WDS 00410+3257 SEI 8 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SEI 8 Listed in ADS as both #565 and #580 (00420+3304POT 8)
idgroup discov author
1 SEI Scheiner, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
00410+3257 SEI 8 2004 8 272 4.9 11.68 12.00 N D 004054.76+325720.5
00410+3257 SEI 8 2015 10 272 4.9 11.68 12.00 N 004054.76+325720.5
00410+3257 SEI 8 2016 11 272 4.9 11.68 12.00 N 004054.76+325720.5

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