23088-2119 ARA 1596 AB (HD 218521)

23h 08m 48.45s -21° 18' 43.5" P.A. 273.00 sep 10.4 mag 10.33,11.48 Sp F8/G0V
Coord 2000 23088-2119 Discov num ARA1596 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 23 08 48.45 -21 18 43.5
Date first 1920 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 271 Pa last 272.9 P.A. Now (θ) 272.9°
Sep first 9.8 Sep last 10.403 Sep. Now (ρ) 10.403"
Mag pri 10.33 Mag sec 11.48 delta mag (ΔM) 1.15 Spectral class F8/G0V (yellow-white)
Pri motion ra +048 Sec motion ra +035
Pri motion dec +014 Sec motion dec +019
Notes W
rPM=0.279 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is physical.
Name HD 218521 Constellation Aquarius Tycho2 6401-00362-1 HD 218521
WDS 23088-2119 ARA 1596 AB (HD 218521) : NOTES
No records found.

idgroup discov author
1 ARA Aravamudan, S.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23088-2119 ARA1596 AB 2015 9 273 10.4 10.33 11.48 F8/G0V W 230848.45-211843.5
23088-2119 ARA1596 AB 2016 10 273 10.4 10.33 11.48 F8/G0V W 230848.45-211843.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 23088-2119 ARA 1596 AB (HD 218521) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 23088-2119 (HD 218521) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

23088-2119 ARA1596A mag 10.33 Sp F8/G0V 23088-2119 ARA1596B sep 9.7 P.A. 273.10 mag 11.48 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 23088-2119 (HD 218521) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 23h 08m 48.45s -21° 18' 43.5"
WDS 23088-2119 ARA 1596 AB (HD 218521) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

23088-2119  ARA1596AB distance=0' 23099-2057  LDS5052 distance=27' 23078-2042  HJ 3169 distance=44' 23095-2202  KPP2637 distance=45' 23120-2120  LDS6012 distance=46' 23064-2152  HJ 3166 distance=47' 23076-2204  LDS6006 distance=49' 23050-2124  LDS6000 distance=53' 23074-2211  BRT1575 distance=55' 23065-2217  TDT3886 distance=67' 23128-2156  HLD 170 distance=67' 23099-2227  RST3320 distance=71' 23141-2107  HJ 3178 distance=75' 23064-2227  ARA1946 distance=76' 23099-1951  HJ 3173 distance=89' 23145-2026  TDT3948 distance=96' 23147-2026  CVR 981 distance=99' 23020-2151  B  1018 distance=100' 23102-1926  LDS2969 distance=113' 23152-2009  DON1121 distance=114' 23071-2310  LDS5047 distance=114' 23163-2031  CVR1714 distance=115' 23064-2310  UC 4882 distance=117' 23125-2303  LDS2971 distance=118' 23058-1926  LDS2966 distance=122' 23009-2216  BU  179 distance=125' 23142-1938  LDS5060AB distance=127' 23045-1921  UC 4874 distance=133' 23034-1929  B   585 distance=134' 23185-2122  LDS6024 distance=135' 22596-2206  UC 4857 distance=136' 23181-2034  CVR1715 distance=138' 23131-2324  UC 4903 distance=139' 23034-1919  UC 4871 distance=142' 23174-2242  UC 4919 distance=147' 23004-1951  ARA1246 distance=147' 23171-2252  BRT1576 distance=149' 23067-2345  HDS3293Aa,Ab distance=149' 23067-2345  B   588AB distance=149' 23103-1850  GWP3246 distance=151' 23151-1912  GWP3259 distance=155' 23127-1850  RST3321 distance=159' 23125-2349  HDS3306 distance=159' 23186-2243  TDT3975 distance=161' 23017-1910  ZIE  17 distance=164' 22579-1950  UC 4852 distance=177' 22579-2250  RST4115 distance=178' 23131-2406  SEE 479 distance=178' 22583-2300  LDS5995 distance=178' 22577-1953  BRT1574 distance=179' 23052-1822  B  1898 distance=185' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 23088-2119 ARA1596 AB 273 10.4 0
Show 23099-2057 LDS5052 25 49.9 27
Show 23078-2042 HJ 3169 222 11.3 44
Show 23095-2202 KPP2637 112 24.5 45
Show 23120-2120 LDS6012 21 88.8 46
Show 23064-2152 HJ 3166 138 7.8 47
Show 23076-2204 LDS6006 319 15.6 49
Show 23050-2124 LDS6000 272 380.0 53
Show 23074-2211 BRT1575 345 3.4 55
Show 23065-2217 TDT3886 255 1.4 67
Show 23128-2156 HLD 170 313 1.0 67
Show 23099-2227 RST3320 92 0.2 71
Show 23141-2107 HJ 3178 148 20.0 75
Show 23064-2227 ARA1946 227 9.6 76
Show 23099-1951 HJ 3173 232 13.1 89
Show 23145-2026 TDT3948 142 0.7 96
Show 23147-2026 CVR 981 63 12.7 99
Show 23020-2151 B 1018 23 6.2 100
Show 23102-1926 LDS2969 148 3.1 113
Show 23152-2009 DON1121 119 9.6 114
Show 23071-2310 LDS5047 48 151.1 114
Show 23163-2031 CVR1714 125 4.0 115
Show 23064-2310 UC 4882 189 16.3 117
Show 23125-2303 LDS2971 270 3.4 118
Show 23058-1926 LDS2966 226 3.4 122
Show 23009-2216 BU 179 116 13.3 125
Show 23142-1938 LDS5060 AB 198 7.2 127
Show 23045-1921 UC 4874 327 29.2 133
Show 23034-1929 B 585 338 1.9 134
Show 23185-2122 LDS6024 77 289.1 135
Show 22596-2206 UC 4857 325 39.0 136
Show 23181-2034 CVR1715 142 3.5 138
Show 23131-2324 UC 4903 132 15.5 139
Show 23034-1919 UC 4871 336 18.1 142
Show 23174-2242 UC 4919 183 8.2 147
Show 23004-1951 ARA1246 187 6.4 147
Show 23171-2252 BRT1576 169 4.5 149
Show 23067-2345 HDS3293 Aa,Ab 20 0.2 149
Show 23067-2345 B 588 AB 83 2.9 149
Show 23103-1850 GWP3246 359 98.0 151
Show 23151-1912 GWP3259 24 5.5 155
Show 23127-1850 RST3321 65 1.9 159
Show 23125-2349 HDS3306 79 0.2 159
Show 23186-2243 TDT3975 286 7.3 161
Show 23017-1910 ZIE 17 29 4.5 164
Show 22579-1950 UC 4852 106 54.0 177
Show 22579-2250 RST4115 43 13.8 178
Show 23131-2406 SEE 479 54 12.1 178
Show 22583-2300 LDS5995 312 16.4 178
Show 22577-1953 BRT1574 359 4.1 179
Show 23052-1822 B 1898 231 0.2 185

WDS 23088-2119 : COMPONENTS
B pa=273.1°
23088-2119 A
Name HD 218521 Coord arcsec 2000 230848.45-211843.5 Mag 10.33 Spectral class F8/G0V (yellow-white)
PmRA 48.00 PmDE 14.0 Tycho2 6401-00362-1 HD 218521
Tycho2 6401-00362-1 Pflag RAmdeg 347.20185850 DEmdeg -21.31209991
PmRA 47.2 PmDE 12.0 E RAmdeg 24 E DEmdeg 26
E pmRA 1.8 E pmDE 1.8 EpRAm 1984.84 EpDEm 1982.40
Num 5 Q RAmdeg 1.5 Q DEmdeg 1.5 Q pmRA 1.5
Q pmDE 1.6 BTmag 10.983 E BTmag 0.057 VTmag 10.331
E VTmag 0.043 Prox 58 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 347.20174333 DEdeg -21.31212444 EpRA 1990 1.78
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 28.0 E DEdeg 32.9 Posflg
Corr -0.2
23088-2119 B
Coord arcsec 2000 230847.76-211843.0 Mag 11.48 PmRA 35.00 PmDE 19.0
Tycho2 6401-00362-2 Calc delta mag 1.15 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 6401-00362-2 Pflag RAmdeg 347.20038353 DEmdeg -21.31158688
PmRA 111.8 PmDE 30.2 E RAmdeg 100 E DEmdeg 115
E pmRA 3.0 E pmDE 3.3 EpRAm 1968.79 EpDEm 1964.11
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 0.4 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 0.4
Q pmDE 1.2 BTmag 12.026 E BTmag 0.147 VTmag 11.475
E VTmag 0.121 Prox 58 TYC HIP
CCDM RAdeg 347.20010944 DEdeg -21.31165694 EpRA 1990 1.79
EpDE 1990 1.64 E RAdeg 121.7 E DEdeg 147.1 Posflg
Corr -0.2