WDS 01445+3957 STF 149 (HD 10629) : NOTES
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idgroup discov author
1 STF (F. Struve DD - Appendix list #1)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
01445+3957 STF 149 2001 40 86 1.4 8.15 9.30 F5 D 014430.83+395731.1
01445+3957 STF 149 2007 41 83 1.5 8.15 9.30 F5 D 014430.83+395731.1
01445+3957 STF 149 2013 42 82 1.4 8.15 9.30 F5 014430.83+395731.1
01445+3957 STF 149 2015 43 81 1.4 8.15 9.30 F5 014430.83+395731.1
01445+3957 STF 149 2018 45 81 1.4 8.15 9.30 F5 014430.83+395731.1

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