.50,13.00
Coord 2000 23194-3512 Discov num BRT1829 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 19 24.46 -35 11 42.9
Date first 1912 Date last 2016 Obs 6
Pa first 98 Pa last 100.2 P.A. Now (θ) 100.2°
Sep first 4.6 Sep last 3.84 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.84"
Mag pri 11.50 Mag sec 13.00 delta mag (ΔM) 1.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -034 Sec motion ra +080
Pri motion dec +008 Sec motion dec -012
This double is not physical.
Constellation Sculptor Gaia DR2 6552105208573733120
WDS 23194-3512 BRT 1829 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 BRT Barton, S.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23194-3512 BRT1829 1999 2 99 3.9 11.50 13.00 D 231924.46-351142.9
23194-3512 BRT1829 2015 4 100 3.8 11.50 13.00 231924.46-351142.9
23194-3512 BRT1829 2016 6 100 3.8 11.50 13.00 231924.46-351142.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23194-3512 BRT 1829 : MEASURES
No records found.


23194-3512 BRT1829A mag 11.5 23194-3512 BRT1829B sep 3.2 P.A. 102.40 mag 13 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23194-3512 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 19m 24.46s -35° 11' 42.9"
WDS 23194-3512 BRT 1829 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23194-3512  BRT1829 distance=0' 23214-3442  RST3324 distance=39' 23177-3437  BRT1828 distance=40' 23179-3603  HJ 5391 distance=55' 23153-3543  SEE 480 distance=59' 23178-3625  SKF1655 distance=76' 23153-3406  JSP 848 distance=84' 23196-3640  COO 256 distance=89' 23197-3342  HDO 302 distance=90' 23167-3635  HDS3317 distance=90' 23261-3549  SEE 483 distance=90' 23108-3603  JSP 845 distance=117' 23288-3544  TOK 867 distance=119' 23098-3453  B   593 distance=120' 23113-3619  JSP 846 distance=120' 23135-3329  SKF1255 distance=126' 23203-3719  HDS3324 distance=129' 23160-3309  B   596 distance=130' 23092-3433  HJ 5383 distance=131' 23298-3550  PRO 244 distance=134' 23268-3659  B  1403 distance=140' 23105-3641  LDS5055 distance=141' 23090-3416  LDS5050 distance=142' 23166-3732  TDT3962 distance=145' 23234-3251  UC 4937 distance=150' 23302-3623  B  1404 distance=150' 23210-3741  HJ 5395 distance=151' 23071-3500  RST3318 distance=153' 23155-3742  RST2214 distance=159' 23180-3751  TDT3971 distance=161' 23276-3308  SWR 271 distance=161' 23302-3338  TDT4070 distance=164' 23172-3229  JSP 849 distance=165' 23176-3227  JSP 850 distance=167' 23332-3528  SKF1257 distance=170' 23059-3551  WDK   4 distance=170' 23306-3657  HDS3348 distance=172' 23335-3547  RSS 579 distance=175' 23256-3234  KPP2567 distance=176' 23338-3531  UC 4984 distance=177' 23305-3318  SKF 158 distance=179' 23341-3511  BRT3371 distance=181' 23098-3254  KPP1984 distance=183' 23339-3431  SEE 490AB distance=183' 23339-3431  SEE 490AC distance=183' 23311-3317  SEE 487 distance=185' 23338-3616  SEE 489 distance=187' 23102-3242  SKF1654 distance=189' 23269-3227  UC 4952 distance=190' 23249-3810  B   600 distance=190' 23078-3721  B   589 distance=191' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23194-3512 BRT1829 100 3.8 0
Show 23214-3442 RST3324 67 1.3 39
Show 23177-3437 BRT1828 140 2.8 40
Show 23179-3603 HJ 5391 338 14.7 55
Show 23153-3543 SEE 480 279 0.9 59
Show 23178-3625 SKF1655 23 26.6 76
Show 23153-3406 JSP 848 252 1.5 84
Show 23196-3640 COO 256 59 2.3 89
Show 23197-3342 HDO 302 306 40.5 90
Show 23167-3635 HDS3317 267 1.8 90
Show 23261-3549 SEE 483 296 2.2 90
Show 23108-3603 JSP 845 212 2.4 117
Show 23288-3544 TOK 867 339 1.6 119
Show 23098-3453 B 593 334 1.1 120
Show 23113-3619 JSP 846 337 2.1 120
Show 23135-3329 SKF1255 240 16.4 126
Show 23203-3719 HDS3324 318 0.2 129
Show 23160-3309 B 596 20 1.7 130
Show 23092-3433 HJ 5383 155 10.5 131
Show 23298-3550 PRO 244 324 3.0 134
Show 23268-3659 B 1403 177 1.1 140
Show 23105-3641 LDS5055 185 21.1 141
Show 23090-3416 LDS5050 258 133.1 142
Show 23166-3732 TDT3962 214 0.4 145
Show 23234-3251 UC 4937 127 17.5 150
Show 23302-3623 B 1404 15 0.6 150
Show 23210-3741 HJ 5395 225 3.4 151
Show 23071-3500 RST3318 281 0.8 153
Show 23155-3742 RST2214 28 1.5 159
Show 23180-3751 TDT3971 127 1.0 161
Show 23276-3308 SWR 271 93 6.3 161
Show 23302-3338 TDT4070 228 1.1 164
Show 23172-3229 JSP 849 140 1.4 165
Show 23176-3227 JSP 850 163 0.6 167
Show 23332-3528 SKF1257 5 8.2 170
Show 23059-3551 WDK 4 267 0.1 170
Show 23306-3657 HDS3348 283 0.6 172
Show 23335-3547 RSS 579 109 44.0 175
Show 23256-3234 KPP2567 25 23.2 176
Show 23338-3531 UC 4984 350 32.2 177
Show 23305-3318 SKF 158 312 4.1 179
Show 23341-3511 BRT3371 251 1.9 181
Show 23098-3254 KPP1984 95 15.7 183
Show 23339-3431 SEE 490 AB 227 8.6 183
Show 23339-3431 SEE 490 AC 340 22.4 183
Show 23311-3317 SEE 487 297 10.2 185
Show 23338-3616 SEE 489 145 20.1 187
Show 23102-3242 SKF1654 62 32.5 189
Show 23269-3227 UC 4952 271 29.4 190
Show 23249-3810 B 600 139 0.7 190
Show 23078-3721 B 589 152 2.1 191

WDS 23194-3512 : COMPONENTS
B pa=102.4°
23194-3512 A
Coord arcsec 2000 231924.46-351142.9 Mag 11.5 PmRA -34.00 PmDE 8.0
DM CD-3515738
23194-3512 B
Coord arcsec 2000 231924.71-351143.6 Mag 13 PmRA 80.00 PmDE -12.0
Calc delta mag 1.5 Calc coord yes