23139+2204 GRV 653

23h 13m 54.12s +22° 04' 23.8" P.A. 176.00 sep 69.1 mag 11.03,13.62
Coord 2000 23139+2204 Discov num GRV 653 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 23 13 54.12 +22 04 23.8
Date first 1895 Date last 2015 Obs 8
Pa first 176 Pa last 176.4 P.A. Now (θ) 176.4°
Sep first 68.4 Sep last 69.051 Sep. Now (ρ) 69.051"
Mag pri 11.03 Mag sec 13.62 delta mag (ΔM) 2.59 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -014 Sec motion ra -007
Pri motion dec -008 Sec motion dec -017
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Pegasus Tycho2 1718-02144-1 Gaia DR2 2838584743952864512
WDS 23139+2204 GRV 653 : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 GRV Greaves, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23139+2204 GRV 653 2000 3 176 69.0 10.80 13.20 D 231354.12+220423.8
23139+2204 GRV 653 2001 5 176 68.9 10.80 13.20 D 231354.12+220423.8
23139+2204 GRV 653 2010 4 176 69.0 11.03 13.62 231354.12+220423.8
23139+2204 GRV 653 2015 5 176 69.1 11.03 13.62 231354.12+220423.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23139+2204 GRV 653 : MEASURES
No records found.


23139+2204 GRV 653A mag 11.03 23139+2204 GRV 653B sep 69.0 P.A. 176.70 mag 13.62 virtual eyepiece
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Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23139+2204 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 13m 54.12s +22° 04' 23.8"
WDS 23139+2204 GRV 653 : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23139+2204  GRV 653 distance=1' 23136+2207  BRT2511 distance=5' 23133+2205  STF2990AB distance=9' 23133+2205  ZUL   2AC distance=9' 23130+2218  AZC 127 distance=20' 23161+2211  MET  98AB distance=31' 23161+2211  MET  98AC distance=31' 23108+2201  SLW1304 distance=43' 23121+2245  MET  96 distance=49' 23170+2125  STF2997 distance=59' 23123+2319  SLW1307 distance=79' 23083+2207  HJ  979 distance=79' 23077+2223  AZC 125 distance=88' 23171+2045  BRT2512 distance=91' 23188+2309  STJ  42 distance=93' 23208+2158  STT 494 distance=97' 23110+2332  CVR 978 distance=98' 23145+2027  HJ  982AB distance=99' 23145+2027  HJ  982AC distance=99' 23119+2339  POU5788 distance=99' 23130+2345  MET  97AB distance=102' 23130+2345  GII 303Aa,Ab distance=102' 23211+2148  UC  286 distance=103' 23075+2108  LWR  19AB distance=106' 23075+2108  LWR  19AC distance=106' 23075+2108  CLO  11AD distance=106' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ab distance=106' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ac distance=106' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ad distance=106' 23075+2108  MAR   1Aa,Ae distance=106' 23119+2350  TDT3929 distance=110' 23097+2331  POU5782 distance=113' 23097+2343  POU5783 distance=114' 23115+2356  POU5787 distance=116' 23126+2401  POU5790 distance=118' 23228+2208  GIC 191 distance=124' 23132+1959  STF2989 distance=126' 23074+2035  STT 488 distance=128' 23172+2004  KPP1024 distance=129' 23140+2414  HO  299 distance=130' 23130+2414  TDT3938 distance=131' 23232+2139  UC 4935 distance=132' 23172+2410  AZC 128 distance=134' 23074+2347  POU5778 distance=138' 23225+2316  TDT4004 distance=140' 23147+2424  POU5793 distance=141' 23045+2112  LDS5043 distance=141' 23198+2359  POU5800 distance=142' 23096+2416  HO  620 distance=145' 23221+2334  WIS 381 distance=145' 23228+2322  FYM 333BC distance=146' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23139+2204 GRV 653 176 69.1 1
Show 23136+2207 BRT2511 163 4.2 5
Show 23133+2205 STF2990 AB 56 2.6 9
Show 23133+2205 ZUL 2 AC 301 32.1 9
Show 23130+2218 AZC 127 358 24.0 20
Show 23161+2211 MET 98 AB 130 8.9 31
Show 23161+2211 MET 98 AC 306 9.8 31
Show 23108+2201 SLW1304 168 96.1 43
Show 23121+2245 MET 96 29 2.9 49
Show 23170+2125 STF2997 222 24.8 59
Show 23123+2319 SLW1307 127 11.4 79
Show 23083+2207 HJ 979 218 18.4 79
Show 23077+2223 AZC 125 49 42.1 88
Show 23171+2045 BRT2512 351 3.7 91
Show 23188+2309 STJ 42 14 0.8 93
Show 23208+2158 STT 494 82 3.3 97
Show 23110+2332 CVR 978 246 22.1 98
Show 23145+2027 HJ 982 AB 172 39.6 99
Show 23145+2027 HJ 982 AC 217 46.5 99
Show 23119+2339 POU5788 284 12.2 99
Show 23130+2345 MET 97 AB 54 1.4 102
Show 23130+2345 GII 303 Aa,Ab 179 0.1 102
Show 23211+2148 UC 286 293 69.8 103
Show 23075+2108 LWR 19 AB 13 14.2 106
Show 23075+2108 LWR 19 AC 116 14.9 106
Show 23075+2108 CLO 11 AD 224 240.0 106
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ab 67 1.7 106
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ac 329 0.9 106
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ad 221 0.7 106
Show 23075+2108 MAR 1 Aa,Ae 272 0.4 106
Show 23119+2350 TDT3929 178 0.4 110
Show 23097+2331 POU5782 300 18.0 113
Show 23097+2343 POU5783 295 11.4 114
Show 23115+2356 POU5787 33 19.0 116
Show 23126+2401 POU5790 323 10.1 118
Show 23228+2208 GIC 191 254 999.9 124
Show 23132+1959 STF2989 143 1.8 126
Show 23074+2035 STT 488 335 14.9 128
Show 23172+2004 KPP1024 54 8.2 129
Show 23140+2414 HO 299 72 1.1 130
Show 23130+2414 TDT3938 221 0.4 131
Show 23232+2139 UC 4935 263 4.8 132
Show 23172+2410 AZC 128 218 21.0 134
Show 23074+2347 POU5778 358 7.3 138
Show 23225+2316 TDT4004 345 7.3 140
Show 23147+2424 POU5793 343 18.0 141
Show 23045+2112 LDS5043 135 15.2 141
Show 23198+2359 POU5800 140 14.6 142
Show 23096+2416 HO 620 103 8.4 145
Show 23221+2334 WIS 381 343 349.1 145
Show 23228+2322 FYM 333 BC 120 11.5 146

WDS 23139+2204 : COMPONENTS
B pa=176.7°
23139+2204 A
Coord arcsec 2000 231354.12+220423.8 Mag 11.03 PmRA -14.00 PmDE -8.0
Tycho2 1718-02144-1
Tycho2 1718-02144-1 Pflag RAmdeg 348.47548667 DEmdeg 22.07328151
PmRA -12.1 PmDE -9.0 E RAmdeg 30 E DEmdeg 30
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.5 EpRAm 1984.14 EpDEm 1983.03
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 1.2 Q DEmdeg 1.0 Q pmRA 1.3
Q pmDE 1.1 BTmag 11.779 E BTmag 0.063 VTmag 11.169
E VTmag 0.062 Prox 999 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 348.47551167 DEdeg 22.07330056 EpRA 1990 1.72
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 37.7 E DEdeg 40.8 Posflg
Corr -0.4
23139+2204 B
Coord arcsec 2000 231354.41+220314.9 Mag 13.62 PmRA -7.00 PmDE -17.0
Calc delta mag 2.59 Calc coord yes