00152+2454 GIC 4

00h 15m 11.83s +24° 54' 51.5" P.A. 146.00 sep 999.9 mag 14.45,13.83 Sp K
Coord 2000 00152+2454 Discov num GIC   4 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 00 15 11.83 +24 54 51.5
Date first 1961 Date last 2001 Obs 3
Pa first 146 Pa last 145.8 P.A. Now (θ) 145.8°
Sep first 999.9 Sep last 2469.6 Sep. Now (ρ) 2469.6"
Mag pri 14.45 Mag sec 13.83 delta mag (ΔM) 0.62 Spectral class K (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -112 Sec motion ra -122
Pri motion dec -197 Sec motion dec -223
Notes N U (See Notes, Proper motion indicates non-physical)
rPM=0.11 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is not physical.
Constellation Andromeda Gaia DR2 2849487947928881024
WDS 00152+2454 GIC 4 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
GIC 4 G130-059/G130-060.
idgroup discov author
1 GIC Giclas, H., Burnham, R. & Thomas, N.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00152+2454 GIC 4 1961 1 146 999.9 14.48 13.64 N 001511.82+245451.3
00152+2454 GIC 4 1997 2 146 999.9 14.04 13.56 N 001511.83+245451.5
00152+2454 GIC 4 2001 3 146 999.9 14.04 13.56 N D 001511.83+245451.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 00152+2454 GIC 4 : MEASURES
No records found.


00152+2454 GIC   4A mag 14.45 Sp K 00152+2454 GIC   4B sep 2400.9 P.A. 148.40 mag 13.83 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 00152+2454 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 00h 15m 11.83s +24° 54' 51.5"
Primaries only

00152+2454  GIC   4 distance=0' 00146+2508  POU  13 distance=16' 00140+2507  POU  10 distance=22' 00148+2432  TDS1356 distance=24' 00170+2444  POU  16 distance=27' 00166+2434  HU  405 distance=29' 00159+2526  POU  14 distance=34' 00140+2527  POU  11 distance=37' 00166+2414  POU  15 distance=44' 00145+2409  POU  12 distance=46' 00185+2503  POU  17 distance=46' 00119+2524  KPP   2 distance=53' 00115+2521  KPP  50 distance=57' 00160+2551  BUP   4 distance=57' 00119+2531  POU   8 distance=59' 00132+2402  POU   9 distance=60' 00110+2513  POU   7 distance=61' 00196+2512  POU  18 distance=62' 00200+2443  POU  19 distance=67' 00187+2545  HJ 1015AB distance=70' 00187+2545  HJ 1015AC distance=70' 00099+2449  POU   4 distance=73' 00104+2404  KPP1515 distance=83' 00093+2517  FYM 132CD distance=83' 00093+2517  GIC   2AB distance=84' 00093+2517  FYM 132AC distance=84' 00185+2608  STF  24 distance=87' 00216+2501  POU  20 distance=87' 00102+2400  POU   5 distance=88' 00083+2451  POU   3 distance=93' 00220+2445  POU  22 distance=93' 00098+2356  LDS3131 distance=95' 00213+2541  COU 348 distance=95' 00108+2337  POU   6 distance=100' 00177+2630  BUP   5AB distance=100' 00177+2630  BUP   5AC distance=100' 00218+2411  POU  21 distance=101' 00177+2630  BUP   5CD distance=102' 00099+2341  GRV  11 distance=103' 00227+2508  POU  23 distance=103' 00227+2434  HJL1003 distance=105' 00077+2519  POU   2 distance=105' 00148+2640  MLB 592 distance=105' 00204+2617  CHE   6 distance=108' 00081+2547  LDS3125 distance=110' 00156+2305  TDS   8 distance=111' 00174+2306  COU 146 distance=114' 00090+2339  HU  402 distance=115' 00195+2634  CHE   3AB distance=116' 00195+2634  CHE   3AC distance=116' 00199+2633  CHE   4 distance=118' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 00152+2454 GIC 4 146 999.9 0
Show 00146+2508 POU 13 230 8.0 16
Show 00140+2507 POU 10 185 6.7 22
Show 00148+2432 TDS1356 281 0.6 24
Show 00170+2444 POU 16 99 14.1 27
Show 00166+2434 HU 405 295 1.2 29
Show 00159+2526 POU 14 117 15.2 34
Show 00140+2527 POU 11 305 6.1 37
Show 00166+2414 POU 15 25 2.9 44
Show 00145+2409 POU 12 245 13.1 46
Show 00185+2503 POU 17 163 7.9 46
Show 00119+2524 KPP 2 56 5.3 53
Show 00115+2521 KPP 50 177 3.9 57
Show 00160+2551 BUP 4 306 129.1 57
Show 00119+2531 POU 8 278 22.3 59
Show 00132+2402 POU 9 59 6.1 60
Show 00110+2513 POU 7 193 6.3 61
Show 00196+2512 POU 18 247 5.4 62
Show 00200+2443 POU 19 351 2.5 67
Show 00187+2545 HJ 1015 AB 286 5.4 70
Show 00187+2545 HJ 1015 AC 252 28.0 70
Show 00099+2449 POU 4 298 5.9 73
Show 00104+2404 KPP1515 224 11.4 83
Show 00093+2517 FYM 132 CD 68 10.3 83
Show 00093+2517 GIC 2 AB 236 29.7 84
Show 00093+2517 FYM 132 AC 162 62.5 84
Show 00185+2608 STF 24 247 5.0 87
Show 00216+2501 POU 20 205 9.2 87
Show 00102+2400 POU 5 91 10.6 88
Show 00083+2451 POU 3 287 9.4 93
Show 00220+2445 POU 22 229 3.4 93
Show 00098+2356 LDS3131 265 15.8 95
Show 00213+2541 COU 348 97 0.7 95
Show 00108+2337 POU 6 305 6.6 100
Show 00177+2630 BUP 5 AB 201 77.5 100
Show 00177+2630 BUP 5 AC 358 140.7 100
Show 00218+2411 POU 21 35 3.3 101
Show 00177+2630 BUP 5 CD 221 96.2 102
Show 00099+2341 GRV 11 314 37.2 103
Show 00227+2508 POU 23 339 4.8 103
Show 00227+2434 HJL1003 252 74.3 105
Show 00077+2519 POU 2 283 9.5 105
Show 00148+2640 MLB 592 242 2.6 105
Show 00204+2617 CHE 6 184 12.1 108
Show 00081+2547 LDS3125 253 61.8 110
Show 00156+2305 TDS 8 358 2.1 111
Show 00174+2306 COU 146 91 1.1 114
Show 00090+2339 HU 402 67 0.6 115
Show 00195+2634 CHE 3 AB 62 16.5 116
Show 00195+2634 CHE 3 AC 22 29.0 116
Show 00199+2633 CHE 4 204 4.2 118

WDS 00152+2454 : COMPONENTS
B pa=148.4°
00152+2454 A
Coord arcsec 2000 001511.83+245451.5 Mag 14.45 Spectral class K (yellow-orange) PmRA -112.00
PmDE -197.0
00152+2454 B
Coord arcsec 2000 001644.37+242048.9 Mag 13.83 PmRA -122.00 PmDE -223.0
Calc delta mag 0.62 Calc coord yes