WDS 20196+2727 MLB 610 AB (HD 193488) : NOTES
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idgroup discov author
1 MLB Milburn, W. (Espin, T.E.)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20196+2727 MLB 610 AB 1929 1 308 6.0 8.33 8.80 201934.31+272529.8
20196+2727 MLB 610 AB 1998 6 26 62.9 8.33 11.28 D 201934.31+272529.8
20196+2727 MLB 610 AB 2002 7 26 63.1 8.33 11.28 D 201934.31+272529.8
20196+2727 MLB 610 AB 2013 8 26 62.7 8.33 11.28 201934.31+272529.8
20196+2727 MLB 610 AB 2015 9 26 63.3 8.33 11.28 F6IV 201934.31+272529.8

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