23143-4920 CPO 635

23h 14m 16.28s -49° 20' 36.2" P.A. 48.00 sep 3.4 mag 11.60,12.40 Sp G0
Coord 2000 23143-4920 Discov num CPO 635 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 14 16.28 -49 20 36.2
Date first 1903 Date last 2016 Obs 7
Pa first 40 Pa last 47.8 P.A. Now (θ) 47.8°
Sep first 2.9 Sep last 3.398 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.398"
Mag pri 11.60 Mag sec 12.40 delta mag (ΔM) 0.8 Spectral class G0 (yellow)
Pri motion ra -015 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -030 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Grus Tycho2 8451-00185-1 Gaia DR2 6502903609420633600
WDS 23143-4920 CPO 635 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 CPO Cape Observatory
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23143-4920 CPO 635 1903 1 40 2.9 11.60 12.40 G0 231418.00-502020.0
23143-4920 CPO 635 2000 3 47 3.4 11.60 12.40 G0 231416.28-492036.2
23143-4920 CPO 635 2015 5 48 3.4 11.60 12.40 G0 231416.28-492036.2
23143-4920 CPO 635 2016 7 48 3.4 11.60 12.40 G0 231416.28-492036.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23143-4920 CPO 635 : MEASURES
No records found.


23143-4920 CPO 635A mag 11.6 Sp G0 23143-4920 CPO 635B sep 2.8 P.A. 35.70 mag 12.4 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23143-4920 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 14m 16.28s -49° 20' 36.2"
WDS 23143-4920 CPO 635 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23143-4920  CPO 635 distance=0' 23133-4937  I  1467 distance=20' 23163-4918  UC 4912 distance=21' 23100-4921  UC 4898 distance=43' 23147-4835  SKF1187 distance=47' 23186-4858  RSS 576 distance=48' 23121-5006  BRT1131 distance=51' 23209-4927  RST1164 distance=65' 23103-5016  BVD 157 distance=68' 23136-5044  KPP4306 distance=84' 23208-5018  RST5560AB distance=86' 23208-5018  DUN 248AB,C distance=86' 23128-5049  JNN 327 distance=90' 23238-5009  TDT4018 distance=105' 23072-5041  DUN 246 distance=106' 23227-5029  TDT4007 distance=107' 23083-4751  B   591 distance=108' 23226-4806  I  1469 distance=112' 23136-4727  BRT1132 distance=114' 23081-5058  KPP2197 distance=115' 23193-5105  B  1401 distance=116' 23064-4747  HU 1547 distance=123' 23203-5109  TDT3989 distance=123' 23087-4730  UC 4893 distance=124' 23008-4927  SKF1183 distance=132' 23009-4856  UC 4868 distance=134' 23252-4757  TOI 319 distance=137' 23272-5017  DUN 250 distance=138' 23154-4704  I  1468 distance=138' 23129-5141  BVD 158 distance=142' 23278-5021  I  1059 distance=145' 22595-4905  I  1461BD distance=146' 23050-5121  HJ 5382 distance=150' 23104-4653  CPO  97 distance=153' 23207-5147  TDT3991 distance=160' 23226-4700  HJ 5396 distance=164' 23221-4656  RST1165 distance=165' 23032-4715  TOK 681AB distance=168' 23032-4715  TOK 681BC distance=168' 23234-4657  RST1167 distance=171' 23017-5128  B  2507 distance=176' 22568-5006  RST1151 distance=176' 23162-4626  SKF1188 distance=176' 22573-4826  KPP 844 distance=177' 23324-4913  UC 4979 distance=178' 23053-4649  LDS6389 distance=178' 23036-4651  WSI 139 distance=185' 23224-4636  CPO 637AC distance=185' 23224-4636  TOK 705AB distance=185' 22595-5119  KPP2493 distance=185' 23307-5056  UC 4972 distance=185' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23143-4920 CPO 635 48 3.4 0
Show 23133-4937 I 1467 322 0.1 20
Show 23163-4918 UC 4912 87 25.6 21
Show 23100-4921 UC 4898 308 51.5 43
Show 23147-4835 SKF1187 338 161.1 47
Show 23186-4858 RSS 576 112 8.9 48
Show 23121-5006 BRT1131 193 3.3 51
Show 23209-4927 RST1164 226 1.3 65
Show 23103-5016 BVD 157 18 53.7 68
Show 23136-5044 KPP4306 324 1.6 84
Show 23208-5018 RST5560 AB 232 1.3 86
Show 23208-5018 DUN 248 AB,C 212 17.0 86
Show 23128-5049 JNN 327 71 0.4 90
Show 23238-5009 TDT4018 245 0.5 105
Show 23072-5041 DUN 246 254 8.9 106
Show 23227-5029 TDT4007 7 0.7 107
Show 23083-4751 B 591 253 1.5 108
Show 23226-4806 I 1469 308 0.3 112
Show 23136-4727 BRT1132 14 4.2 114
Show 23081-5058 KPP2197 2 18.2 115
Show 23193-5105 B 1401 308 0.7 116
Show 23064-4747 HU 1547 155 2.8 123
Show 23203-5109 TDT3989 168 1.9 123
Show 23087-4730 UC 4893 247 15.0 124
Show 23008-4927 SKF1183 109 11.9 132
Show 23009-4856 UC 4868 206 66.1 134
Show 23252-4757 TOI 319 76 0.1 137
Show 23272-5017 DUN 250 83 28.3 138
Show 23154-4704 I 1468 217 1.3 138
Show 23129-5141 BVD 158 166 37.7 142
Show 23278-5021 I 1059 180 1.3 145
Show 22595-4905 I 1461 BD 253 2.3 146
Show 23050-5121 HJ 5382 51 7.6 150
Show 23104-4653 CPO 97 135 4.1 153
Show 23207-5147 TDT3991 152 0.7 160
Show 23226-4700 HJ 5396 146 12.2 164
Show 23221-4656 RST1165 336 1.8 165
Show 23032-4715 TOK 681 AB 322 6.4 168
Show 23032-4715 TOK 681 BC 260 0.9 168
Show 23234-4657 RST1167 343 2.8 171
Show 23017-5128 B 2507 341 7.8 176
Show 22568-5006 RST1151 76 1.4 176
Show 23162-4626 SKF1188 114 28.2 176
Show 22573-4826 KPP 844 163 7.2 177
Show 23324-4913 UC 4979 14 26.7 178
Show 23053-4649 LDS6389 4 56.9 178
Show 23036-4651 WSI 139 156 0.3 185
Show 23224-4636 CPO 637 AC 149 38.4 185
Show 23224-4636 TOK 705 AB 49 1.1 185
Show 22595-5119 KPP2493 255 22.3 185
Show 23307-5056 UC 4972 113 22.8 185

WDS 23143-4920 : COMPONENTS
B pa=35.7°
23143-4920 A
Coord arcsec 2000 231416.28-492036.2 Mag 11.6 Spectral class G0 (yellow) PmRA -15.00
PmDE -30.0 Tycho2 8451-00185-1
Tycho2 8451-00185-1 Pflag RAmdeg 348.56780763 DEmdeg -49.34342259
PmRA 3.2 PmDE -18.2 E RAmdeg 34 E DEmdeg 29
E pmRA 2.1 E pmDE 2.0 EpRAm 1988.69 EpDEm 1989.32
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 2.5 Q DEmdeg 2.6 Q pmRA 2.5
Q pmDE 2.6 BTmag 11.405 E BTmag 0.054 VTmag 10.875
E VTmag 0.051 Prox 244 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 348.56779639 DEdeg -49.34338111 EpRA 1990 1.76
EpDE 1990 1.79 E RAdeg 34.7 E DEdeg 29.2 Posflg
Corr -0.1
23143-4920 B
Coord arcsec 2000 231416.45-492033.9 Mag 12.4 Calc delta mag 0.8 Calc coord yes